Add/Update Information: Riham Abdulghafour - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name ريهام عبدالغفور
    Person Name in English Riham Abdulghafour
    Birth Name ريهام عبدالغفور محمد جواد
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname ريهام عبد الغفور
    Nickname in English Reham Abdel Ghafour
    Nationality Egypt
    gender female
    Date of Birth 1978-09-06
    Died on
    Birth Country Egypt
    Birth City
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links
    twitter RehamAbdGhafour
    instagram rihamabdelghafour
    facebook RihamAbdelGhafour


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    Toqa Hesham

    Riham Abdel Ghafour is an Egyptian actress, born in El-Mahalla El-Kubra, and she is the daughter of actor Ashraf Abdel Ghafour. After graduated from the Faculty of Commerce, English Department, she acted in many television works, including Family and People, Morning and Evening Talk, and Zezenia S2. In cinema, Riham Abdel Ghafour starred in several films, including Alexandria Private, and A Friend Indeed. She also worked in the theater in a number of plays, the most famous of which is King Lear with Yehia El-Fakharany.

    Emma Alpert

    Reham Abdel Ghafour was born in Al-Mahalla al-Kubra in 1978. She is the daughter of Egyptian actor Ashraf Abdel Ghafour and she studied in the College of Commerce (English Section). Reham starred in the film “Saaheb Sahbo” (Best Friends), alongside Muhammad Heneidy and Ashraf Abdul Baky. She also appeared in numerous television series including, “Al Aiela wal Naas” (Family and People), “Hadeeth Al Sabaah wal Massaa” (Day and Night Talk), and “Zizinia.” With regard to cinema, Reham has appeared in films such as, “Malaky Eskendereyya” (Malaki Alexandria), “Kaan Yowm Hobbak” (The Day of Your Love), “Gaay fel Sareea” (I’m coming!) and “Bel-Araby Cinderella” (Cinderella in Arabic). She always appeared with Yahia al-Fakharaany in a theatrical performance of “Al Malek Lear” (King Lear).


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Zolm El Mastaba
    2) Catalogue
    3) Laylat El Eid
    4) Yahya Wa Knouz 3
    5) Azmat Montasaf Al Omr
    6) Al Asli
    7) El Sandouq
    8) El Leaba 4: Dawri El Abtal
    9) Awlad Hareem Karim
    10) Rasheed
    11) Al Ghurfa 207
    12) Amma an Halat el Taqs
    13) Munaataf Khatar
    14) Wish Wa Dahr
    15) A'azz El Weld
    16) Qasr El Nil
    17) Iilaa Ana
    18) Saheb El-Maqam
    19) Wahda Kida
    20) أنا ... ناس
    21) Zay El-Shams Farida
    22) The Diaries of Abdul Rahman and Ahlam
    23) El-Rehla
    24) ‏Souq Al Gomaa‏
    25) Wrestling Pinfall
    26) El-Khaleya Shorouq Othman / Om Al Ezz
    27) Al-zaybaq Farida
    28) Ramadan Kareem
    29) La tutafiy alshams
    30) ِAfrah El-Qobba
    31) El-Caesar
    32) El Haram El Rabea
    33) Kalimat Ser
    34) Haret El Yahood
    35) Qasas El Ayat fil Qur'an
    36) Maryam
    37) Al Khati'a
    38) Tofahet Adam
    39) Siret Hob Mervat
    40) Ajaeb Alqisas fil Quran
    41) El Da'eya
    42) Qisas Al Nisa fi Al Quran Salma
    43) Al-Akhoa Al-A'daa
    44) Gowa El Le'ba
    45) Qisas alinsan fi alquran Salma
    46) Al-Rayyan
    47) Wadi Al-Molouk
    48) Hamza and Fatheya at 900
    49) Rahil mae alshams
    50) Sheikh El Arab Hammam (Akhir muluk alsaeid)
    51) My Love Story
    52) Leqaa Mostaheel
    53) Msh Alf Liela W Liela
    54) Afrah Eblis 1
    55) The Academy Fatma
    56) Elshan malish ghyrk
    57) Little Girls
    58) Waraa Al Tout
    59) Alghaba
    60) Hima - 'ayam aldahk wa eldumue
    61) Khamis or Gomaa
    62) Thank God You're Safe
    63) Life Difficulties
    64) Eajmista
    65) Lahazat Harega
    66) Al Andaleeb: Hekayat Shaab
    67) Bel Arabi Cinderella
    68) Bent Bnoot
    69) Tahseen and his crazy bothers
    70) Ga'latni Mogremann
    71) Zay el hawa Nour
    72) Alaia Eltarab Beltalata Mona
    73) Al Ameel 1001
    74) Amaken Fee Al Qalb
    75) Coming So Fast Abeer
    76) Hareem Karim
    77) Radio Star
    78) Mallaki Eskenderiya
    79) Without an Appointment
    80) Bent Men Shoubra
    81) Love Coincidences
    82) Al-Hakika w Al-Sarab Salwa
    83) El Amaa Noor
    84) Shams Youm Gadeed
    85) Mas'alat mabda
    86) Amira in Abdeen
    87) Sehr El-Oyoon
    88) Saheb Sahbo
    89) Fares Bela Gawad
    90) Ahlam Sanabel
    91) Dancing on Escalators
    92) Al Malik Lear
    93) Hadith Al-Sabah wal Masaa'
    94) Aleayilat walnaas
    95) Zezenia 2: Al Layl W Al Fanar
    96) Starring Role

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Hebr Sery
    2) Khali Balak Min Fifi
    3) Ramez Magnoun Rasmy
    4) Hazar Fazar
    5) Sahranin Guest Actress
    6) Alhikaya mae Amr Adib Guest Actress
    7) Ramez Taht El-Sefr Guest Actress
    8) Qaedet Regala 2 Guest Actress
    9) Qahwat 'ashraf Guest Actress
    10) Ana Wa Ana Guest Actress
    11) Baye wa Iishturi Guest Actress
    12) Ta Eshrab Shai Guest
    13) Salon Anoushka Guest Actress
    14) Abla Fahita Men El Duplex
    15) Bait El Aeyila Guest Actress
    16) Ahla Messa Guest Actress
    17) Sahbet Al Saada
    18) Maakom Mona El Shazly Guest Actress
    19) Disk Al Nojoum Guest Actress
    20) Riham Ealnaar
    21) Darak Guest Actress
    22) Tarta' wa Fangil Guest Actress
    23) Wahid min El Nas
    24) Helhom Benhom Guest Actress
    25) Forsa Saeda Guest Actress

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options