Add/Update Information: Samira Saeed - Other

    Basic Information

    Person Name سميرة سعيد
    Person Name in English Samira Saeed
    Birth Name سميرة عبدالرزاق بن سعيد
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Morocco
    gender female
    Date of Birth 1958-01-10
    Died on
    Birth Country Morocco
    Birth City
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links
    facebook samirasaid
    twitter SamiraSaid
    instagram samirasaid
    tiktok @samirasaid


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    Achraf Wassim

    Sameera Sa’eed is an example of a true elite superstar. She is one of the most successful Arab singers, whose popularity and admiration has exceeded the countries barriers, and spread itself in our hearts. She has enlightened her fans with her beautiful art, and has been an inspiration for many people. Born and raised in Rabat, Morocco; Sameera began singing at an early age. In addition to being gifted with a sensitive, beautiful voice; she always sensed a strong connection between her and singing. Music was her own way of expressing herself, and she knew quite well that it was what she wanted. Encouraged by her family, Sameera went on to participating in new talents' shows. The first time the Moroccan public saw her in the TV show “Mawaaheb”, they knew that the shy little girl was going to be a star, and she did. In a short time, Sameera Bensaïd, as Moroccans like to call her, became one of the leading names in the music scene in Morocco. She had a decent repertoire: "Maghlouba", "Wa'ady", etc.. However, Sameera was not satisfied with what she had accomplished. Her ambition and dreams were bigger than anything. She remembered, her idol Abdul Haleem Haafez’s advice to move to Egypt and expand her career. In the early eighties, Sameera moved to Egypt and recorded a song “Al-hobb elly ana ‘aishaah i.e. The love I’m living”, composed by Muhammad Sultan. She, then, went on to recording with big names in the music scene in Egypt. She sang for Baleegh Hamdy, Helmy Bakr, Muhammad al-Mougy, etc... It was “Allemnah al-hobb i.e. We taught him how to love”, sung in “Layaaly Television (1983)”, that opened the doors of fame for Sameera, and made her well known in Egypt. Her new responsibility to maintain her success obliged to chose her songs carefully. She started working with well known composers and songwriters. This cooperation produced songs that are considered marks in the contemporary Arabic music: “Asmar malak i.e. The brunet who possesses my life”, “Maalak mosh zayy ‘awaydak? i.e. What is the matter with you?”, “Sayyedaaty aanessaaty saadaty i.e. Ladies and Gentlemen”, “Eish gab le gaab i.e. Far cry difference”, "Al-leila dee i.e. This night”, “Men gheir sabab i.e. Without reason”, “Amrak ‘ageeb i.e. Your strange situation”, “Aal gaany ba’d yomein i.e. He came after two days!", “Mosh hatnaazel ‘annak Abadan i.e. I will never leave you”, “Alf leila we Leila i.e. Thousand and one nights”, and many more.. Sameera managed to remain one of the top singers in the Arab World by totally dedicating herself to her career, and always looking for new aspects and new subjects that make her unique in her style. She is also always looking for a variety of music flavors and styles: Tarab, Rai, Jazz, Slow, etc.. She started working with young talented artists, and produced a variety of top selling albums: “Ensaany i.e. Forget me”, “Khayfa i.e. I’m afraid”, “’Ashka i.e. I’m in love”, “Enta habeeby i.e. You are my lover”, “Koll dee eshaa’aat i.e. Rumors!”, “’Al baal i.e. On my mind”, “Rowhy i.e. My soul”, and “Leila habeeby i.e. One night, my lover”. Sameera lives a calm, happy life with her husband Moustafa Naboulsy; a Moroccan businessman; and their son Shaady, whom she said changed her life completely.


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Angham
    2) Ma'a Al-Sherian
    3) The Voice Senior
    4) Alseera
    5) Ahla Soot S5
    6) Al Zaman Al Gameil Guest Actress
    7) Tawaam Ruwhi
    8) Carpool Karaoke Bel Arabi 2 Guest Actress
    9) The Story of My Live 2 Guest Actress
    10) Eli Meni Mezaalni Guest Actress
    11) Sherry Studio Guest Actress
    12) Black and White Guest Actress
    13) Ramez Bylaab Bel Nar Guest Actress
    14) Kol Youm Gomaa Guest Actress
    15) Mix Music Guest Actress
    16) Abla Fahita Men El Duplex
    17) Mohammed Abdu wa Fanan Al Arab Guest Actress
    18) Al Hukm Guest Actress
    19) Sahbet Al Saada Guest Actress
    20) Luebat Al Ajzikhanat Guest Actress
    21) Maakom Mona El Shazly Guest Actress
    22) Arab Idol 2 Guest Actress
    23) Aawt Alhayah
    24) Duet Al Mashaheer 2
    25) Star Academy S8
    26) Wahid min El Nas Guest Actress
    27) يا عمري
    28) Kaas AL Nojoum Guest Actress
    29) Al Layla Maa Hala Sarhan Guest Actress
    30) Hiwar Sarih Gidan
    31) Zekryat Ramadan
    32) Masrah Al Nujum
    33) Sleepless Nights Guest Actress
    34) Men El Alef Ela El Ya Guest Actress
    35) Flying Tape Guest Actress
    36) Studio 300 / Studio 500
    37) Negm Ala Hawa Guest Actress

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Lama Kona Soghayareen
    2) Heya
    3) 'Ardu jawin Singer
    4) Scheherazade's Dreams
    5) Siret Hob Singer
    6) Alf Leila W Leila Singer
    7) Summer Night Dream

    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) I'll Write Your Name on the Sand

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options