Add/Update Information: Feryal Karim - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name فريال كريم
    Person Name in English Feryal Karim
    Birth Name فيرا بشارة سمعان
    Birth Name in English Vera Bishara Samaan
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Lebanon
    gender female
    Date of Birth 1938-04-13
    Died on 1988-07-04
    Birth Country Lebanon
    Birth City Beirut
    Death Country Lebanon
    Death City Beirut
    Death Reason هبوط في القلب
    mobile number
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    Social Links
    imdb nm8419283


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    Tarek Sharkawy

    Feryal Karim is a Lebanese actress, singer and monologist, who was born in Beirut. She started singing at the early age of seven, by practicing on Thoraya Helmy's songs. She started her theatrical career in Damascus, working with Saa'd Eldin Bakdounes in the play “Tabib Bil Raghm A'nho” (Perforce Doctor). In the same period she met Mohamed Shamel, who was impressed by her talent and gave her a role in his show “Sharia' Al Ezz” (Fortune Street). She then took parts in many television series, including “El Denya Heik” (So is the World) and “Ya Modeer” (Mr. Manager). She was also famous for her work in theater, in plays like “Dr. Shushu.” She died on-stage in 1988 of heart failure.


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