Add/Update Information: Department of Film and Theater - Producer

    Basic Information

    Person Name دائرة السينما والمسرح
    Person Name in English Department of Film and Theater
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Iraq
    gender company
    Date of Birth
    Died on
    Birth Country
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links


    Name Biography Official ? Options


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Al-fataat wa a-lghaba
    2) Madness of doves
    3) Ten Minute War
    4) I Am My Face
    5) Ahbeini Executive Producer
    6) Al Haj Nejim al-bakal Producer
    7) sir alqawarir
    8) Al Masaraat wa Al Awjae
    9) Parlaman al-nisaa
    10) sabr al-mafatih
    11) Romeo and Juliet in Baghdad
    12) In the House
    13) here is Baghdad
    14) Mawawal Bab El Agha
    15) Migration to Love
    16) countdown
    17) raghif ala wajh al-maa
    18) happy happy
    19) hi wahay wahu
    20) Ors Al-dam
    21) Not Except
    22) al-aqrab
    23) The Ritual of Sleep and Blood
    24) alhiqd
    25) The Dancer and the Demons
    26) almunqataa
    27) shukuk
    28) al-ghajaria wa al-wahsh
    29) House of Sorrows
    30) Love Bird
    31) aistiad alshams
    32) aleajuz almurahiq
    33) laylat alqabd ala hasuwn
    34) Actor Celebration
    35) King Ghazi Producer
    36) Innocent invitation to love
    37) mahataat alsinin
    38) The Explosion
    39) Taaloula Baghdadia
    40) Sharing on the melody of the cores
    41) Al-Sheikh wa Al-Ghanaian
    42) The Treasure
    43) hub wa marah wa shabab
    44) The Sun Bird Producer
    45) Desert Boy Producer
    46) Contemporary love story
    47) aidbituu alsaat
    48) Arta Bridge
    49) The Time of Love Producer
    50) Faust and the Bald Princess
    51) On a Travel Night Producer
    52) laylat khuruj bashar bin alharith hafyaan
    53) Electra's wedding night
    54) ٌIt's Raining, Mother
    55) mamlakat alnahl
    56) Thorns
    57) Storm
    58) The Cart and the Horse Producer
    59) A Thousand Wish and Wish
    60) The Game Producer
    61) Speak, stone..!
    62) Love and bicycle
    63) Dzdemona
    64) Summer Cloud
    65) Earis wa lakin Producer
    66) Place in Tomorrow Producer
    67) Wajhan Fil Soura Producer
    68) Dreams of Birds
    69) Albayt Producer
    70) Al-doctor
    71) Witness and Case
    72) The Legislation
    73) A Thousand and One Trips
    74) alf layla wa layla
    75) The Game
    76) sita ala sita Producer
    77) A Glimpse of Power Producer
    78) Ors Iraqy Producer
    79) Delusional patient
    80) The Princess and the Daffodils Producer
    81) Profit and love
    82) Al-fares wa Al-jabal Producer
    83) El Monaffezoon
    84) People Are Races
    85) taratil fawq alminbar
    86) Love in Baghdad
    87) Hub wa khubz wa basal
    88) Shamasna lan taghib Producer
    89) sakhab albahr Producer
    90) The Door
    91) aleawda
    92) The station
    93) Between the Owner and the Owned the Abandoner and the Abandoned Are Lost
    94) The mother
    95) Al Hodood Al Moltaheba
    96) Al-Shalila
    97) Great Iraq
    98) Flute and Moon
    99) nadimukum hadha almasa'
    100) Albustan
    101) The Folk Epic
    102) Faction on the road to glory
    103) malhamat alhub
    104) Ibn Majid
    105) Absentee
    106) Al masala al-kubraa Production Director
    107) mother of fighters
    108) summer night dream
    109) Family tree
    110) Mutawa and Bahia
    111) Yesterday is back again
    112) Al Qadisiya Producer
    113) Al- mohimma mostammira
    114) illusion
    115) The Little One's Journey on the Journey of Destiny
    116) Small beets
    117) The Sniper Producer
    118) Jezert Aphrodite
    119) zayt alhitan
    120) kumidiaa qadima
    121) El Aswaar
    122) Al-shuhadaa yanhadun
    123) Badr Al-Badour and Letters of Night
    124) Another Day Producer
    125) albahithun
    126) Alguentrah
    127) almuzayifun
    128) Orange Star
    129) Al-nahar Producer
    130) Gilgamesh
    131) Kuluhum Awladi
    132) Night traveler
    133) Trees Die Standing
    134) Al Tagroba
    135) Bab Al-Futuh
    136) biut fi dhalik alziqaq
    137) al-ghuzat
    138) Alaaddin W Almisbah Alsihri
    139) Entry card to the tent
    140) Al-sabi al-khashaby
    141) El Toufan
    142) Al-dhamyoon
    143) the siege
    144) ghadan satakun alshams moshriqa
    145) Corundal
    146) Bridge of the Free
    147) Shaif khair
    148) aljabi
    149) alhayawanat alzujajia
    150) The eagle has two heads
    151) Antigona
    152) Baggage Fell
    153) alaydi alrahima
    154) Escape
    155) rihlat alkhalas
    156) Sherouk Producer

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Badea
    2) Abu Haila
    3) Ana'ima

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) El Zawraq
    2) tariq al-shar
    3) Basra sa'a Hidash

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) King Ghazi

    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options