Add/Update Information: Mohamed Sobhi - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name محمد صبحي
    Person Name in English Mohamed Sobhi
    Birth Name محمد محمود محمد صبيح
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Egypt
    gender male
    Date of Birth 1948-03-03
    Died on
    Birth Country Egypt
    Birth City Al Qahirah
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links
    facebook mohamedsobhyofficial
    twitter m_msobhy
    instagram mohamedsobhy3348
    imdb nm0811797


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    Shaimaa Saied

    An Egyptian actor, writer and director. He graduated from the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts with honors, and was subsequently appointed as a teaching assistant at the institute. In the early 1980s, he founded the band (Studio 80) with his friend and classmate, playwright Lenin Al-Ramli, who together presented a number of plays that met with public success, including Hallucinations, The Savage Man and Point of View. He also presented a number of successful series such as The Journey of a Million, Wanis's Daily Life (8 seasons) and Horseless Knight. He also starred in many films until the early 1990s and stopped after that to focus on working in theater and television.

    Achraf Wassim

    Mohamed Sobhy is an Egyptian actor, writer and director who was born in Cairo in 1948. At a young age he was known for his talent of imitating famous artists; “Youssef Wahby, “Abu-Lam’a” and “Ahmad al-Haddaad”, a talent that paved his way to join the famous radio entertainment program “Saa’a le-albak i.e. An hour for your heart”. His unique artistic talent first appeared during his final exam at the High Institute of Dramatic Arts in 1967 when he played Hamlet, graduated with honors and was appointed demonstrator. He later wrote, starred and directed in his own theatrical version of Hamlet. Thus, his name was added to the British Encyclopedia, the most famous international encyclopedia. He started his career playing minor roles in stage plays with famous stars like Salaah Mansour, Fou’aad al-Mohandess, Hassan Youssef, Muhammad ‘Awad, Muhammad Negm and others. Although he played small roles, yet his appearance attracted audience and gained the admiration of those whom he worked with for his undeniable talent. His first, small but significant, role in “Hello Shalaby (1970)” was one of his most known achievements at the time. His lead roles started with ” Entaha al-dars ya ghabi i.e. Lesson is over, stupid”. Then, followed his roles in “’Aly Beih Mazhar. i.e. Mr. Aly Mazhar”, “Hamlet”, “Al-jokar i.e. The Joker”, “Al-hamagy i.e. The barbarian”, “Weg-het nazar i.e. A point of view”, “Mama America”, “Le’bet al-sett i.e. A woman’s plaything”, “Carmen” and other Naguib El Reehany plays that he produced in the late 90's and early 2000's. Among Sobhy’s popular TV series are: “Aly Beih Mazhar. i.e. Mr. Aly Mazhar”, “Kimo”, “Rehlet al-million i.e. The journey to be a millionaire”, “Sonbol baa’d el Million i.e. Sonbol..A millionaire”, “Yawmeyyat Wanees i.e. Wanees days” (seven seasons) and “Faares bela gawaad i.e. A knight without a horse”. On the silver screen, Sobhy was widely noticed in “Abnaa al-samt i.e. Sons of silence, and his critically acclaimed role as an activist student in the political drama “Al-Karnak.”


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options
    Tarek Sharkawy As a kid, he wanted to become a ballet dancer.


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) عيلة إتعمل لها بلوك
    2) Noon Stars
    3) A Lifetime of Joy
    4) Me, the Bee and the Wasp
    5) Khaybatna
    6) Ghazal Al Banat
    7) Wanis W Al-Ebad W Ahwal Al-Belad 8
    8) Wanis W Ayaamoh 7
    9) Yawmiat Wanis W Ahfadoh 6
    10) A Very Rich Poor Man
    11) The Oblivious Aiyesh
    12) Ana W Haaolaa
    13) Milh Al Ard
    14) Fares Bela Gawad
    15) Seket El Salama 2000
    16) Leabaet El Set
    17) Shamlool
    18) Carmen
    19) The King of Siam
    20) Yawmiat Wanis 5
    21) Ayilat Wanis
    22) Yawmiat Wanis 4
    23) Yawmiat Wanis 3
    24) Yawmiat Wanis 2
    25) Mama America
    26) Yawmiat Wanis 1
    27) In Eloquent Arabic
    28) Battal min El-Si'eed Gaber
    29) Adam Uncovered Adam
    30) El Shaytana Alati Ahabatni
    31) Halit Morahqa Hassan
    32) We Robbed the Robbers
    33) Al-Ameel Raqam 13
    34) Takharif
    35) Wijhat Nazar
    36) Alfulus walwuhush
    37) Almoshaghib Sitta
    38) Ragol Bi Sabaa Arwah
    39) Sonbol Baad Al-Milyoun
    40) Balagh didi aimra'a
    41) Lawyer Under Probation
    42) Aljarih
    43) Aleabqari khms
    44) Al Mahzuz
    45) Al Hamagi
    46) Ali Beh Mazhar We Erbeaen Haramy
    47) Hona el qahera
    48) El Baghbaghan
    49) Rehlet Al-Milyoun
    50) almutahadhlaqat
    51) tabib raghm 'anfuh
    52) Enta Hur
    53) Take Care Jumaa
    54) The Artists' Way
    55) A Strange World
    56) Al Thaelab Moustafa
    57) Aljukr
    58) Kimo
    59) How to Lose a Million Pounds
    60) Waraa Al-Shams Walid
    61) Uncle Zizo Habiby
    62) Ayna almafar? Abbas
    63) Hamlet
    64) The Mongoose
    65) Ali Beh Mazhar
    66) Fursat Al Eumr
    67) Viva Zalata
    68) Wa Bil Walidayn Ihsanan
    69) Al-Karnak
    70) Entaha Al Dars Ya Ghabi
    71) Abnaa El Samt Samir
    72) A Man in Our House
    73) Searching for Paradise
    74) Afaq
    75) Fun day
    76) Hallo Shalaby Magdy
    77) Extra Of The Season
    78) A Banana and 3 Knives
    79) Primo
    80) Bayt Sayee Al Somaa
    81) Bliss, You Crazy People

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) عيلة إتعمل لها بلوك Director
    2) Noon Stars Director
    3) Me, the Bee and the Wasp
    4) Khaybatna Director
    5) Ghazal Al Banat Director
    6) Azaay El Moshahden Mafesh Moshkla Khales
    7) Wanis W Al-Ebad W Ahwal Al-Belad 8 Director
    8) Wanis W Ayaamoh 7 Director
    9) Yawmiat Wanis W Ahfadoh 6 Director
    10) A Very Rich Poor Man Director
    11) The Oblivious Aiyesh Director
    12) Fares Bela Gawad
    13) Seket El Salama 2000 Director
    14) Leabaet El Set Director
    15) Carmen Director
    16) Ayilat Wanis
    17) The Old Lady’s Visit Director
    18) Mama America Director
    19) On slab Director
    20) In Eloquent Arabic Director
    21) Takharif Director
    22) Wijhat Nazar
    23) Al Mahzuz Director
    24) Al Hamagi
    25) Enta Hur Director
    26) Hamlet
    27) الحرب والسلام Director
    28) Afaq

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Noon Stars
    2) Khaybatna Writer
    3) Ghazal Al Banat
    4) Wanis W Al-Ebad W Ahwal Al-Belad 8 Writer
    5) Yawmiat Wanis W Ahfadoh 6 Writer
    6) A Very Rich Poor Man Story & Screenplay
    7) The Oblivious Aiyesh Writer
    8) Ana W Haaolaa Writer
    9) Fares Bela Gawad Writer
    10) Shamlool Writer
    11) Yawmiat Wanis 5 Writer
    12) Ayilat Wanis Writer
    13) Yawmiat Wanis 4 Writer
    14) Yawmiat Wanis 3 Writer
    15) Yawmiat Wanis 2 Writer
    16) Mama America Story & Screenplay
    17) Yawmiat Wanis 1 Writer
    18) Hamlet Scriptwriter

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Aisha Show Guest
    2) Alhikaya mae Amr Adib
    3) Msh mamnue Guest
    4) Kol Youm Guest
    5) Azaay El Moshahden Mafesh Moshkla Khales
    6) Mafateeh Mofeed Fawzy
    7) Laa Guest
    8) Ala Korsi Al Mozeea Guest
    9) Wahid min El Nas Guest
    10) 90 Daqiqa
    11) Laylati
    12) Sual Ealaa Al Fidyu Guest
    13) Lessa Faker Guest

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Sonbol Baad Al-Milyoun Singer

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options