Add/Update Information: Tamer Karawan - Music Composer

    Basic Information

    Person Name تامر كروان
    Person Name in English Tamer Karawan
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Egypt
    gender male
    Date of Birth 1969-02-11
    Died on
    Birth Country
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links
    facebook Tamer.Karawan.Official
    twitter tkarawan


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    Tarek Sharkawy

    Tamer Karawan is an Egyptian music composer. He was born in Cairo in 1969, and studied mechanical engineering at the American University In Cairo until 1991. He then studied music at the Royal Music Academy in London, and worked as an editor in the British radio in 1994, then as a documentary film director in Orbit satellite network. Karawan debuted as a film score composer in 1998, by scoring the music for the Youssry Nasrallah film "El Madina" (The City). Since then, he scored for numerous films and television series, including "Bab Elshams", "Cabaret" and "Segn Elnesa" (Women's Prison).


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Hesbet Omry Soundtrack
    2) Khoyout Al Ma'azeeb
    3) 1000 Hamdela Al Salama
    4) Anf wa Thalath Oyoun
    5) Resalat Al Imam Soundtrack
    6) Ala Bab Al Omara
    7) Gheed
    8) El Dome: Bawabet El Nogoum
    9) Al Aaedoun
    10) El Nazwa Soundtrack
    11) Be Tolooa Al Rouh
    12) Fadel We Neama
    13) Menawara Be Ahlaha
    14) 2020
    15) El Haramy 2
    16) Al Zeyarah
    17) Khareg El Saytara
    18) Leabet Newton
    19) Malhamat Mousa
    20) Nassibi w Esmetek 4
    21) W Kol Ma Neftreq
    22) High Fences
    23) Eswed Fateh
    24) Al Ekhteyar
    25) El Haramy
    26) Dahaya Halal
    27) B 100 Wish
    28) Hafiz Wala Fahum
    29) Hazr Tagaoul
    30) Ser
    31) Sultanet Al Moez
    32) Mamlaket Eblis
    33) Mamlaket Eblis 2: Nar El Jana
    34) Nemra Etnein
    35) W Neheb Tany Leh
    36) Khamsa W Nos Music
    37) Shebr Maiya
    38) Nasibi Wa Qesmetik 3
    39) Ekhtefa'a Music
    40) El Dawly
    41) Bel Hagm el A'eli Music
    42) Ded Maghool
    43) Talq Sina'iee Music
    44) Ladina Aqwal Okhra Music
    45) Ana Shahira ... Ana Al-Kha'in Music
    46) Bein Alameen Music
    47) Rayah El Madam Music
    48) Heba Rigl el Ghorab 4 Music
    49) Wahat Al-Ghoroub
    50) El Bar El Tany
    51) Al-Thaman
    52) Al Tabbal Music
    53) Elly Ekhtasho Mato
    54) Saherat Al Janoob 2
    55) Sabaa' Arwah Music
    56) Nasibi Wa Qesmetik Music
    57) Yoam Lel Settat
    58) El Boyoot Asrar Music Composer
    59) Paparazzi Music Composer
    60) Bait El Aeyila Music
    61) Taht El-saytara Music
    62) Hawary Bucharest
    63) Khareg Al-Khedma Music Composer
    64) Saherat Al Janoob Music
    65) The Trial Music Composer
    66) Embratoreyet Meen Music Composer
    67) Gay Al-Zaman Music Composer
    68) Segn El-Nisaa Music Composer
    69) Oyoon El-Hramya Music Composer
    70) Taht El-Ard
    71) Zaat Music
    72) Faroun Music
    73) El Horoub Music
    74) Baad Al Mawkea
    75) Geddo Habiby Soundtrack
    76) Haflet Montasaf El-Leil Music
    77) Zay El Ward
    78) Taraf Talet
    79) A Long Breath Music
    80) Al Moatn Ex
    81) Halawat Shamsina
    82) El Talata Yeshtghalonha
    83) Al-tareeq Al-da'eri Music Composer
    84) Alqita aleumya Music
    85) Ahel Cairo
    86) Hikayat wa bineishiha: Captain Efat
    87) Reesh Na'am
    88) Ehky Ya Shahrzad Music
    89) Al Safah Music
    90) Iinsani Iinsani Jidan
    91) Bial'alwan altabieia Music
    92) Giran Music
    93) Hekayat w Beneshha: Hala w Al-Mestakhby
    94) Mekano Music
    95) Ehna It'abilna Abl Keda Music
    96) Al-Wa'ad Music
    97) Boshkash Music
    98) Genainat el-Asmak Music
    99) Hassan Tayara Music Composer
    100) Kabareeh Music
    101) Makan aismuh alwatan Music
    102) Ahlam Hqeeqiyah Music
    103) Alawila fi alghiram Music
    104) El-Banate Dol Music
    105) El Torbini Music
    106) El Magic
    107) Alwan El Sama El Sabaa Music
    108) Fi Shoqet Masr Al-Gedeeda Music
    109) Kas wa lasq
    110) Birufat Al Bahr
    111) Le'bet El-hobb Music
    112) Mohimma Saaba Music
    113) El Sayed Abu Al-Araby Wasal Music
    114) Banat West El Balad Music
    115) Sokkar and Bangar
    116) Laylat Soqoot Baghdad Music
    117) Ouija Music
    118) El Beit Beitak Music
    119) Alwan Al Hob Music Composer
    120) Bab el shams Music
    121) The Gate of the Sun: The Return Music Composer
    122) Hobbak Nar Music
    123) Ostorat Rose al-Yusuf Music
    124) Jayizat nawafil
    125) Ashqat el Cinema Music
    126) Alashan Rabena Yhebak Music
    127) The Red Notebook Music
    128) Al Madina

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Sahbet Al Saada Guest
    2) Maakom Mona El Shazly Guest
    3) El Beit Beitak Guest

    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options