Ahmed El Shawky ( - 2023) أحمد الشوكي


An Egyptian actor and singer, born in Minya Governorate. He started his music career in 1985, then released his first album "Amelak Eiah?" in 1991. He was also distinguished by his acting talent and his acting debut was in the 1993 play "Watch Out for the Storehouse". He is known...Read more for Inch & a Half, Five-Star Neighborhood, and Awad and Juha.

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More details

  • An Egyptian actor and singer, born in Minya Governorate. He started his music career in 1985, then released his first album "Amelak Eiah?" in 1991. He was also distinguished by his...Read more acting talent and his acting debut was in the 1993 play "Watch Out for the Storehouse". He is known for Inch & a Half, Five-Star Neighborhood, and Awad and Juha.


  • Birth Country:
  • Egypt

  • Death Country:
  • Egypt
