Add/Update Information: Nahed Mekkawy - Editor

    Basic Information

    Person Name ناهد مكاوي
    Person Name in English Nahed Mekkawy
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Egypt
    gender female
    Date of Birth
    Died on
    Birth Country
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links


    Name Biography Official ? Options


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Awad in a Mess Negatives
    2) Whales Hunting Negatives
    3) The Devil's Offspring
    4) El Nems Negatives
    5) Al Imbratora Negatives
    6) El-Kafeer Negatives
    7) Aljintl Negatives
    8) The Gypsies Negatives
    9) The Same Cup
    10) Atabit alsitat Negatives
    11) Al-Nagoun min Al-Narr Negatives
    12) Nothing Is Sweeter Than Honor Negatives
    13) Almar'a Al-Akhtabut Negatives
    14) Tahqiq mae muatana Negatives
    15) A Maid...However Negatives
    16) The Devil's Path
    17) Al-Umlah Al-Nadra
    18) El Magnona Wil Hob
    19) Almazaj Negatives
    20) Generational Gap
    21) Shayatin El Madina
    22) Eqtoul Merati Walak Taheyyati Negatives
    23) Darab alrahba Negatives
    24) Wi Daa El Tareeq Negatives
    25) Rape Negatives
    26) Help Us Negatives
    27) Arbet fi muhimat rasmia Negatives
    28) Al-Wahl Negatives
    29) Big Guys' Game Negatives
    30) Al Bedaya Negatives
    31) Alhanakish Negatives
    32) The Poor People Negatives
    33) Shadir alsamak Negatives
    34) Mudafin mafrushat lil'iijar Negatives
    35) Nasaf lhdha alkhata Negatives
    36) Wadaan Ya Walady Negatives
    37) E'dam Mayet Negatives
    38) Alragol Allazy Atas Negatives
    39) Al-kaff Negatives
    40) El Keif Negatives
    41) El Nashalat El Fatenat Negatives
    42) Hikkaya fi Kelmetein Negatives
    43) Mahatat Al-Uns Negatives
    44) Illy khad haga yarjieuha Negatives
    45) Devilish Daughters Negatives
    46) The Venal Gentlemen Negatives
    47) Tujibuha kdh tajiuluha kdh hi kdh Negatives
    48) Marzouka Negatives
    49) Illegal Matters Negatives
    50) Aietida Negatives
    51) El 'Aar Negatives
    52) Alyatim walhabu
    53) El-Darb El-Ahmar
    54) Allusus Negatives
    55) Ayna Tokhbeoun Al-Shams Negatives
    56) The Criminal Negatives
    57) Ahlan Ya Captin Negatives
    58) Qaher Al Zalam Negatives
    59) Alhabu qabl alkhubz ahyanana Negatives
    60) The Divorcées Negatives
    61) Gonoun Alshabab Negatives
    62) alzawaj alsaeid Negatives
    63) Imra'a Lel Hob Negatives
    64) Journey of a Lifetime
    65) Shellit Al-mohtaleen Negatives
    66) Ghorobaa Negatives
    67) Night Women Negatives
    68) A Call for Life Negatives
    69) Moments of Fear Negatives
    70) Luebat kl yawm Negatives
    71) Confessions of a Woman Negatives
    72) Al-Ikhtyar Negatives
    73) Al-Hob Al-Moharam Negatives
    74) College Girls Negatives
    75) Lamset Hanan Negatives
    76) Aseab Jawaz Negatives
    77) Al-Hob Al-Daayie Negatives
    78) El Ragol El Monaseeb Negatives
    79) El Wady El Asfar Negatives
    80) The Egyptian Dalal Negatives
    81) Lasna Mala'eka Negatives
    82) Escape Negatives
    83) Night Gates Negatives
    84) Deprivation Well Negatives
    85) One Night Negatives
    86) Three Stories Negatives
    87) Ard el Nifaq Negatives
    88) The Circus Negatives
    89) Case 68 Negatives
    90) El Motmardoon Negatives
    91) Ayam Al-Hob Negatives
    92) The Price of Freedom Negatives
    93) Tofahet Adam Negatives
    94) A Man and Two Women Negatives
    95) Miraty Modir 'Am Negatives
    96) Hu.. walnisa' Negatives
    97) Wadaan Ayoha El Layel Negatives
    98) The Confession Negatives
    99) Alhabu Alkhalid Negatives
    100) ِAlharam Negatives
    101) The Nun Negatives
    102) Lost Days
    103) Khadani maeak
    104) Stillness of the Storm Negatives
    105) Fagr Youm Gedid Negatives
    106) Heya Wil Regal Negatives
    107) Confessions of a Husband Negatives
    108) Al-Jasoos Negatives
    109) Bein Al-Qasrein Negatives
    110) If I Was a Man Negatives
    111) Harib min Al-Zawaj Negatives
    112) Aimra'at ealaa alhamish Negatives
    113) Ayyam Zaman Negatives
    114) aghfir li khatiyati Negatives
    115) El Qasr El Maloun Negatives
    116) Abeed Al Gasad Negatives
    117) The Conman Negatives
    118) Gouz meraty Negatives
    119) Sett El Banat Negatives
    120) Abu Al-layl Negatives
    121) The Lover Negatives
    122) Gun Market Negatives
    123) Nehayat Altariq
    124) Wa Ead Al Hob Negatives
    125) Almabruk Negatives
    126) Al-Mar'aa Al-Maghola Negatives
    127) Afreet Samara
    128) Lann Aoud Negatives
    129) 'abu euyun jariya Negatives
    130) Ismail Yassine for Sale Negatives
    131) El Muealama Negatives
    132) Tobah Negatives
    133) Maa Al Ayam Negatives

    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options