Add/Update Information: Lebleba - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name لبلبة
    Person Name in English Lebleba
    Birth Name نينوتشكا مانوك كوبليان
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Egypt
    gender female
    Date of Birth 1946-11-14
    Died on
    Birth Country Egypt
    Birth City
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links
    instagram leblebaegypt


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    Achraf Wassim

    Ninochka Manoug Kupelian better known by her stage name Lebleba is an Egyptian film actor and entertainer of Armenian origins. Started her life mocking actors and the entrepreneur “Ma’allem Seddeek” discovered her and presented her to “Al-masrah al-kawmy i.e. The National Theater” where she became famous for stand-up comedies. Anwar Wagdy and Hassan al-Seify gave her some small roles in cinema. Abul-So’oud al-Ebiaary gave her the name Lebleba (The eloquent) after seeing the multi-talented child actor, comedian and dancer. She married actor Hassan Youssef, but they were divorced later on. She never remarried. Lebleba played a number of different roles with renowned Egyptian comedian Adel Emaam. The director Aatef al-Tayyeb gave her two noteworthy roles in “Dedd al-hokouma i.e. Anti-Government” and “Layla saakhena i.e. Hot night”, winning many awards. As she grew up, she took on more serious roles like a mother in Chahine’s “Al-aakhar i.e. The other” and a prostitute in “Gannat al-shayaateen i.e. Fallen angels paradise”.


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) El Gawahergy
    2) Esabet El Max
    3) Al Shanab Noha Shanab
    4) Al Kateba 101
    5) Dayman Amer
    6) Casablanca
    7) One Block Behind Elham
    8) Ma'moun wa shorakah
    9) El Feel El Azraq
    10) Saheb Al-Saada
    11) Villa 69
    12) Nazareyet Amity
    13) Mickey's Family Maryam
    14) Al-Bayh Romancy
    15) Yawm ma etqabelna
    16) Hasan wamarqas
    17) Wesh Egram
    18) Booha
    19) Farhaan Melaazem Adam
    20) Eskendreya - New York
    21) Arees Men Geha Amneya
    22) El Naama wel Tawoos
    23) Ma'ali Al-Wazir
    24) Al-Akhar
    25) Gannet Al-Shayateen
    26) Al Hafaar
    27) Leila Sakhina
    28) Lahib Alaintiqam
    29) Ded Al-Hokuma Samia
    30) El Shaytana Alati Ahabatni
    31) A Day Without an End
    32) The Liar and His Friend
    33) Jiran akhar zaman
    34) A Victim of Love
    35) Almukhbir
    36) A Woman on Probation
    37) Bokra Ahla Men El-Naharda
    38) Awlad Al-Usul Nahed
    39) Shaaytan Men Assal
    40) Mahatat Al-Uns
    41) Aihtaras min alkhut Nabila
    42) Ehna Betoaa El Essaaf
    43) My Loyal Friend Salma
    44) Lak Youm Ya Beh Wafaa
    45) Iinahum yasriqun aal aranib
    46) Satuhi Above the Tree
    47) Rajul fi sijn alnisa'
    48) Essabet Hamada Wi Tutu
    49) 4 - 2 - 4
    50) He Who Tricked the Devil Afaf
    51) Budhur alshaytan
    52) Dance to the Tunes of Gunpowder
    53) Khally Balak Men Giranak Nawal
    54) Al Baa'd Yazhab lel Maa'zoun Marratayn
    55) El-Ganna Taht Qadmeha
    56) Al-Qadeya Al-Mashhora
    57) Iimra bila qalb
    58) Hob Fauq Al-Burkan
    59) Sikkat Al-Ashqeen Nahed
    60) Adventurers Around the World Hanan
    61) 'Alf bwst wabus
    62) Almarayat Guest Actress
    63) Behold How Sokkar Is Bold
    64) The Bill, Mademoiselle
    65) Music Is in Danger
    66) Siqan fi alwahl
    67) عاشور رايح جاي
    68) Ehtaressy Min El Regal ya Mama
    69) Qisat Al Hay Al Gharbi
    70) Mulled Ya Donya
    71) Meen yeader ala aziza
    72) 24 Saeatan hubun Amira
    73) Girls and Love
    74) Hikayty maa' Elzaman
    75) Aajayib ya zaman
    76) The Lucky Groom
    77) Fil Seef Lazem Neheb
    78) Albanat walmarsidus
    79) Al Sokkareya
    80) Alshayatin fi 'ajaza
    81) Shayee Men El Hob Salwa
    82) Badi'a's Daughter
    83) Zawaj bial'iikrah Salwa
    84) Virgo
    85) Rehlet Shahr El Assal
    86) Al milioneer el mozayaf
    87) Shuntat hamza
    88) Agaza Bil Afeya Guest Actor
    89) The Youngest Child
    90) Namuru altalamidha
    91) Kadi Al-Gharam Layla
    92) El Nagham El Hazeen
    93) El Habeb el maghool Girl child
    94) Arba'a Banat wi Zabett Girl child
    95) Ya Zalemni Girl child
    96) The Happy Home
    97) My Love Soso Girl child
    98) Stray
    99) ولد وبنت

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Henedy Show
    2) Fe Amal Guest Actress
    3) Msh mamnue Guest Actress
    4) Mafateeh Mofeed Fawzy
    5) Euqdati Guest Actress
    6) Welcome with Arwa Guest Actress
    7) Al Ser Guest Actress
    8) Sada Almala'eb
    9) Ana W Elly Bahbo Guest Actress
    10) Naltaqi Mae Brewin Habib Guest Actress
    11) Sahret Sherai Guest Actress
    12) Al Layla Maa Hala Sarhan Guest Actress
    13) Saaet Safaa Guest Actress
    14) Studio 87

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Wesh Egram
    2) Bokra Ahla Men El-Naharda Singer
    3) Mahatat Al-Uns Singer
    4) Al-Qadeya Al-Mashhora Singer
    5) 24 Saeatan hubun Singer
    6) Aajayib ya zaman
    7) Al milioneer el mozayaf Singer

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options