Add/Update Information: Enas Mekky - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name إيناس مكي
    Person Name in English Enas Mekky
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Egypt
    gender female
    Date of Birth 1973-01-14
    Died on
    Birth Country Algeria
    Birth City
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links
    instagram enasmekkiofficial
    tiktok @enasmekki
    official_website @enasmekki
    facebook profile.php?id=100011536450910


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    Achraf Wassim

    Enas Mekky is an Egyptian actress born in Ouargla, Algeria to an Egyptian mother and Algerian father. She was raised in Egypt by her Egyptian family after her father leaving them at young age. Enas holds a B.A. of Arts from the Cairo University. Mekky started her acting career in mid 1990s in the Egyptian Cinema. She is well known for playing the American in the TV series “Lan a’eesh fee gelbaab aby i.e. I will not live in my father’s robe”. “Awaan El-ward i.e. A time for flowers”, “El-helm wal-alam i.e. The dream and the pain” and “Ya ‘aalam yahoo i.e. O people!” are among her famous TV series. On stage, she played a lead role in “Gonoun El-bashar i.e. Human Craze”.


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Etneen Lil Egar
    2) El-Wad Sayed El-Shahat Guest Actress
    3) Nasibi Wa Qesmetik 3
    4) Saraya Hamdin
    5) Kan Yama Kan: Arwah Alifa 2
    6) Reklam
    7) Aghla min Hayati
    8) For the Sake of Egypt
    9) Latif of His Time
    10) Muhtaram Iila Rubue
    11) Al Naas Bithib Keda
    12) Elwatar Elmashdood
    13) The Trick
    14) Al-Aaref Bellah El Imam Abdel-Halim Mahmoud
    15) Walls of the Heart
    16) Tayara waraq
    17) The Spiral Planning
    18) Alqarar
    19) Private Investigator
    20) Al-Malek Farouk
    21) Barhouma Is in Shambles
    22) Be Cautious of Him
    23) Growing Younger
    24) Souk Al-Khodaar
    25) Scientists on a Chess Board
    26) Ali Ya Wika
    27) Madrasat Al Katakeet
    28) 'Iidhak qabl aldahk mayghala
    29) El Hassa El Sabaa
    30) Khali min El-Cholesterol
    31) Al Zalat Market
    32) The Smoke War
    33) Have a Good Morning
    34) هكذا دواليك
    35) Riah Al Madi
    36) Ameer Al-Zalam
    37) Balad El Mahbob
    38) The Caucasian
    39) Very Busy Lawyer
    40) Does Love Really Dominate Us?
    41) Where Are You, Sweetie?
    42) Awan Al-Ward
    43) برج الأبجدية
    44) Sorry, De'bes
    45) Hello America
    46) Solomon's Dreams
    47) Amsik Alkhashb
    48) أنا والبنت حبيبتي
    49) Journal Notebook
    50) Katkut fi almasyada
    51) Diaries of a Second Wife
    52) The Clown
    53) Midnight Glow
    54) Shaqlabaaz
    55) Something Other Than Love
    56) Nothing Important
    57) Muhima fi muntasaf allayl
    58) Busy with Life
    59) Altaw'am
    60) El Doghri 90
    61) Al Qonfd
    62) Almadi yaeud alan
    63) The Better Half
    64) Samakat w 4 qurush
    65) Saken Osady 2
    66) Lann Aeish fi Gilbab Aby
    67) Al Bahth An AlAman
    68) El Bahr Yedehak Leh
    69) Al-Zawag Ala Tareqty
    70) Return of Youth
    71) Saken Osady 1
    72) Azma Ya Set
    73) Leila Sakhina
    74) Escaping to Prison Hoda
    75) Alsaagha
    76) Al Qalb Al Haaer
    77) Hikayat Maghawri
    78) Problem Solver
    79) Siru Al Ghayib
    80) Ezz w Oyoun Al Wezz
    81) Wohoosh Alyfa
    82) Al Thalab
    83) Almar'a Al-Akhtabut
    84) Mohammad Rasul Allah Ila Al Alam
    85) Welcome Pasha
    86) Bwabit Al-Halawany 1
    87) yellow card
    88) Layaly Al-Helmiya 4
    89) A Man in Trouble
    90) Zaman aljdean
    91) Sahlab
    92) Alkhatar
    93) Slowly
    94) Kebab..But
    95) People and People S2
    96) People and People S1
    97) Spoiled
    98) أحلام وطنية
    99) Deadly Revenge
    100) Dancers on Fire
    101) Whose Daughter Are You in Egypt
    102) Love Stronger Than Death
    103) Some People
    104) Let the Rain Pour

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Qaedat Sitaat
    2) Masaa Alfan Guest Actress
    3) Nougoumna fi Alyaban
    4) Hussein Alaa Alhwa
    5) Don't Misunderstand Us Guest Actress

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options