Add/Update Information: Mahmoud Lotfi - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name محمود لطفي
    Person Name in English Mahmoud Lotfi
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Egypt
    gender male
    Date of Birth 1905-01-08
    Died on 1975-03-09
    Birth Country Egypt
    Birth City Al Qahirah
    Death Country Egypt
    Death City Al Qahirah
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    Shaimaa Saied

    A theater and film artist, and one of the first-generation actors in theater, Egyptian and Arab cinema. He was born in Cairo on January 8, 1905. He joined the troupe of Ali El Kassar in 1925. He also worked with the great artist Naguib Al-Rihani theater group from 1930 to 1935, and he performed plays with him on the stage, including The Egyptian Pound in 1931.


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) One in a Million
    2) El Dalluaa
    3) Dle albanat
    4) For Married People Only
    5) Ard el Nifaq
    6) Ghazeya Min Sonbat
    7) El-Sakkayin Alley
    8) Sayed Darwish
    9) alrajul almajhul
    10) Days to Remember
    11) Our Alley's Tough Guys
    12) Ya min yukhalisuni
    13) The Honored Family
    14) Marriage of the Girls
    15) mae 'iiqaf altanfidh
    16) Peace Is Good
    17) Ayyam Zaman
    18) The Tale of Everyday
    19) Comic Episodes
    20) Sahib el Galala
    21) Alhaqibat alsawda
    22) Al Dunya Lama Tadhak
    23) Elzoga 13
    24) Al Shayeb Lmma Yedllaa
    25) Messy
    26) Law Kont Helaiwa
    27) Al'azwaj walsayf
    28) Women Don't Know How to Lie
    29) Hassan Wa Morqos Wa Cohen
    30) Halaq Al Saydat
    31) Yama Kan Fi Nefsy
    32) 30 Youm Fel Segn
    33) Ahlam Al-Banat
    34) 'Iismaeil ys fi altayaran
    35) Albulis alsiriyu
    36) Hassam we Mareca
    37) Hamati Malak
    38) Sera' Fe El-Nile
    39) Qotaa Tareeq
    40) Maweid mae almajhul
    41) Ismael Yassin fi mustashfaa almajanin
    42) Women's Enchanter
    43) Ismail yassine fi el ostool
    44) El Koraa Maa Bolbol
    45) 'Iismaeil ys fi albulis
    46) The Scornful Man
    47) Women Corner
    48) Maejezet El Samaa
    49) 'Iismaeil ys fi aljaysh
    50) Alsaed waead (mahdish wakhid minha haj)
    51) Bahr El Gharam
    52) aldulawea
    53) Al-Settat Mayea'rafoush Yekdebo
    54) El-omr Wahid
    55) The Swindler
    56) Once in a Lifetime
    57) Alherman
    58) Al Dunya Lama Tadhak
    59) The Honorable Thief
    60) Ana wi Habibi
    61) Born out of Wedlock
    62) Hakam qaraqush
    63) Majlis al'iidara
    64) Al-Eman
    65) Alhabu bihadla
    66) Al Montaser
    67) Shamshon Weleblb
    68) Mosmar Juha
    69) El Hob Fi Khatar
    70) Al-Sharaff Ghali
    71) Jazirat al'ahlam
    72) Khabar abyad
    73) Laylet Gharam Peasant
    74) Nehayet qessa Khalil
    75) Al-Milyuneir
    76) Amir Al Intiqam
    77) My Youth Days
    78) Baba 'amin
    79) Gooz El-Arba'a
    80) Habayby Keteer
    81) Zalamoni El Nas
    82) Eayni bitrif
    83) Felfel
    84) Women's Snare
    85) Mughamarat Khadra
    86) Jawahir
    87) Hoda
    88) Waladi
    89) The Unknown Future
    90) Hubun wa junun
    91) Hayah Ha'era
    92) The Fugitive
    93) Abu Halmoos
    94) Society's Enemy
    95) El Tayisha
    96) The Unknown Singer
    97) Leabet El Sett
    98) I Ruined My Home
    99) Youm Fil Aali
    100) Be Patient
    101) Shahr aleasal
    102) Laylat Al-Jumea
    103) Lucky Night
    104) Haza Gounah Abbi
    105) Berlanty
    106) Taqeyet El Ikhfaa
    107) Nedaa El Daam
    108) Children of the Poor
    109) Bihabh fi baghdad
    110) Rabab
    111) Lasheen
    112) Egyptian Pound

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Ahmar Shafayef casting by
    2) I Love the Native casting by
    3) Haza Gounah Abbi casting by

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options