Add/Update Information: Bahna Film - Distributor

    Basic Information

    Person Name منتخبات بهنا فيلم
    Person Name in English Bahna Film
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Egypt
    gender company
    Date of Birth
    Died on
    Birth Country
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links


    Name Biography Official ? Options


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Shaqawet Banat Distributor
    2) Nar Fi Sadry Distributor
    3) El Qasr El Maloun Distributor
    4) Schoolgirl's Diary Distributor
    5) Wafa lilabd Distributor
    6) Amraa Washaytan
    7) 'Iinaa wabanati Distributor
    8) Hubun waeadhab
    9) Cat's Paw Distributor
    10) Three Heiresses
    11) Shahr Asal Basal Distributor
    12) Qayes Wi Laila Distributor
    13) Nehayat Altariq
    14) I Won't Forget You
    15) Journey to the Moon
    16) A Burning Heart Distributor
    17) Lann Aoud Distributor
    18) Laila bint el shate'e
    19) Mufatish Al-Mabahith Distributor
    20) 'Ahbak ya hasan Distributor
    21) Ismail Yassine for Sale Distributor
    22) Alhabu alsaamat
    23) Bent Sabaatashar Distributor
    24) Samahuni
    25) Salam e alhabayib
    26) Shabab el youm
    27) Hal Aqtool Zawgy
    28) Alhabu aleazim
    29) Almalak alsaghir
    30) Tamuru hana
    31) The Merry Widow Distributor
    32) Al-Gharieb
    33) The Absent Distributor
    34) 'Iiniy rahila Distributor
    35) Fi sabil alhabi Distributor
    36) Women's Kingdom Distributor
    37) 'Iilhiquni bialmadhun
    38) El-omr Wahid Distributor
    39) Almujrim Distributor
    40) Thya alrijala
    41) Hadatha Zata Layla Distributor
    42) Da'iman Maak
    43) A Dozen of Napkins
    44) sharaf albint Distributor
    45) ealshan euyunuk
    46) Qolob El Nas
    47) Bayieat alkhubz
    48) Haram ealayk Distributor
    49) My Loved Ones Wronged Me Distributor
    50) Guard Your Tongue
    51) Majlis al'iidara
    52) Nisa' bila rijal
    53) Al Montaser Distributor
    54) Almahraj alkabir Distributor
    55) Believing in God Distributor
    56) Habib qalbi
    57) Halal ealayk Distributor
    58) Time of Wonders
    59) Sayidat alqitar
    60) Ghadab el waldeen Distributor
    61) The Sweetness of Love
    62) Ibn El-Nile Distributor
    63) People's Secrets Distributor
    64) El Hob Fi Khatar Distributor
    65) Ana bint Nass Distributor
    66) khad aljamil Distributor
    67) Khada'ani Aby Distributor
    68) Dahit ghrami Distributor
    69) Faik we Rayek Distributor
    70) Laylet Gharam Distributor
    71) Nehayet qessa
    72) Flowers of Love Distributor
    73) Akhalq lil-baye'a
    74) El Anesa Mama Distributor
    75) El Zogga El Sabaa Distributor
    76) Demaa Fil Saharaa Distributor
    77) Shate'e Al-Gharam Distributor
    78) Zalamoni El Nas Distributor
    79) It's All Meant to Be Distributor
    80) Inmate No. 17 Distributor
    81) Al-Majnuna Distributor
    82) Owner of Piasters Distributor
    83) Fatma, Marika & Rachel Distributor
    84) Nadia Distributor
    85) Hoda Distributor
    86) The Spirit and the Body
    87) The Murderer Distributor
    88) Allaeb bialnnar
    89) The Duty Distributor
    90) Hubun wa junun Distributor
    91) A Life in the Dark Distributor
    92) Heaven's Justice Distributor
    93) Towards Glory Distributor
    94) Abu Zayd Al-Hilali Distributor
    95) The Father Distributor
    96) Albarimu Distributor
    97) El Aakl Fi Agaza Distributor
    98) El Qahera Baghdad Distributor
    99) Everybody Is Singing Distributor
    100) Good Morning Distributor
    101) Return of the Absentee Distributor
    102) Treachery and Agony Distributor
    103) Qabluni ya 'abi Distributor
    104) She Was an Angel Distributor
    105) Treasure of Happiness Distributor
    106) Hadaya Distributor
    107) Ashab El Saadah Distributor
    108) My Cousin and I Distributor
    109) The Pasha's Wife
    110) shhrzad Distributor
    111) Victims of Modernism Distributor
    112) Woman's Enemy Distributor
    113) Magd Wa Domou Distributor
    114) Divine Intervention Distributor
    115) Al-Haz Al-Sa'eed
    116) The Great Artist Distributor
    117) El Mazaher Distributor
    118) Ragaa Distributor
    119) A Kiss in Lebanon Distributor
    120) Qesset Gharam Distributor
    121) Bloodied Hearts Distributor
    122) Lucky Night Distributor
    123) Haza Gounah Abbi
    124) Ebn El Haddad Distributor
    125) Amma Genan
    126) Sharea Mohammed Ali Distributor
    127) Kedb fi Kedb Distributor
    128) Layla in the Shadows Distributor
    129) Nur aldiyn walbhharh althlath Distributor
    130) The Straight Road Distributor
    131) The Worker Distributor
    132) Cleopatra Distributor
    133) Magda Distributor
    134) Wadi alnujum Distributor
    135) The Stray Distributor
    136) Alearis alkhamis Distributor
    137) El Motahema Distributor
    138) Rabab
    139) Ali Baba wel Arba'in Haramy Distributor
    140) Law Kont Ghany Distributor
    141) Lylt Al-Farah Distributor
    142) Laila Distributor
    143) Imraa Khatera Distributor
    144) Salah El Din El Ayouby Distributor
    145) Layla The Schoolgirl Distributor
    146) Ashab El Aukul
    147) ELBashmqawl
    148) Al-Forsan Al-Thlatha Distributor
    149) Alwarsha Distributor
    150) Dananir
    151) Ragol Ben Imraatayen Distributor
    152) A Cry at Night Distributor
    153) Fattah Motamareda Distributor
    154) Qalb Imraa Distributor
    155) Back to the Countryside Distributor
    156) Bayieat altifah (byaeat altafah)
    157) The Beloved's Offspring Distributor
    158) Salafni 3 junayh Distributor
    159) Look for the Woman Distributor
    160) On a Rainy Night Distributor
    161) Layali El Qahera Distributor
    162) The Lost Treasure Distributor
    163) Ana Tabaay Keda
    164) Osman & Ali Distributor
    165) Al-Riady Distributor
    166) Seven O'Clock Distributor
    167) Al-Ezz Bahdala Distributor
    168) Ezz El Talab Distributor
    169) Congratulations Distributor
    170) Wife No. 2 Distributor
    171) Muniat shababii Distributor
    172) Abu Zarifa Distributor
    173) The White and the Black Distributor
    174) Black Hand Distributor
    175) Unshuduh alraadyu Distributor
    176) zawjat bialniyaba Distributor
    177) All But This Distributor
    178) Doctor Farahat
    179) Mr. Bahbah Distributor
    180) Shajarat Al-Durr Distributor
    181) Maarouf the Bedouin Distributor
    182) Son of the People Distributor
    183) Almanduban Distributor
    184) Mr. KishKish's Adventures Distributor
    185) Charming Eyes Distributor

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) A Burning Heart Production
    2) Unshuduh alraadyu Producer

    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options