Add/Update Information: Maaly Zayed - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name معالي زايد
    Person Name in English Maaly Zayed
    Birth Name معالي عبدالله أحمد المنياوي
    Birth Name in English Maaly Abdullah Ahmed El Miniawy
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Egypt
    gender female
    Date of Birth 1953-11-05
    Died on 2014-11-10
    Birth Country Egypt
    Birth City
    Death Country Egypt
    Death City
    Death Reason سرطان الرئة
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    Toqa Hesham

    She is an Egyptian actress who graduated from the Faculty of Art Education and then the Higher Institute of Theatrical Art. Her artistic debut was on television in The Promised Night. Zayed is famous for her roles in the series Tears in Rude Eyes, and Heat Wave, as well as her role in the play Extra Sugar . She started working in the cinema in 1987, and her first movie was Life Is Wasted My Son, and she is famous for her movies The Egg and the Stone, and Ladies and Gentlemen. She passed away on November 10, 2014 as a result of a battle with lung cancer.

    Tarek Sharkawy

    Maaly Zayed is an Egyptian actress. She was born in 1953 in Cairo, to an artistic family that includes prolific actresses Amal Zayed and Gamalat Zayed. She studied at the High Institute of Theatrical Arts. Her debut role was in the television series “Al Layla Al Mawa'uda” (The Awaited Night). She also played roles in the series “Dumoa' fi Oyoun Waqiha” (Tears in Shameless Eyes), and “El Hawy” (The Magician), and in the plays “Sukkar Zeyada” (Extra Sugar), “Zuqaq Al Midaq” (Al Midaq Alley) and “Ana wel Hokuma” (Me and the Government). She started acting in films in 1978, with her role in “Daa Al Omr Ya Walady” (Life has Passed, My Son). Her roles diversified from street beggar to prostitute to tom boy. Her most memorable roles were in the films “Donia Allah” (God's World) and “Al Sada Al Rigal” (The Gentlemen). She received the best actress award for her role in “Al Sada Al Rigal” from the Film Association in 1987.

    محمد ألطيب

    Ma’aly ‘Abd Allah Ahmed al-Minnawy was born in Cairo. Zayed comes from an artistic household as her mother is Amal Zayed and her aunt is Gamalat Zayed. She graduated from the faculty of Art and then from the Institute for Theatrical Arts. Zayed’s career began on television and her first work was the series “al-Layla al-Maw’ouda” (“The Promised Night”). The performer has also worked on the series “A’ylatt al-Dawghary” (“al-Dawghary’s Household”), “Dimoo’ fee ‘Eyoun Waqiha”, “Hilm al-Layl wa al-Nahhar” (“Dreams of Night and Day”), “al-Hawwy”, “Ahl al-Donnya”, “Sho’a’ men al-Amal” (“A Ray of Hope”) and “Deedy wa Dolly”. Her stage performances have included “Sukkar Zeyadda” (“Extra Sugar”), “Zuqaq el-Madaq” and “Anna wa al-Hakouma” (“The Government and Myself”). Zayed has enjoyed a unique presence on stage and her performance were particularly authentic. Her roles have varied throughout her career and some of her most outstanding performances were in “al-Sadda al-Riggal” (“Gentlemen”) and other productions. 1987 saw her appear on cinema and her first film performance was in “Wa Da’ al-‘Umr ya Walady” (“The Years have Been Squandered My Boy”). The performer received the award for best actress for her role in “al-Sadda al-Riggal” from the Film Association in 1987 and she has developed an interest in fine art as of recently.


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Moga Harra
    2) Ibn El Arandaly
    3) Elwatar Elmashdood
    4) Police Stories
    5) Imraa Min El Saeed El Gowwany
    6) Hadrat almthm abi
    7) Qulub Tayiha
    8) Blood and Fire
    9) Diddy and Dolly
    10) Seeret Said El Zawani
    11) Anbar and the Colors
    12) People of the World
    13) Haret El tablawy
    14) Endama Tathor Al-Nesa'a
    15) Qadr aimra'a
    16) Sunset Doesn't Come in Secret
    17) Badara
    18) Harth Alddunya
    19) This Is the End of the World, Zaghloul
    20) The All-Knowing Shafika
    21) Confessions of a Reliable Source
    22) Umm El Aroosa
    23) عالم قطط
    24) A Serious Game
    25) We mnen Ageeb nas
    26) Al-Hawwi
    27) El Doghri 90
    28) Helm El Ganouby
    29) Village Game
    30) Abou El-Dahab
    31) El Dahaya
    32) Elmokalma Elqatela
    33) Ragol mohem giddann
    34) Adl Al Ayaam
    35) Love's Gates
    36) Al Marakibuy
    37) Azma Ya Set
    38) Looking for a Husband
    39) Hikayat Shafiqa wa Mutawaliy
    40) Leabet Al-Fangari
    41) Lolaaky Salwa
    42) Alzaman alsaeb
    43) The Accused Layla
    44) Ana Elly Gebto lnafsi
    45) PhD with Honors
    46) The Cry
    47) My Son
    48) Al Baida wal Hajar
    49) Alkhatar
    50) Jahim 2 (Hurghada)
    51) Rayya and Sekina's Sons
    52) Sydaati Anisaati
    53) Katebet El Eaadam
    54) Samak laban tamr hendy
    55) Qasr Alshowk
    56) Al-Zawga Taarif Akthar Wafaa
    57) Those Gentlemen
    58) Al-Ta'na
    59) Basamat El Wahm
    60) Bayn alqasrayn
    61) Shahed Ethbat Salma
    62) Al-Sakakeni
    63) A Rebellious Woman Safaa
    64) Li el-hob qesaa akhira Salwa
    65) Estghaset Min Al-Aleem El-Akheer
    66) Alhilal yaksib
    67) El Shaqa Men Haq El Zogga Karima
    68) The Birds
    69) Ana Ely Katlt El-Hanash
    70) Day and Night Dream
    71) Madaq Alley
    72) Sukar Ziada
    73) Love's Bitter Honey Yasmine
    74) Qadeyet Aam Ahmed Fatma
    75) The Widow and the Devil
    76) El Forn
    77) Bayt alqadi Afaf
    78) Man On the Waves
    79) El Arbagy
    80) Almahzala
    81) Khokha's Lane
    82) Wala min shafin wala min duriyi
    83) Aroosa wa gooz ersan
    84) The Mystery
    85) Om Methalya
    86) Worrying About My Child
    87) For My Son
    88) Al'ablah
    89) Case 80
    90) The Artists' Way
    91) Dmoo' fe eyon Wkha Fatma
    92) Eilat Al Duwghri
    93) Lel Zaman Baqya Fatma
    94) Abu Firas al-Hamdani
    95) Mount Lemon Reformatory
    96) El Faris El Akheer
    97) The Fateful Night
    98) Daa El Omr Ya Walady
    99) عاصفة على بحر هادئ
    100) Al Hisab fi Al Akher
    101) Dancers on Fire
    102) Permissible Speech
    103) The Last Escape/ Lost Dreams
    104) Me and the Government
    105) Problem Solver
    106) A Devastated Man
    107) A Stranger In The Neighborhood
    108) Stranger in Valley of the Moon
    109) Moon at El Metwally Gate

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Saduh 2 Guest Actress
    2) Nougoumna fi Alyaban
    3) Laylati
    4) Al Layla Maa Hala Sarhan
    5) Saaet Safaa Guest Actress
    6) Seen Jeem Guest Actress
    7) Hiwar Sarih Gidan Guest Actress
    8) Zekryat Ramadan
    9) Lessa Faker Guest Actress

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

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    Section Casting

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    Section Dubbing

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