Add/Update Information: Inas Nour - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name إيناس نور
    Person Name in English Inas Nour
    Birth Name إيناس سعد أنور
    Birth Name in English Enas Saad Anwar
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Egypt
    gender female
    Date of Birth 1975-11-20
    Died on
    Birth Country Egypt
    Birth City
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links
    instagram inasnour_official
    facebook Inas-Nour-140872582673452


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    Christina Aziz

    She is an Egyptian actress, born in 1975. Inas started acting at age five. She graduated from the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts, Department of Acting and Directing in 1999. She appeared in a number of TV series, including Next-Door Neighbors S1 (1995) and Critical Moments (2007). She also specialized in children's theater and has appeared in many plays since she was a child until now. Her film roles include Abboud on the Border (1999), Cinderella in Arabic (2006) and Abu Ali (2005).


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) The Wall
    2) Satat qadira
    3) Lucky
    4) Alwan Elteif
    5) Zaman Abu Al-Dahab
    6) Keid El Hamawat
    7) The Manipulator
    8) Lahazat Harega 3
    9) Aelh Agab
    10) Mini Sat
    11) Last Summer
    12) Segara
    13) Beit El Eila 1 Guest Actor
    14) Doctor Silicon
    15) Shatahat Nesaaiya
    16) Dwarves World
    17) Mom and Dad's Gang
    18) 'Ayam alrueb wa elhob
    19) Banat Fi Althlathyn
    20) Gharib El-Dar
    21) Lahazat Harega
    22) The Broken Hearts Club
    23) Aleizba
    24) Ally aikhtashawa matu
    25) Dear Sons
    26) Bel Arabi Cinderella
    27) Welcome
    28) La ahad yanam fi al iiskandaria
    29) Abu Ali
    30) 'Iidhak qabl aldahk mayghala
    31) Coming So Fast
    32) Circles Of Doubt
    33) The Dawn of the Day
    34) Love and Violence
    35) The Harbor and the Land
    36) If the Heart Loved
    37) Taealaa nahlum bibakrih
    38) Shams Youm Gadeed
    39) Mohamy Khol3
    40) Dancing on Escalators
    41) Childhood
    42) Family under Threaten
    43) My Fate and Destiny
    44) I Won't Marry My Partner
    45) The Fingerprint
    46) Amshir
    47) Eftah Albak
    48) About to Be Crazy
    49) Deceiving Times
    50) Abboud ala Alhoudoud
    51) Pinky Dreams
    52) Miss Janitor
    53) A Crime in the Palace of Justice
    54) My Darling
    55) Noon Al Neswa
    56) Azmari House
    57) Awadin and the A Empire
    58) El Noum Fil Assal
    59) A Murder Warning
    60) Al Bahth An AlAman
    61) Saken Osady 1
    62) Al Tofan
    63) The Elite
    64) Qalb Al-Asad
    65) Taht almulahaza
    66) Angry Men and Women
    67) Liman Atruk Kol Haza
    68) Al Earadahalji
    69) Al Sabinsa
    70) Al Awda Wal Nadam
    71) Sarcastic Moments
    72) Invitation for Life
    73) Banat Al Thanawia Girl child
    74) Alaa, Safaa, and the Friends Girl child
    75) Foolhardy Girl child
    76) Mawled Najma
    77) Devilish Daughters
    78) Taboonet Hamza Girl child
    79) Almutasawil Girl child
    80) Al Leqaa Al Akheer Girl child
    81) An Unplanned Visit
    82) La Ya Ebnty Al-Aziza
    83) Jamila
    84) Uncle Abdul Tawab's Tales (Let's Think)
    85) Fekreya Girl child

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

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    Section Editor

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    Section Sound Engineer

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    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

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    Section Costume Designer

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    Section Makeup Artist

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    Section Stuntman

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    Section Music Composer

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    Section Photographer

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    Section Public Relations

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    Section Art Director

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    Section Graphic Designer

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    Section Laboratory

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    Section Casting

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    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options