Add/Update Information: Yousra - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name يسرا
    Person Name in English Yousra
    Birth Name سيفين محمد حافظ نسيم
    Birth Name in English Sivin Mohammad Hafez Naseem
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Egypt
    gender female
    Date of Birth 1955-03-10
    Died on
    Birth Country Egypt
    Birth City
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links
    instagram youssra/
    facebook YoussraOfficial


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    Shaimaa Saied

    An Egyptian actress, her real name is Seven Mohamed Hafez Naseem. Her talent was discovered by director of photography Abdel Halim Nasr, and she began acting in cinema since the mid-1970s. She gradually gained great popularity in the cinema, especially through her collaboration with Adel Imam and Ahmed Zaki. Her notable films include The Session is Secret, One Woman Is Not Enough, Birds of Darkness and Terror and Kebab. She also has important roles in television series, including Raafat Al-Hagan, Where is My Heart, Case of Public Opinion, Above Suspicion and Betrayal of Ahed.

    Achraf Wassim

    Born Civene Muhammad Haafez Nasseem (1955 Cairo), is an Egyptian actress who was first discovered by photographer Abdul Haleem Nasr who gave her a role in his debut as filmmaker. She played several TV roles like “Arees we aroussa i.e. Groom and bride”, “Al-shaahed al-waheed i.e. The only witness”, “ Hayaat al-Gohary”, “Raafat al-Haggaan”, “Sayyedat al-fondok i.e. The Lady of the hotel”, “Awaan al-ward i.e. A time for flowers”, “Ayna Kalby? i.e. Where is my heart?” and “ Malak rowhy i.e. King of my soul”. “Entadher la taktolny i.e. Wait, don’t kill me” is among her radio series. She played stage roles like “Ka’b aaly i.e. High heels” and “Lamma baba yenaam i.e. When daddy sleeps”. Superstar Youssra is married to Khaaled Seleem, the son of football Legend Saaleh Seleem and the actor Heshaam Seleem’s brother. Youssra represents a special blend of acting and stardom mixed survival and freshness, she formed a very successful duet with Aadel Emaam and played several roles with Ahmad Zaky. Youssra has a unique artistic talent which flourished in Chahine’s “Eskendereyya kamaan we kamaan i.e. Alexandria again and forever”, “Al-mohaager i.e. The immigrant” and “Eskendereyya New York i.e. Alexandria New York”. Among her most famous cinema roles; “Al-‘assefa i.e. The tempest”, “Al-gou’ i.e. Hunger”, “Al-mansy i.e. The forgotten” and “Toyour al-zalaam i.e. The birds of darkness”.


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Rose wa Layla
    2) Shekko
    3) Laylat El Eid
    4) Malak w Al Shater
    5) 1000 Hamdela Al Salama
    6) Ajwan
    7) Ahlam Saeida
    8) Al Bahth Ann Ola
    9) Harb Ahlia
    10) Kheyanet Ahd
    11) Saheb El-Maqam
    12) A Lifetime of Joy
    13) Welad Rizk 2: A'wdat Osoud Al-Ard
    14) Message to El Waili
    15) Awalem Khafeya Guest Actress
    16) Ladina Aqwal Okhra
    17) Alhisab yajmae
    18) Foq Mostawa El Shobohat
    19) Saraya Abdeen 2
    20) Embratoreyet Meen Guest Actress
    21) Shehata's Smoke
    22) Saraya Abdeen 1
    23) Nekdeb Law Qolna Mabenhebesh Maryam
    24) Game Over
    25) Sharbat Loaz
    26) 18 Youm
    27) Bialshame al'ahmar
    28) Bobbos
    29) Khas jiddaan
    30) Salon du cinéma
    31) عيلة كويسة غنية مفلسة
    32) Fi Ayd Amina Amina
    33) Laila's Maniac
    34) Hello, Pasha
    35) Adiyyeit Raie Aam
    36) Lahazat Harega
    37) Emaret Yacoubian
    38) Kalam Fil Hob Nahed
    39) Let's Dance Salwa
    40) Ahlam Adeya
    41) Dam Al-Ghazal
    42) Eskendreya - New York
    43) Leqaa Ala El Hawa
    44) Malak Ruwhi
    45) Ayna Qalby
    46) When Dad Sleeps
    47) Ma'ali Al-Wazir
    48) Alaasifa Hoda
    49) Al Madina Guest Actress
    50) Alwardat alhamra'
    51) Awan Al-Ward Amal
    52) Film Thiqafi Guest Actress
    53) Hassan and Aziza: A Case of National Security
    54) Night Chat Amina
    55) A Song on the Bridge of Hope
    56) Dantela Samar
    57) Resala Ela El Wali
    58) Hayat Al-Gohary
    59) Eish El Ghorab
    60) High Heels
    61) Nazwa Nada
    62) Toyoor El-Zalam Samira
    63) El Mohager
    64) Strawberry War
    65) Almansi
    66) Dahak walaeib wajad wahob
    67) Marsidis
    68) El Irhab Wel Kabab Hend
    69) Al Shares Fatma
    70) Almadi lm yaeud milki
    71) Aimra ayilat lilsuqut
    72) Raafat Al Haggan 3
    73) Al-raii wa al nesaa
    74) Eskendereya Kaman we Kaman Nadia
    75) Imr'aa Wahda La Takfi
    76) Geziret El Sheitan Fatma
    77) Raafat Al Haggan 2
    78) Sayedat Al-Qahira Amina
    79) The Emperor Abu Al Dahab
    80) El Riyah Qadima
    81) Almualid
    82) Ayam Al Ghadab Kawthar
    83) Baed Alasifa Samia
    84) Kabbous Mervat
    85) Al Bued Al Rabie
    86) A Woman, Unfortunately
    87) Raafat Al Haggan 1
    88) Sarkhat Nadam Nada
    89) We Share Your Joy
    90) Love Is Easy for You
    91) Alta'awitha
    92) Allaeiba
    93) Bustan aldam Nadia
    94) Sikat alnadama
    95) Esfour Lah Anyaab
    96) Le Adam Kefayat Al Adella Farida
    97) A Date with Destiny Nadia
    98) Al Bedaya
    99) Aljalsat siriya
    100) Al-go'u
    101) Siri lilghaya
    102) Qabl Al-Wadaa
    103) Station on the Street
    104) Manzel Alaaela Almasmoma Hoda
    105) A Stigma Elham
    106) Alans W Algin Fatma
    107) El Saaleek
    108) Beginning and End
    109) W Ga'et Fy el Khareef
    110) El Avocato
    111) The Hotel Lady
    112) Shaqet El Ostaz Hassan
    113) La tsa'lni Min Ana
    114) 'Iina rabak labialmirsad Nadia
    115) Burj almadabigh Nadia
    116) Darb Al Hawa
    117) Arzaq ya dunia
    118) Aietida
    119) Vengeance Nada
    120) Hadota Masria
    121) Ala Bab El Wazeer Nora
    122) وجوه عارية
    123) Al-Insan Yaaish Mara Waheda Amal
    124) Biada
    125) The Court's Ruling
    126) Blood on a Pink dress
    127) At the Minister's Door Nora
    128) Laylat shita dafia Sarah
    129) Intelligent But Stupid Nagwa
    130) The Hotel Nawal
    131) Anf W Thalathat Eyoun
    132) Dayirat alshaki Wafaa
    133) What Did Love Do to Dad? Samia
    134) The Girl Has Grown Up
    135) Al-Shahid Al-Wahid
    136) Oashaq taht ale'shreen Sawsan
    137) Ebtesama Wahda Takfi Amira
    138) El-Ganna Taht Qadmeha
    139) Joha Webanat Shahbander Al-Togar
    140) Young Dancing Over Fire
    141) Shaitan Elgezira Layla
    142) A Castle in the Air Sahar
    143) Mayuh labant al'astaa mahmud Samira
    144) An Appointment That Never Happened
    145) 'Alf bwst wabus
    146) A Story of a Bride & Groom
    147) Fattah Tabhas Aaan El Hob
    148) انتظر لا تقتلني
    149) Her Majesty's Tears
    150) Her Majesty's Love

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Bayt El Saad
    2) Big Time Podcast
    3) El Dome: Bawabet El Nogoum
    4) Kalam fi Al Hob
    5) Layali Ramadan
    6) Altaasiea
    7) Alseera
    8) Dubai Cruise
    9) Late Night at Home with You
    10) غدا أجمل
    11) Life Taught Me
    12) Sahranin
    13) Al Tawsela Guest Actress
    14) Bahib Al Cima Guest Actress
    15) Qaedet Regala 2 Guest Actress
    16) Salon Anoushka Guest Actress
    17) Saturday Night Live Bel Araby
    18) Black and White Guest Actress
    19) Abla Fahita Men El Duplex
    20) The Maze Guest Actress
    21) Tallaa El Sherir Elly Gowak Guest Actress
    22) Bewoduh Guest Actress
    23) Sahbet Al Saada Guest Actress
    24) Maakom Mona El Shazly Guest Actress
    25) Mafateeh Mofeed Fawzy
    26) Ana wel Assal 2 Guest Actress
    27) Al Tofaha Guest Actress
    28) Al Khataya 7 Guest Actress
    29) Al Ser Guest Actress
    30) Korsi Fel Colob Guest Actress
    31) Laeb Al Nojoum Guest Actress
    32) Okad Al Nojoum Guest Actress
    33) Laa Guest Actress
    34) Masaa Al Jamal Mae Mervat Wa Dalal Guest Actress
    35) Plateau
    36) Shaheen Leh
    37) ِAl Arrab Guest Actress
    38) Darak Guest Actress
    39) Tarta' wa Fangil Guest Actress
    40) Ala Korsi Al Mozeea Guest Actress
    41) 90 Daqiqa
    42) Nougoumna fi Alyaban
    43) Zay Al Qamar
    44) Ala Masoleity Guest Actress
    45) Laylati
    46) Answer Immediately
    47) Al Layla Maa Hala Sarhan Guest Actress
    48) Kan Zaman Guest Actress
    49) Khaleik Bel Beit Guest Actress
    50) Hiwar Sarih Gidan Guest Actress
    51) Zekryat Ramadan
    52) Dardasha Guest Actress
    53) Mashhad wa Jayza
    54) Negm Ala Hawa Guest Actress

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Emaret Yacoubian Singer
    2) Alwardat alhamra' Singer
    3) Al Quds Haturjie Lana
    4) Aimra ayilat lilsuqut Singer
    5) Biada
    6) The Girl Has Grown Up Singer

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Dahak walaeib wajad wahob Producer

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options