A French-Italian historical drama that follows the life of Alfred Dreyfus, a captain who was accused of treason and sentenced to life imprisonment, prompting him to reflect on his life and existence...Read more as he longs for liberty and salvation out of the dreaded Devil's Island prison.
Taking place in 1945, Leningrad, World War II destroys everything in the city. In the aftermath of severe losses, two women are trying to find hope and rebuild their lives.
With a criminal record that sends him to a detention center, a reformed Daniel has a spiritual transformation inside and decides to apply to the seminary once he is released. Only his crimes prevent...Read more him. But in a small town where no one knows him, why can't he minister the town's small parish?
Taking place in Mexico, a street gang of young people spending their days partying, singing, and dancing to cumbia music get in trouble with a local carter, prompting the leader of the gang to travel...Read more to the U.S., where his longing for his homeland is so strong to suppress.
A scam leaves Georgina desperately searching for her newborn daughter after the health clinic she delivered her in turns out to be a cover for kidnapping operations. As she seeks help from a major...Read more newspaper, the kind-hearted journalist Leo joins the efforts to find Georgina's daughter.
In a small Sudanese village, Sakina takes her newborn Muzamil to a holy man to bless him, but the joyful occasion turns into a funeral when the man predicts that the boy will die at twenty. Muzamil is...Read more forced to deal with people's pity his whole life. Can he escape such a tragic end?
The story follows the journey of Sam Ali, a young Syrian who was forced to flee from Syria to Lebanon to escape the Syrian war, hoping to go to Paris later to meet his girlfriend and search for a safe...Read more haven.
In search of a better life, a Korean American moves to Arkansas where they attempt to find their slice of the American dream on a small farm. But they do not account for the changes that will take...Read more over their lives when the grandmother arrives at their new farm.
The film follows the story of the Palestinian father Mustafa who finds out that his son had an accident, but he has to find a way to cross to the Israeli side of the separation wall to get to him.