Add/Update Information: Mustafa Shamis - Casting

    Basic Information

    Person Name مصطفى شميس
    Person Name in English Mustafa Shamis
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Egypt
    gender male
    Date of Birth
    Died on
    Birth Country
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    Dalia Saad

    An Egyptian casting director, who started his career in the late fifties, and worked in cinema and on television. He also worked as a production assistant and actor. Among the productions in which he participated as an actor is the 1962 movie Clash of Giants.


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Al Daif Al Sagher
    2) Ahlam Fostoq
    3) Eve and the Apple
    4) Ya Dunia ya Gharami casting by
    5) Ahlam... Ko casting by
    6) Al-Khuruj Min Al-Ma'ziq
    7) Fi baytina rajul
    8) Qalil min alhob kathir min aloanf casting by
    9) Lan Amshi Tariq Al Ams casting by
    10) Al-Shraqy
    11) Bawabet El Metwalli casting by
    12) seta ealaa alyamin
    13) Enaq el mot w el hyat casting by
    14) Wohoosh Alyfa
    15) Published in the Government Gazette casting by
    16) Akhtaa Baseeta
    17) El anesa kaf
    18) Alsiyasiu casting by
    19) Al-Muhakama
    20) Imraa Tadfa Althaman Casting
    21) Ahl Al-Tariq
    22) Ze'ab Al-Gabal casting by
    23) Lahib Alaintiqam
    24) Muttarada fil Mamnou'o casting by
    25) Al Manzil Al Khalfiu Casting
    26) The Age of Lost Dreams casting by
    27) Samara Al-Amir casting by
    28) Ali Eleiwa
    29) Watamat 'aqwaluh casting by
    30) The Peacock
    31) Rihlat 'abu alwafa
    32) Shams El Zanati casting by
    33) Makr Aimraatan
    34) Mamluk in the Alley casting by
    35) Goodbye, the Best Years of Life Casting
    36) My Son casting by
    37) Abdan Lm Yakon Hob
    38) Stable Antar casting by
    39) Eqraa
    40) Al-Afarit casting by
    41) Allasu casting by
    42) Iinfijar casting by
    43) A Creature Named Woman casting by
    44) Maweid mae alrayiys casting by
    45) Abreyaa Wa Laken
    46) Amraa mae alshaytan Casting
    47) Ayam Al Ghadab casting by
    48) Sydaati Anisaati casting by
    49) The Death Ward casting by
    50) Mohakmet El Geel
    51) Brothers Zananiri Casting
    52) ? What Is Wrong with the World casting by
    53) Batal Men Waraq casting by
    54) Caught Red-Handed casting by
    55) Samak laban tamr hendy casting by
    56) Endama Yatklam Elsamet casting by
    57) Nar O dukhan Casting
    58) Youm Mor We Youm Helw casting by
    59) Arbet fi muhimat rasmia casting by
    60) Have a Good Evening casting by
    61) Al Bashaier casting by
    62) Alta'awitha casting by
    63) Those Gentlemen casting by
    64) Rajul fi euyun amraa casting by
    65) Sultan Al-Ulama
    66) Kom Al Dekka Casting
    67) La Taqtolo Al Asafeer
    68) Al-Afyal
    69) Al Bedaya casting by
    70) El-Toot wel Nabboot casting by
    71) Alfarysa casting by
    72) Balagh didi aimra'a casting by
    73) El-Sadd Street casting by
    74) Azra'a Wi Thlathat Rijal casting by
    75) Harem cage casting by
    76) Li el-hob qesaa akhira casting by
    77) Al-Hayat Maratan Okhraa
    78) Dawaamat Al Hayaa Casting
    79) Saheb El Edara Bawab El Omara casting by
    80) Fawzia el borgwazya casting by
    81) Wa Adrak Shahryar Al-Sabah casting by
    82) Al Ahbab wa Al Masir Casting
    83) El Avocato
    84) Al Eatifat wa Al Wagib
    85) Alf Leila W Leila Casting
    86) Emraa Mukhtalifa
    87) Mohammad Rasul Allah 4 casting by
    88) Al Jazaar Al Shaaeir Casting
    89) Al-Shahd wel Domouaa casting by
    90) Bein Al-Sarayaat
    91) Aaber Sabeel Casting
    92) Asabea El Zaman
    93) The Bloody Destiny casting by
    94) El Awamma Raqam 70 casting by
    95) Thalatha fy Qtar
    96) Al Eawda casting by
    97) El Masyada casting by
    98) Oyun la Tanam casting by
    99) Mohammad Rasul Allah 2 casting by
    100) Milion fi Al-Asal
    101) Imam Malik casting by
    102) Zeinab & the Throne casting by
    103) Abnayiy Alaeza..Shukran casting by
    104) Al-Bahetha
    105) Al-Shahid Al-Wahid
    106) The Giant casting by
    107) The Savage casting by
    108) Awraq Al Ward casting by
    109) Friendly Visit casting by
    110) Cry of an Innocent
    111) Mufatish Al Mabahith
    112) We Don't See Through the Eyes of Others casting by
    113) Al Qemma Al Bareda casting by
    114) The Other Woman casting by
    115) Al-Mashrabiya Casting
    116) Unrestrained Woman casting by
    117) Bent Gheir Kol Al-Banat casting by
    118) Life's Harvest
    119) Lahzat Ikhtiar
    120) Roadless Traveler casting by
    121) When the Shoe Is on the Other Foot casting by
    122) It Was and Was and Was casting by
    123) Marriage on Air
    124) Abdana.. ln 'aeud casting by
    125) Al-Rida'a Al-Abyad casting by
    126) Alshaati Almahjur
    127) Aimra'atan casting by
    128) Shahira casting by
    129) Shadows on the Other Side casting by
    130) Oghnia Ala Al-Mamar casting by
    131) Alhajiz casting by
    132) Khamsin casting by
    133) Body and Passion casting by
    134) malik alyanasib casting by
    135) 3 Wogoh Lilhob casting by
    136) Nadia casting by
    137) Al Bostagy casting by
    138) Al-Ragool Allazi Faqad A'qlo casting by
    139) The Youngest Child casting by
    140) Shay' Fi Hayati casting by
    141) Alhabu Alkhalid casting by
    142) El Resala El Akhera casting by
    143) A Wife from Paris casting by
    144) Shadiat aljabal casting by
    145) Hijrat Alrasul casting by
    146) Al-Ashqiyaa Al-Thalatha casting by
    147) Seraa El Gababera casting by
    148) Ghosn Al-Zaytoun casting by
    149) El Hob Kedah casting by
    150) Al-Layaly Al-dafe'a casting by
    151) Siraa maa Alhayah casting by
    152) Iihna Bitue Alanimia
    153) Mystery Crime
    154) Al Daw' Al Aswad casting by
    155) Hukm Al Zaman
    156) Nostalgia Time
    157) Years of Lifetime casting by
    158) Scientist Women Casting

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Al-Muhakama
    2) Love and Price
    3) Hayah Wi Amal Production Management

    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Seraa El Gababera

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options