Add/Update Information: Mahmoud Tobar - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name محمود طوبار
    Person Name in English Mahmoud Tobar
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Egypt
    gender male
    Date of Birth 1969-09-10
    Died on
    Birth Country Egypt
    Birth City
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    Dalia Saad

    An Egyptian actor who started his career in the nineties and played minor roles in films and TV series, usually those of the officer, police official or investigator. With the beginning of the new millennium, he focused on television series. His films include Five-Star Thieves (1993) and A Message to the Governor 1998, and his series include The Fox (1993) and Qasim Amin (2002).


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Afrah Eblis 2
    2) Al-Dhaher
    3) Afaret Adly Allam
    4) Selsal Al-Dam 3
    5) Selsal Al-Dam 2
    6) Al Araaf
    7) Selssal Al Dam S1
    8) bial'amr almubashir
    9) Foul Play
    10) rbye alghadab
    11) That Night
    12) Khatem Suleiman
    13) Mosharrafa Ragol Lehaza Al-Zaman
    14) Akhar Ayam Al Hob
    15) Al Nahr wal Tamaseeh
    16) Dumue fi nahr alhob
    17) Fi mahab el reeh
    18) Action News Station
    19) Al Hareba S1
    20) Alexandria Beach
    21) Tayir altmsah
    22) The Path of Fear
    23) Mesk El-Leel
    24) Alqarar
    25) Al-Malek Farouk
    26) Adiyyeit Raie Aam
    27) Woman's Heart
    28) Yatarabaa fi euzuin
    29) Imraa Min El Saeed El Gowwany
    30) 'Iyh alnizam
    31) Heart of the World
    32) Qulub Tayiha
    33) Muatin bidarajat wazir
    34) Freeman Promise
    35) Deadly Love
    36) Alf laylat wa Laylat: Salim wa Ghanim
    37) El Mansoureya
    38) Ghawi Hobb
    39) Masayil Aeyilia Gidan
    40) 'Ashab almaqam alrafie
    41) Alqahrt Munfilut Waleaks
    42) Arees Men Geha Amneya
    43) Afarit El Siyala
    44) End of the Line
    45) Amana Ya layl
    46) Hikayat Zawg Maeasir
    47) Canaria wa Shorakah
    48) Al Satw Bi Al Thakira
    49) Ameer Al-Zalam
    50) A Doomed Man
    51) Midnight Sun
    52) Qasim Amin
    53) Alnnisa' Qadimun
    54) The Hills of Wrath
    55) Alleys & Palaces
    56) Anbar and the Colors
    57) My Fate and Destiny
    58) Very Busy Lawyer
    59) Alssafina W Alrrbban
    60) Opera Aida
    61) Nights Trial
    62) Wagh el qamar
    63) Ya Regal El-A'lam Ettahidu
    64) El Shehab
    65) Umm Kulthum
    66) Ekhtfaa Gafaar El Masri
    67) The Father
    68) Alharb aleayilia althalitha
    69) Resala Ela El Wali
    70) Hoanem Garden City 2
    71) Asl wa khams suar
    72) Pomegranate Arils
    73) Al-Hurub Ela Al-Qima
    74) Days of Exile
    75) Karamet Imra'a
    76) Nazwa Khaled
    77) Alwahm W Alssilah
    78) amra'a we amra'a
    79) Sabah Al Ward
    80) Darbet Gazaa
    81) At the Minister's Door
    82) Yawmiat Wanis 2
    83) Al-Irhabi
    84) El Gasousa Hekmat Fahmy Ezzat
    85) The Elite
    86) Colored Photos
    87) Qadara
    88) Leylat El Qatl
    89) Masyadet El Zeaab
    90) El anesa kaf
    91) Al Thalab
    92) Bawbat Eblees
    93) Five-Star Thieves
    94) Ah .. wah min sharibat
    95) Al-khazangeya
    96) Ahl El-Qema
    97) The Accused Is Innocent
    98) House of the Well-Bred
    99) Gahza w Tafseel
    100) Jamila

    Section Writer

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    Section Director

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    Section Cinematographer

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    Section Editor

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    Section Sound Engineer

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    Section Producer

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    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

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    Section Makeup Artist

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    Section Stuntman

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    Section Music Composer

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    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options