Add/Update Information: Samir Hagag - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name سمير حجاج
    Person Name in English Samir Hagag
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Egypt
    gender male
    Date of Birth
    Died on
    Birth Country Egypt
    Birth City
    Death Country Egypt
    Death City
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    farah ashraf

    An Egyptian actor. He began his artistic career at the end of the seventies, and worked in cinema, theater and television. He played supporting secondary roles, as well as as an assistant director on television. Among his films are: We're the Bus People, On the Minister's Door, Dreams of Al-Tayer Boy and The Days.


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Abdel Hamid Academy
    2) Eyes Of Others
    3) A Well of Anger سلامة
    4) Batutta's Girl
    5) El Shaaki زعبله القهوجى
    6) Abdan Lm Yakon Hob
    7) Daqaat Al Saa'a
    8) Yama Fy el Segn
    9) One Hundred Good Evening
    10) Red Dirt
    11) You and Me and the Long Time
    12) Hello Dear Grandpa
    13) Men in the Trap
    14) Rehla ela Al Shams
    15) Fattota's Magical Journey
    16) As the Story Goes...
    17) Marry, and Say Yes to Life
    18) Raafat Al Haggan 1 نملة القهوجي
    19) Rad Aatbar
    20) Mawloud Fel Wakt El Daee زناتي
    21) Nur al'iiman
    22) Love and Cactus
    23) Al Zawgaa Awel Mn Yalam
    24) Khamsa Khamsa
    25) Alaa, Safaa, and the Friends
    26) Farfasha 2
    27) Qabel An Yanthy Elomer
    28) Wi Kesebna El Qadeyya
    29) The Agonizing Patience
    30) El Maktoub Al Jebeen
    31) Excuse Me, Lady
    32) Farfasha S1
    33) The Deceivers
    34) Ahlam El Whosh
    35) Countries of Happiness
    36) Awda Min Al Holm Al Wardy عبدالسميع - الفراش
    37) Qadeyet Aam Ahmed قوطه صبي القهوجي
    38) La 'iilah 'iilaa allah 1
    39) Akhu El Banat
    40) Alsutuh
    41) The Missing Plane
    42) The Greedy
    43) The Prophet Is Here
    44) Zahra wa Al Maghul سمعة
    45) Ghabatan min al'asmant
    46) Stranger on the Wall
    47) Summer Night Dream
    48) Ala Bab El Wazeer إبراهيم
    49) The Night of Fatma's Arrest
    50) Difficult Times
    51) Asheqat Al Wahm
    52) Laylat shita dafia كمساري الحافلة
    53) Imam Malik
    54) Maarouf the Shoemaker
    55) Ehna Betoaa El Autobess من الفلاحين
    56) The Days
    57) Khally Balak Men Giranak
    58) Friendly Visit
    59) Ahlam Alfataa Alttayir بولطي
    60) Mawal Al Ghadab عبدالحكم
    61) Abu Zaid & the Sleepy
    62) Altayr Almusafir
    63) Al Muhamia
    64) El Mshkhasaty
    65) Aunt Shafiqa's Marriage
    66) God's Limits
    67) Dream Or Reality?
    68) A World
    69) Journey in a Crazy World
    70) Karma
    71) Sawwaq Al Taksi صديق على الله
    72) Fractured Family
    73) Abdullah bin Masood
    74) We Won't Cry on Them
    75) Hiraqul fi Al Hazira
    76) Time Said

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Al Maha Eyes مخرج مساعد
    2) Maarouf the Shoemaker مساعد مخرج
    3) Children in the Storm مساعد مخرج
    4) Point of Weakness مساعد مخرج

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

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    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

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    Section Producer

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    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

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    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options