Add/Update Information: Abdel Wareth Asar - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name عبدالوارث عسر
    Person Name in English Abdel Wareth Asar
    Birth Name عبد الوارث علي عسر
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Egypt
    gender male
    Date of Birth 1894-09-16
    Died on 1982-04-22
    Birth Country Egypt
    Birth City
    Death Country Egypt
    Death City
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    Achraf Wassim

    Born in Gammaleyya (popular district in Cairo) to a lawyer father, Abdul Waareth loved reading and became a connoisseur of Arabic Language. Though he joined the faculty of law, yet he left it after his father’s death to take care of their land. Meanwhile as a great fan of acting and arts he joined The George Abyad Troupe in 1912. His first small role was that of actor keen to which he was trained on by actor Mansy Fahmy. Amr Wasfy the troupe manger then gave him the role of an elderly person. The role that never parted him. In 1935, he started acting on the silver screen. Alongside with acting he had a job as a clerk in the ministry of finance. As Abdul Waareth was a talented writer he wrote a big number of radio series and film scripts including “Zeinab”, the cinema speaking version. He also wrote and adapted four plays together with Soulaymaan Nagueeb. Abdul Waareth excelled in the art of speech and taught it at The Higher Institute of Cinema since its establishment in 1959 until 1967. For TV her acted in TV series “Ahlaam al-fata al-taa’er i.e. Dreams of a flying guy”. He received the best script award for “Gonoun al-hobb i.e. Love madness”. He was also awarded the State Award and Medal of Arts by president Sadaat. Through his great talent of speech and intonation he deeply touched the heart and conscience of the audience thus creating his special way of performance and becoming a phenomenal speaker.


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Umsiat Al Burda
    2) Abnayiy Alaeza..Shukran
    3) Iskanderija... lih?
    4) Aqwa Min Al-Ayam
    5) Easifat min aldumue
    6) Aliaa and the City Guest Actor
    7) Don't Cry, My Love
    8) Wla A'zaa Lil-Sayidat
    9) Ahlam Alfataa Alttayir
    10) Al-Boassa
    11) Desire and Price
    12) Shafiqa Wi Metwally
    13) Daa El Omr Ya Walady
    14) Sonya and the Madman
    15) Min Ajl Alhayah
    16) El Resala
    17) El Muznibun
    18) Umm Kulthum
    19) Gonoun Alshabab
    20) Al'ukhuat al'aeda'
    21) El Asfour
    22) Aajayib ya zaman
    23) Man and Smoke
    24) Al Mara'a Allaty Ghalabat Al Shaytan
    25) Zohor Barreya
    26) Sea Bird
    27) The Case of Saqr
    28) Sustenance of Children
    29) Who or Who Not?
    30) Al Ard
    31) The Gang
    32) Al-Nas Elli Gowa
    33) Al Secretar Al Fanny
    34) The Peasant
    35) Qandel Umm Hashim
    36) The Eloquent Farmer
    37) Tarikh Al Sinima Al Masria
    38) Khan El-Khalili
    39) Algabal
    40) Adham El-Sharkawi
    41) El Banoura el mashoura
    42) Al Dahia
    43) Bent El Hetta
    44) Bint 16
    45) Zoqaq el madaq
    46) My Life
    47) Ghosn Al-Zaytoun
    48) Characters in Search of an Author
    49) Mawa'ed Ma' Almady
    50) Pay or Prison
    51) The Family Tree
    52) There Is a Man in Our House
    53) Allahu Akbar
    54) A Heart of Gold
    55) Abu Haded
    56) Rihlat Al Karawan
    57) Samahuni
    58) The Midnight Driver
    59) Ard El-Salaam
    60) Ismail yassine fi el ostool
    61) El Koraa Maa Bolbol
    62) El Wesada Elkhalya
    63) Leila Raheeba
    64) The Land of Dreams
    65) Al-Gharieb
    66) The General Inspector
    67) The Scornful Man
    68) Dalilah
    69) Zanuba
    70) Shabab Imraa
    71) Soat Min El Madi
    72) Euyun sahrana
    73) Qoloob Ha'erah
    74) The Fences
    75) almiead
    76) Amany Al Umr
    77) Bahr El Gharam
    78) Tears at Night
    79) Rannet El Kholkhal
    80) The Beach of Memories
    81) Kesat Hoby
    82) Lahn alwafa'
    83) Arba'a Banat wi Zabett Marzouq
    84) Pity My Tears
    85) Assaad El Ayam
    86) El Sheikh Hassan (Lelet El Qadr)
    87) Al-Malak Al-Zalem
    88) Jinun alhabi
    89) Khalik Ma' Allah
    90) Da'iman Maak
    91) Seraa Fel Wadi Saber
    92) Lovers' Village
    93) Once in a Lifetime
    94) An Appointment with Happiness
    95) After Goodbye
    96) Hob fi Al-Zalam
    97) Happiness Path
    98) Fi Sharaa Meen
    99) A Date With Life
    100) Nafeza A'la Al-Ganna
    101) Wafaa Ibrahim
    102) Al-Ustaza Fatma
    103) Foreman Hassan
    104) Bnt alshshati
    105) zaynab
    106) Shamshon Weleblb
    107) Mn ayn lik haza
    108) Nahed
    109) Adam Wi Hawwa
    110) The Country of the Beloved
    111) Hokm Elqawi
    112) Faik we Rayek
    113) Lak Youm ya Zalem
    114) Makansh Aal Baal
    115) Al-Beit Al-Kabir
    116) Bayoumi Afandy
    117) Ghazl Al Banat
    118) Fatma, Marika & Rachel
    119) Hub la yamut
    120) The Mighty Samson
    121) Anbar
    122) The Fugitive
    123) Son of Antar
    124) Land of the Nile
    125) Ashab El Saadah
    126) The Sin
    127) Al Na'eb Al Aam
    128) Gharam Badaweya
    129) I'm No Angel
    130) The Gravest Sin
    131) Money
    132) Salama
    133) Rosasa Fe Al-Qalb
    134) Just Married
    135) Eayida
    136) Mamnoe Al-Hob
    137) Masnaa El Zawgat
    138) A Happy Day
    139) The Doctor
    140) Yahya El Hob
    141) Final Resolution
    142) Tears of Love
    143) Zeinab
    144) Al Eshra Al Tayiba
    145) The Last Lie
    146) Bravest Man in the World
    147) الأرض
    148) The Serpent
    149) God Bear Witness to My Fasting
    150) The Fugitive
    151) Where Is My Love
    152) Thuma
    153) Returned Soul
    154) Return My Heart
    155) Jasmine Flower
    156) Night Robbery
    157) ليلة رهيبة
    158) Mekheemar Althaleth Ashar

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Kerim, Son of the Sheik
    2) A Heart of Gold
    3) Tobah Scriptwriter
    4) Amany Al Umr Scriptwriter
    5) El Sheikh Hassan (Lelet El Qadr)
    6) Jinun alhabi
    7) zaynab Scriptwriter
    8) Nahed
    9) Al-Beit Al-Kabir Story & Screenplay
    10) I'm No Angel Scriptwriter
    11) Eayida Story
    12) A Happy Day Story & Screenplay
    13) The Doctor Story
    14) God Bear Witness to My Fasting Writer
    15) Night Robbery Writer
    16) فدان طماطم Writer
    17) فين العريس Writer

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options