Add/Update Information: Adel Shoukry - Editor

    Basic Information

    Person Name عادل شكري
    Person Name in English Adel Shoukry
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Egypt
    gender male
    Date of Birth
    Died on 2014-01-25
    Birth Country
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    Christina Aziz

    An Egyptian editor, assistant director, and executive producer. He was the brother of the late editor, Nadia Shoukry and the husband of the editor, Laila Fahmy. He began his career in the mid-sixties. He worked in more than 150 films as an editor, starting with Bitter Grapes (1965). Some of his credits include The Bus Driver (1982) and Um Hashem's Lamp (1968). He passed away on January 25, 2014.


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) El Shoq Negatives
    2) Tek Tek Boom Negatives
    3) Eayshyn allahza
    4) El Belyatsho Negatives
    5) Khaleek fi Halak
    6) Esabet El-Doctor Omar Negatives
    7) Andaleeb El Dokki Negatives
    8) Our Life's Dreams Negatives
    9) Oreedo Kholan Negatives
    10) Ahla El Awqaat Negatives
    11) Al Saher Negatives
    12) Al-Batal Negatives
    13) Harmonica Negatives
    14) Romantica Negatives
    15) El Bahr Yedehak Leh Negatives
    16) Leila Sakhina Negatives
    17) Tawawt tawwt Negatives
    18) Fursan Akher Zaman Negatives
    19) Why, Violets? Negatives
    20) Al-Shoga'an Negatives
    21) Aimra ayilat lilsuqut Negatives
    22) Leabat Al-Intiqam
    23) Layali El Sabr Negatives
    24) Somebody Help Me Negatives
    25) Forgiveness Editor
    26) Samiha Badran's Case Negatives
    27) El Meaalema Samah Negatives
    28) Ayam Al Ghadab Negatives
    29) Karakib Negatives
    30) Eghtyal Modarresa Negatives
    31) Almazikatiu Negatives
    32) Laylat alqabd ealaa bukayzat wazaghlul Negatives
    33) Nawaem Negatives
    34) Walaw baed hin Negatives
    35) Almanhus Negatives
    36) Bustan aldam
    37) Ya sadiqi kam tasawi Negatives
    38) Aihtaras Easabat Alnisa Negatives
    39) Aljalsat siriya Negatives
    40) Huba fawq alsahab Negatives
    41) Asfour Elsharq Negatives
    42) La Todamerny Ma'ak Negatives
    43) Elostaz yaerif akthar Negatives
    44) Aljarih Negatives
    45) The Verdict Negatives
    46) El Shaqa Men Haq El Zogga Negatives
    47) Qadeyet Aam Ahmed Negatives
    48) Al Ahbab wa Al Masir
    49) El Forn Negatives
    50) Al Laila Al Mawaoda Negatives
    51) Samora Wi Al-Bent Al-Amora
    52) Ya Rab Walad Negatives
    53) Aswar Al-Mdabegh Negatives
    54) nasu 'arnab Negatives
    55) Nehayet Ragol Tazawag Negatives
    56) Livelihoods Negatives
    57) Al Ragol Wa Al Hosan Negatives
    58) El Askary Shabrawy Negatives
    59) El Awamma Raqam 70 Negatives
    60) alghayrat alqatila Negatives
    61) El Qadeya Raqam 1 Negatives
    62) Al-Maatuh Negatives
    63) Umi Alhabiba Negatives
    64) Bariq Aynaik Negatives
    65) Dalia Al Masryia Negatives
    66) Sawaa' El Autobees Negatives
    67) Ala Bab El Wazeer Negatives
    68) The Night of Fatma's Arrest Negatives
    69) The Game Negatives
    70) A Dangerous Relationship Negatives
    71) Oyun la Tanam Negatives
    72) Min yajnn myn? Negatives
    73) Eks Alama maanaha Al-Khata' Negatives
    74) Intelligent But Stupid Negatives
    75) Alhabu wahdah la yakfi Negatives
    76) Alsharida Negatives
    77) Dumue bila khatayana Negatives
    78) Dmoo' fe eyon Wkha Negatives
    79) Ragol Faqad A'klo Negatives
    80) Sa'aoud Bila Domouo Negatives
    81) Allueba
    82) Easifat min aldumue Negatives
    83) Kisit Al-Hai Al-Gharbi Negatives
    84) Al-Milionira Al-Nashala
    85) A Handful of Days Negatives
    86) bidun zawaj 'afdal Negatives
    87) Bent Gheir Kol Al-Banat Negatives
    88) The Journey of Forgetfulness Negatives
    89) Shahadat majnun Negatives
    90) Kolohom Fil Nar Negatives
    91) Min bila khatiya Negatives
    92) One After One and a Half Negatives
    93) And the Third One Is Satan Negatives
    94) 13 Kedba Wakedba
    95) Ebnati Wil Zaeeb Negatives
    96) The Pretty Girl and the Stupid Guy
    97) Aldumue fi euyun dahika Negatives
    98) El-Sakaa Mat Negatives
    99) Al-azab Imra'a Negatives
    100) Life's Cabaret Negatives
    101) Min Ajl Alhayah Negatives
    102) That's How the Days Are Negatives
    103) ًWa saqatat Fe Bahr El Asal Negatives
    104) Azwag Taeshon Negatives
    105) Al'eyal El-tayebeen Negatives
    106) Hafiat ealaa jisr aldhahab Negatives
    107) Habibat ghayri Negatives
    108) Siqan fi alwahl Negatives
    109) A Teenager from the Countryside Negatives
    110) Wajhaan liwajh Negatives
    111) Ehtaressy Min El Regal ya Mama Negatives
    112) The Lady and the Wolves Negatives
    113) El Dahaya Negatives
    114) Alkdaab Negatives
    115) Sabreen Negatives
    116) Youm El Ahad El Dammi Negatives
    117) Al-Fatina Wal-Sa'look Negatives
    118) What Matters Is Love Negatives
    119) Ayn Aqly Negatives
    120) Donia Negatives
    121) The Lucky Groom
    122) A Forest of Stems Negatives
    123) Fil Seef Lazem Neheb Negatives
    124) Laenat aimraa Negatives
    125) Sons for Sale Negatives
    126) Abu Rabi' Negatives
    127) Alhabu walsimt Negatives
    128) Al-Aneed Negatives
    129) Dhat alwajhayn Negatives
    130) Shayee Men El Hob
    131) The Lights Negatives
    132) Desire and Loss Negatives
    133) The Visitor Negatives
    134) Shabab Yahtarek Negatives
    135) Eashiqat nafsiha Negatives
    136) Amasha in the Jungles Negatives
    137) My Son Negatives
    138) Some Live Twice Negatives
    139) The Funny, the Gentleman and the Greedy Negatives
    140) El Motaa Wil Azab Negatives
    141) hadithat sharaf Negatives
    142) Oushaq El Hayah Negatives
    143) My Fair Teacher Negatives
    144) Things That Can't Be Bought Negatives
    145) The Cheater
    146) El Meraya Negatives
    147) I Love You, Beautiful Negatives
    148) No, My Love Negatives
    149) The Three Braves Negatives
    150) A Tale from the Country Negatives
    151) Zawga bila rajul Negatives
    152) The Cabaret Street Negatives
    153) Respectable Families Negatives
    154) Miramar Negatives
    155) Al Bostagy Negatives
    156) Baba Ayez Keda Negatives
    157) Shanbu fi almusayda Negatives
    158) Qandel Umm Hashim Negatives
    159) Funny Thieves Negatives
    160) Mottarada Gharameya Negatives
    161) Alliqa' alththani Negatives
    162) Gharam Fi El Karnak Negatives
    163) Qasr El Shouq Negatives
    164) Aghla Min Hayaty Negatives
    165) Al-Enab Al-Morr Negatives
    166) Hikayat aleumr klh

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Love Never Dies
    2) Wady Firan Executive Director
    3) The Accused Is Innocent
    4) Gold and Copper Inscriptions Executive Director
    5) Shrkh Fe Gdar Elhob Assistant Director
    6) A Very Hot Day Assistant Director
    7) The Peacock
    8) Lulu wa Asdaf Co-director

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Two Against the Law Executive Producer
    2) Mishwar Eumar Executive Producer
    3) Altuwfan Producer
    4) Alshaytan yughni Producer

    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options