Add/Update Information: Mahmoud Abu Zeid - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name محمود أبو زيد
    Person Name in English Mahmoud Abu Zeid
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Egypt
    gender male
    Date of Birth 1936-02-04
    Died on 2013-07-29
    Birth Country Egypt
    Birth City Al Qahirah
    Death Country Egypt
    Death City Al Qahirah
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    Tarek Sharkawy

    An Egyptian actor, born on February 4, 1936 in Shubra, Cairo. He started his acting career on stage, in plays like Paradise Hotel (1964). He also landed small roles in films like 30 Days in Jail (1966) and The Funny Thieves (1968). He worked in Mohamed Sobhy's acting troupe for the better part of his career, starring alongside Sobhy in successful plays like Mother America and The Lady's Puppet. He also starred in Sobhy's TV series Wanis's Daily Life in its six seasons. He died on July 29, 2013.


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Al A'ar
    2) Al-Mosafer Guest Actor
    3) Goz Mama
    4) Haramt Ya Baba 2 Guest Actor
    5) Ragel w Set Setat 6
    6) Wanis W Ayaamoh 7
    7) Tamer wa Shawqeya 4
    8) Yawmiat Wanis W Ahfadoh 6
    9) Be Cautious of Him
    10) A Very Rich Poor Man
    11) Keda Reda
    12) Growing Younger
    13) The Oblivious Aiyesh
    14) Abdu Mawasem
    15) Scientists on a Chess Board
    16) Ana W Haaolaa
    17) Eali sbaysi
    18) Scraps of Paper
    19) Amjad's Sons
    20) What Happens in Al-Haram
    21) Milh Al Ard
    22) El Amaa Noor
    23) El-Mishakhasaty
    24) Midu mashakil
    25) Al Satw Bi Al Thakira
    26) Fares Bela Gawad
    27) Ehna Nerouh El Esm
    28) Dare To Do it!
    29) Very Busy Lawyer
    30) Seket El Salama 2000
    31) Leabaet El Set
    32) Shikoronah
    33) Uncle Fouad the Businessman
    34) Yawmiat Wanis 5 Khalil
    35) Al Qonfd
    36) Ayilat Wanis Khalil
    37) Uncle Fouad the Editor in Chief
    38) Kuluhuna tayibat
    39) Yawmiat Wanis 4 Khalil
    40) Me, My Wife, and the Scoundrel
    41) Stories of Mr. Ayoub and Mrs. Inayat
    42) Yawmiat Wanis 3 Khalil
    43) Hikayat majnuna
    44) Yawmiat Wanis 2 Khalil
    45) Hatta La Yaghib Alqamar
    46) The Old Lady’s Visit
    47) Mama America
    48) Yawmiat Wanis 1 Khalil
    49) Jawazuh Saeiduh
    50) On slab
    51) Uncle Fouad Egypt Mother of the World Satellite Channel
    52) Rioters in the Navy
    53) Endowment
    54) El Lea'b Ma'a Elkobar
    55) Mamluk in the Alley
    56) Nos Dastet Maganen
    57) Wi Daret El Ayyam
    58) Almatabu
    59) Samiha Badran's Case
    60) Harat alhabayib
    61) Men in the Trap
    62) Years of Patience
    63) Karakib Galal
    64) Wijhat Nazar
    65) Al Bued Al Rabie
    66) eifrit likuli muatin
    67) Fawazir Almunasabat
    68) A Night of July
    69) And Something Left
    70) Not Totally Smart
    71) El Gelyaat
    72) Al Wajh Al Akhar
    73) Khaleel ba'd El-Ta'deel
    74) El-Toot wel Nabboot
    75) El Maktoub Al Jebeen
    76) Alwazir jay
    77) Satrak Ya Rab
    78) Madame Shalatta
    79) Enaha majnuna majnuna
    80) Sukar Ziada
    81) Abdul Rahman Bin Khaldoun
    82) The Crows
    83) He Is a Human Jamil
    84) Crazies Nest
    85) Savior of the World
    86) Writer
    87) Illegal Matters
    88) Thalatha fy Qtar
    89) El Masyada
    90) Father of Girls
    91) We Know-It-All
    92) The Devils
    93) Back Streets
    94) The Giant
    95) The Savage
    96) Khaefa Min Shayen Ma
    97) A Tear of Regret
    98) Faris allayl alttayib abn eurus
    99) Wla A'zaa Lil-Sayidat
    100) Ahlam Alfataa Alttayir
    101) A man who has lived twice
    102) Convergence
    103) To the Officiant, My Beloved
    104) A Story of a Bride & Groom
    105) Najm El Moussem
    106) The Bill, Mademoiselle
    107) Viva Zalata
    108) Back Streets Abdo
    109) Agmal Liqaa Fi Al Alam
    110) Birth Certificate
    111) A Call for Life
    112) Midnight Star
    113) The Dove and the Hawk
    114) Back to Exile
    115) The Crazy
    116) Hayah Khatera
    117) 'Ana wamarati walju
    118) Ask Mr. Shehata
    119) The Peasant
    120) Funny Thieves
    121) Oh Islam
    122) Gaffat El Amtar
    123) Talateen Yoam Fel Segn
    124) Marouf Al Eskafi
    125) Ana fyn wanti fyn
    126) Halimk Ya Si Allam Salem
    127) Locandet El Fardous
    128) Aitafadal Sharaf Eindana
    129) Armla Fi Masyda
    130) al'armalat aleadhra'
    131) Converted
    132) The Last Party
    133) Crime on the Express
    134) Aunt Shafiqa's Marriage
    135) Married Man's Guide
    136) A trip to a planet of happiness
    137) Curtains Are Up
    138) Taxi Driver
    139) Sharbat
    140) Echo of Ego
    141) A Peasant on a Tree
    142) Laylat Gawaz Al Shaghala
    143) Wholesale crazy
    144) Extreme Crazy
    145) Uncle Fouad's School
    146) Delusional Patient
    147) maqalib skaban
    148) Scientist Women
    149) That's It

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options