Add/Update Information: Reem Ali - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name ريم علي
    Person Name in English Reem Ali
    Birth Name ريم عبد الكريم علي
    Birth Name in English Reem Abdel Karim Ali
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Syria
    gender female
    Date of Birth 1977-11-13
    Died on
    Birth Country Syria
    Birth City
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links
    instagram reem_ali_actrice


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    Toqa Hesham

    Reem Ali is a Syrian actress, graduated from the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts in 2001. She debuted with the movie Hiam (2000). Reem is best known for the TV series Nizar Qabbani, and Love and War Letters In 2007, she joined the Film Academy in Jordan, specializing in documentary filmmaking. In 2000, she directed her first short film Haneen, then in 2008 her first documentary film Surf, which participated in a number of international festivals. She won the Best Actress Award for a First Role at the Cairo Film Festival for Television Production for her role in the series He Fulfilled His Promise.


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