Add/Update Information: Ahmed Azmy - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name أحمد عزمي
    Person Name in English Ahmed Azmy
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Egypt
    gender male
    Date of Birth 1978-09-14
    Died on
    Birth Country Saudi Arabia
    Birth City
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links
    facebook profile.php?id=100015254430653


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    نورا سراج الدين

    Ahmed Azmy started his career at a very early age. His career path began at the age of 11, when he used to write poems and send them to a children's radio show. His poems and letters were so moving, that they grabbed the attention of Mohamed Hamdy, the president of radio broadcasting at the time. Hamdy introduced him to Abla Fadila, who personally invited him to be a regular on her famous children's radio show. From children's radio, he was introduced to the actress Inaam elKretili, who helped launch his career in television. He first appeared as a child actor in the TV show The Knights starring Ahmed Abdel Aziz. After finishing high school, he enrolled in the High Academy of Performing Arts to cement his talent and work experience with a formal education in acting. He also enrolled in the director Youssef Shahin's talent agency, which gave him his first job as an adult in the movie Closed Doors after passing rigorous auditions and casting calls. In 2001, he won numerous "Best Actor" awards in 3 different movie festivals for his role in this film. He later went on to act in Yousry Nasrallah's film The City. Azmy gained notoriety through his role in the popular TV show "Abbas elAbyad" starring Yehia elfakharany, whom Azmy considers his godfather in this industry. He lives with his wife Dina and son Adam.


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Al Menbar
    2) Harb Al Jabali
    3) Zolm El Mastaba الشيخ علاء كشري
    4) Be 100 Ragel ضيف شرف
    5) Barcode 615
    6) Shamal Ijbari
    7) Esabet Azima جمال
    8) Noqta Soda ايمن
    9) El Hay El Arabi كريم
    10) Bahebek ضابط القسم
    11) Donya Tanya قاسم
    12) Nos Ywm حسام
    13) 3 in Trouble
    14) Alamat Abril
    15) Afandina
    16) Four-Wheel Drive مصطفى
    17) One Block Behind فهمي
    18) Matryoshka إيهاب - متعهد حفلات
    19) Motrebeen An El Taeam
    20) 30 Youm دكتور صالح فواز - ضيف شرف
    21) Al Gama'a 2 عبدالرحمن السندي
    22) Eldonia Maqlouba جون
    23) Almorsy Abo Elabaas منعم - بائع حمص الشام
    24) Msh Wesh Nea'ma
    25) Romio El-Sayeda
    26) Afarit Mehrez
    27) Wesh Sogoon تهامي
    28) Life, Thou Art Wicked
    29) Ishta wa Assal عسل
    30) Howa Fi Keda فتحي
    31) Okht Therese حربي
    32) Al Khafafish
    33) bial'amr almubashir
    34) Girls x Girls
    35) Hara Khms Nogoom نبيل
    36) Rakam Maghol صديق علي
    37) Saa W Noss صديق عبدالله
    38) Shams Al Ansari حمادة القوصي
    39) Qisas alinsan fi alquran
    40) Wa Baad El Tofan كريم
    41) Al Shawareh Al Khalfia عبدالحكم الجراحي
    42) El Shoq حسين
    43) Transit
    44) Dawaran Shubra أشرف
    45) Fokak Menny وليد
    46) Qisas Al-Hayawan fil Qura'n هابيل
    47) Ahasees مجدي
    48) Al Gama'a عبدالرحمن السندي
    49) Last Summer جاسر -محسن
    50) Ayza Atjawaz نصاب - ضيف شرف
    51) Jinxed with Highest Honors عبدالرحمن
    52) A Date with Monsters شفيق
    53) Ezbet Adam مصطفى
    54) Elshan malish ghyrk أحمد الرشيدي
    55) Wekalet Attiya
    56) Yawm ma etqabelna مصطفى
    57) Al Zamahlawia حسن شحاتة
    58) Alghaba حموسه
    59) Al-Wa'ad جرجس
    60) Qabalat masruqa إيهاب
    61) 'Ahlamuk 'awamir أحمد - ابن زينب الأكبر
    62) Juba محمود
    63) Hanan W Haneen باسم - ابن حنان
    64) Sultan of Love محمد
    65) Yatarabaa fi euzuin إبراهيم عزو
    66) Cinderella حسن يوسف
    67) Bent Bnoot حامد إسماعيل
    68) Tutu w Pyjama ضيف شرف
    69) Qulub Tayiha
    70) Mafesh Gher Keda عمرو
    71) El-Set Asilah عمر
    72) Al Ameel 1001 خالد - أخو عمرو
    73) Blood and Fire
    74) White Abbas in the Black Day محمود لطفي الجنايني
    75) baed altuwfan
    76) Between Two Shores
    77) The Sins of the Innocent
    78) Storm of Doubt
    79) Canaria wa Shorakah وليد
    80) الخبيئة
    81) Where Is My Son?
    82) Adam's Autumn صبري الشاب
    83) Diddy and Dolly علاء
    84) Aswar Alzulm حامد
    85) Al Malik Lear إدجار (نسخة 2019)
    86) Al'abwab almughliqa محمد
    87) Al Madina ياسر
    88) زي القمر
    89) Salma's Story
    90) Film Thiqafi طـارق
    91) Roots
    92) El Ain Elly Sabbet
    93) Al Layth Ibn Saad ذو النون
    94) Nur wa nar أحمد عبدالباسط
    95) The Bitter Harvest
    96) Qoloob Fel Asefa
    97) Lann Aeish fi Gilbab Aby حسين (صبياً)
    98) ?Why Are You Climbing That Tree Again
    99) Aietirafati
    100) El Forsan بيبرس (صغيراً) - طفل
    101) hikayat min haratina
    102) Fares Elsaef Walqalam أبو فراس الحمداني (صبيا)
    103) Bougy, Tamtam and the Magic Lantern طفل
    104) Gedi Al Azeez, Shokran
    105) Bougy W Tamtam
    106) The Visitors طفل
    107) Ahlam Mabrouka طفل
    108) الشبورة
    109) إهدنا الصراط المستقيم طفل
    110) Then Comes the Sad Truth
    111) Neighbor of the Moon
    112) Blossoming Flowers طفل
    113) From the Qur'an طفل

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Sahbet Al Saada ضيف
    2) Helhom Benhom: Al Sulh Khayr ضيف
    3) Helhom Benhom Min Al Akir ضيف
    4) Darak ضيف

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Matryoshka مساعد مخرج ثان

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options