Add/Update Information: Mahmoud El Tony - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name محمود التوني
    Person Name in English Mahmoud El Tony
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Egypt
    gender male
    Date of Birth 1934-07-17
    Died on 2009-03-10
    Birth Country Egypt
    Birth City
    Death Country Egypt
    Death City
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links


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    Toqa Hesham

    An Egyptian actor, born on July 17, 1934. He graduated from the Faculty of Commerce, Ain Shams University. He started his career as a pantomime. Among his most famous films are: Princess of My Love (1974), Devils Forever (1974). He also participated in several television series, such as: Raafat Al-Hagan) (1991), The Halawani Gate (1992), and Tame the Fierce (1996).


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Bwabit Al-Halawany 4
    2) Eftah Albak
    3) Ahlan Fatota
    4) Shabab Rayiq Jiddaan
    5) Yawmiat Wanis 5
    6) Al Qonfd
    7) The Better Half
    8) Bwabit Al-Halawany 3
    9) Al-Abtal 1
    10) Tarwid alsharisa
    11) Hikayat majnuna
    12) hamri jamri
    13) Chalet on the Lake
    14) Fares Elsaef Walqalam
    15) Falling in Sabe' Well
    16) Ser El Arad
    17) Mohammad Rasul Allah Ila Al Alam
    18) The Adventures of Firoz Shah
    19) Armalah Ala Genah Warda
    20) Umm El Oreef
    21) Bwabit Al-Halawany 1
    22) That's Old, Play Another
    23) Harib min Al-tagneed
    24) The Danger
    25) Box of Wonders Guest Actor
    26) Gharib
    27) Unachieved Dreams
    28) Raafat Al Haggan 2
    29) Hello Dear Grandpa
    30) Hayaty
    31) Have a Good Evening
    32) Al Ansar
    33) Women Union
    34) Abwab El Madina 2
    35) Once Upon a Time
    36) The Love and Marriage Trap
    37) El Bareea
    38) Men at Sunset
    39) زبائن جهنم
    40) Mufatish Al Mabahith
    41) One After One and a Half
    42) Al Hisar
    43) The Whirlwind
    44) The New Resident
    45) The Wild Bunch
    46) The World of Alibaba
    47) 'Amirat habiun 'ana
    48) Meen yeader ala aziza
    49) Shayeten Ela El Abad
    50) Reda's Café
    51) Abu Rabi'
    52) A Man for Every House
    53) Viewpoint
    54) Amasha Okasha
    55) Quickest Way to Insanity
    56) Ashgan
    57) Things That Can't Be Bought
    58) Siidati Ansati
    59) Cairo in Thousand Years
    60) Tabrizi and His Follower
    61) Layla
    62) The Peasant
    63) The Most Successful Marriage in the World
    64) Oh Islam
    65) The Sun Will Never Set
    66) Al Dahia
    67) Man and Hope
    68) White Revenge
    69) Aljil allly jay
    70) Dedicated Mercy
    71) The Drowned
    72) The Hotel
    73) People Are Standards
    74) A Dangerous Woman
    75) 'ana wababawiaa ealaa nus 'akhawiana
    76) Thank You for Coming
    77) Tales from the Thousand and One Nights
    78) A Very Private Class
    79) Men for Everything Samir
    80) Grownup Shenanigans
    81) Sihat wa Eafia
    82) The Guitarist
    83) Abbas and His Story with People
    84) Abdo Karate
    85) عزوز و زوربا
    86) Eeriness of Love
    87) Fekry Abaza
    88) The Case of an Innocent Child
    89) The Night of Saber's Arrest
    90) Malaeeb Ali Al-Zeebag
    91) My Aunt's Will

    Section Writer

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    Section Cinematographer

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    Section Editor

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    Section Sound Engineer

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    Section Costume Designer

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    Section Makeup Artist

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    Section Stuntman

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    Section Music Composer

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    Section Photographer

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    Section Public Relations

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    Section Art Director

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    Section Graphic Designer

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    Section Laboratory

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    Section Casting

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    Section Other

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    Section Dubbing

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