Add/Update Information: Izzat El Gahely - Music Composer

    Basic Information

    Person Name عزت الجاهلي
    Person Name in English Izzat El Gahely
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Egypt
    gender male
    Date of Birth
    Died on 1987-12-06
    Birth Country Egypt
    Birth City
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links


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    Toqa Hesham

    The great composer, Izzat El Gahely was born in 1901 to an artistic family. He started his musical career as a composer in the Badia Masabni Troupe, and he also sang with them. Among the most famous radio programs composed by El Gahely are: Amusement Park, and Dandourma. In addition, he composed critical humorous monologues performed by Egyptian stars such as Ismail Yassine and Mahmoud Shoukoko. El Gahely passed away on December 6, 1987.


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) His Majesty Love Music
    2) Doctor Masoud's Story Music
    3) Badia Masabni Music
    4) Emtethal Music
    5) Halat Hob Music
    6) Ektellni Men Fadlek
    7) Bridge of Immortals
    8) Shahr Asal Basal
    9) Ahlam Al-Banat Music
    10) Baya'et El Wardd
    11) Hobb wa Dalaa
    12) The Suspect
    13) 'Iismaeil ys yuqabil ryaan wasakina Music
    14) Sayijarat w kas Music
    15) Asafeer El Ganna Music
    16) Kilo 99 Music
    17) Nights of Love
    18) Abou El Dahab Music
    19) The Country Girl
    20) Bent Al Geeran
    21) Khataf Merati
    22) A Dozen of Napkins
    23) Afretet Ismaiel Yassin
    24) Nour E'youni
    25) Ibn Zawat Music
    26) The Honorable Thief Music
    27) Bayn qalbayn Music
    28) Doctor Belaafia
    29) Dahab Music
    30) Guard Your Tongue
    31) Milyun junayh
    32) Al-Eman
    33) Al-Nemr
    34) Believing in God
    35) Boshret Kheir
    36) The Fibber Music
    37) Qalil Al-Bakht
    38) Almelm bilabal Music
    39) Faik we Rayek
    40) Fil Hawa Sawa Music
    41) Laylet Gharam
    42) Albtl Music
    43) Al-Milyuneir Music
    44) Baba Arees Music
    45) Shate'e Al-Gharam
    46) Ma'lish ya Zahr Music
    47) Set albayt
    48) Kalam El Nas Music
    49) El Yateematayn Music
    50) El Qahera Baghdad Music
    51) Khatem soliman
    52) Treachery and Agony Music
    53) Dayma fi qalbi Music
    54) Victims of Modernism Music
    55) The Return of the Vanishing Cap
    56) Layla Bint Al Aghniyaa Music
    57) Albani adam
    58) Qesset Gharam Music
    59) Amma Genan
    60) Who Is the Criminal?
    61) Ali Baba wel Arba'in Haramy Music
    62) Law Kont Ghany
    63) Al Leila we Leila
    64) Masnaa El Zawgat Music
    65) Life of Darkness
    66) Al-Ezz Bahdala Music
    67) Khafir Eldark
    68) All But This
    69) Doctor Farahat

    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Dalilah
    2) Nour E'youni
    3) El Qahera Baghdad
    4) Al-Azema
    5) Makhzn El Oshak

    Section Writer

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    Section Director

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    Section Cinematographer

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    Section Editor

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    Section Sound Engineer

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    Section Producer

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    Section Distributor

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    Section Costume Designer

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    Section Makeup Artist

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    Section Stuntman

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    Section Photographer

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    Section Public Relations

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    Section Art Director

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    Section Graphic Designer

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    Section Laboratory

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    Section Casting

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    Section Other

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    Section Dubbing

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