Add/Update Information: Mostafa Moharam - Writer

    Basic Information

    Person Name مصطفى محرم
    Person Name in English Mostafa Moharam
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Egypt
    gender male
    Date of Birth 1939-06-06
    Died on 2021-04-22
    Birth Country
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links
    facebook mostafa.moharam.102


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    محمد ألطيب

    Mostafa Moharam is among the most important screenwriters in Egypt. He has worked with many Egyptian literary figures and has adapted their works into films which have come to be landmarks of Egyptian cinema history. These titles include works such as “Ughnya ‘ala al-Mammar” (“A Song on the Path”), “al-Raqisa wa al-Tabbal” (“The Dancer and the Drummer”) and others. Since the ‘90s Moharam has shifted his focus to drama and he has put together successful series in that field.


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Khams Banat Writer
    2) Mouled we Sahbo Ghayeb Writer
    3) Mirath El Rih Scriptwriter
    4) Samara Scriptwriter
    5) Zohra wa Azwag'ha Al-khamsa Writer
    6) Al-Batniya Scriptwriter
    7) The Second Gate
    8) Qatel Bila Ajr Story & Screenplay
    9) Crazy for a Princess Scriptwriter
    10) Al Hareba S1
    11) Ali Ya Wika Writer
    12) Rayya Wi Sekinnah Scriptwriter
    13) Bent 'afndina Scriptwriter
    14) Eish Ayamak Story & Screenplay
    15) Mishwar aimra'a Writer
    16) The Spice Dealer and the Seven Girls Story & Screenplay
    17) Suspicious Trip Scriptwriter
    18) Seeret Said El Zawani
    19) Underground Hell Scriptwriter
    20) Aelat Al Hajj Mutualiy Story & Screenplay
    21) El Sharaf Scriptwriter
    22) Gonoun El Hayah Scriptwriter
    23) Garden of Evil Scriptwriter
    24) Ragol Laho Maddi Scriptwriter
    25) Al Imbratora Writer
    26) Miss Haiam
    27) Amn Dawla Story & Screenplay
    28) Hassan and Aziza: A Case of National Security Writer
    29) Behind Closed Doors Scriptwriter
    30) Love Before The Sword Story & Screenplay
    31) Wall of Heroism
    32) Dantela Scriptwriter
    33) Rod Qalby Scriptwriter
    34) Aimra'at fawq alqima Writer
    35) Bareeq f el sahab Scriptwriter
    36) Lann Aeish fi Gilbab Aby Scriptwriter
    37) Who Can Forget You?
    38) Leylat El Qatl Story & Screenplay
    39) The Drowned Story & Screenplay
    40) Liman Atruk Kol Haza Scriptwriter
    41) Lolaaky Story & Screenplay
    42) Samara Al-Amir Scriptwriter
    43) Alfurqat 12 Story & Screenplay
    44) Al Horoub Story & Screenplay
    45) Darab alrahba Story & Screenplay
    46) Alwuhush alsaghira Scriptwriter
    47) Harett Borgwan Scriptwriter
    48) The Death Ward Scriptwriter
    49) Ya Azeezi Kolona Lussous Scriptwriter
    50) Eghtyal Modarresa Scriptwriter
    51) Al-Tahadi Story & Screenplay
    52) Abnaa' wa Qatala Scriptwriter
    53) The Iron Woman Story & Screenplay
    54) Al-Wahl Scriptwriter
    55) Le Adam Kefayat Al Adella Story & Screenplay
    56) Hasa El-Ragol Scriptwriter
    57) Al-go'u Scriptwriter
    58) Al Hob Fawk Hadabat Al Haram Scriptwriter
    59) Al-Sakakeni Story & Screenplay
    60) Eimra mutlaqa Scriptwriter
    61) Intihar Saheb Al-shaqqa Scriptwriter
    62) Diqat zar Scriptwriter
    63) A Stigma Scriptwriter
    64) Parents and Sons Story & Screenplay
    65) Almuazifun fi al'ard Writer
    66) Ainhiraf Story & Screenplay
    67) Ayam fi El Halal Scriptwriter
    68) Bardis Scriptwriter
    69) Khoyout Al-Ankabout Scriptwriter
    70) Shahd Al-Maleka Writer
    71) Abdul Rahman Bin Khaldoun Writer
    72) Urjuk aetny hdha aldawa Scriptwriter
    73) Alkhadima Scriptwriter
    74) Al Raqissa w Al Tabbal
    75) Al-Majhul Scriptwriter
    76) Hata La Yateer el Dokhan Scriptwriter
    77) Eindama yabki alrijal Writer
    78) The Venal Gentlemen Scriptwriter
    79) Darb Al Hawa Writer
    80) Wedad Al Ghazia Writer
    81) Oh Graceful God Writer
    82) Avicenna Scriptwriter
    83) Illegal Matters Story & Screenplay
    84) Wikalet El-Balah
    85) Ahl El-Qema Scriptwriter
    86) A Dangerous Relationship Story & Screenplay
    87) Al Batneyya Scriptwriter
    88) Alhabu wahdah la yakfi Scriptwriter
    89) Al Qinae Al Zaayif Story & Screenplay
    90) The Agony of Love Scriptwriter
    91) Ghdaan saantaqim Scriptwriter
    92) Al'aydiu alqadhra Story & Screenplay
    93) Premeditation Writer
    94) Noa' Min Al-Nisaa Writer
    95) And the Sorrows Pass Writer
    96) Wala yazal altahqiq mustamirraan
    97) The Song of Love and Death
    98) Women are Women Story & Screenplay
    99) Ayna almafar? Scriptwriter
    100) The Quiet Nest Scriptwriter
    101) Amwag bla Shatee Writer
    102) A House Lacking Tenderness Writer
    103) The Five Swindlers
    104) A Woman in Love
    105) Leil wa qutban Scriptwriter
    106) Oghnia Ala Al-Mamar Scriptwriter
    107) hadithat sharaf
    108) One in a Million Scriptwriter
    109) Wadaan Ayoha El Layel Scriptwriter

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Masaa Alfan Guest
    2) Sahbet Al Saada

    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options