The series revolves around the issue of marital infidelity and the secrets of the human psyche through three women (a doctor, a lawyer, and an employee), as the pace of events escalates due to the...Read more disputes between the lawyer and her interior designer husband, especially after she accuses him of infidelity, with the relationships among all parties becoming intertwined.
It follows two brothers, Amir and Wissam, who have been separated by fate since childhood. Amir grows up to become a police officer, who infiltrates a gang as part of a secret operation. While Wissam,...Read more who was kidnapped when he was a child, grows up to become part of the same gang. Unbeknownst to them, the two brothers work together and their fates are intertwined.
Nadine works as a data analyst and goes for a job interview, unaware that this interview will turn her life upside down, and events unfold.
Ibrahim lives in a world of his imagination; however, when he finds himself in a difficult situation, he decides to change his life with the help of his young neighbor, Ali.
After they have discovered the secret of the mansion and that they are cousins, Bino and Karakiri embark on a new scary journey, after accepting an invitation to a hotel, full of supernatural...Read more encounters that are unlike anything they have encountered before.
The series revolves around the competition between the owners of different restaurants in a neighborhood. Moreover, we get a glimpse into the lives of those working in the cooking field and their...Read more secrets in food recipes.
It follows a young man who finds a secret basement that takes him back in time, through which he discovers a past that he knows nothing about, and his curiosity pushes him to live a double life in two...Read more different times.
Dr. Yehya is facing a lot of problems in his life, particularly since he stopped practicing martial arts and split up with his wife. His former martial arts coach, Tambi, reappears out of nowhere,...Read more attempting to get him back into the game.
As Nadim Abu Saree, who has exceptional abilities, starts working at a well-known law firm owned by Amani El Najjar, his journey becomes fraught with difficulties, and despite being exploited in...Read more numerous ways, his personality and pure heart always save him.
Media personality Hind Salem tries to fast-track her career by seeking to host a well-known figure; however, she gets involved in a big case that reveals a lot about her past and the existence of an...Read more old love story with this celebrity.