Add/Update Information: Youssra Al Lozy - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name يسرا اللوزي
    Person Name in English Youssra Al Lozy
    Birth Name يسرا محمود اللوزي
    Birth Name in English Yousra Mahmod El Lozy
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Egypt
    gender female
    Date of Birth 1985-08-08
    Died on
    Birth Country Egypt
    Birth City
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links
    facebook yosraellozy
    twitter Yosloz
    instagram yosraellozyofficial


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    محمد ألطيب

    Yousra is an Egyptian actress that was born in her home country. Her father is Egyptian while her mother is Syrian. (Her talents were first noticed by the famous director Youssef Chahine who assigned her a role in “Alexandria New York”). Yousra’s father is the (theater director) Mahmoud El Lozy. Prior to her performance in Youssef Chahine’s cinematic productions she had performed in several plays at the American Univerity in Cairo. Moreover, she has also (provided voice dubbing in Arabic) for several films and television series.

    Dalia Saad

    An Egyptian actress and ballerina, born in Cairo in 1985. She studied political science at the American University in Cairo, and also studied theater and modern history. She started acting on the American University stage when she was a student, but her film debut was in director Youssef Chahine's Alexandria New York (2004), after which she starred in many films, including Stolen Kisses, Natural Colors, Heliopolis, and Microphone. She also starred in the series Red Lines, and Vertigo.


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    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Ramez Gab Mn ElAkher
    2) Rasayl Guest Actress
    3) Sahranin
    4) Hani Fe Al'algham Guest Actress
    5) Ana Wabanti
    6) Haflet 11 Guest Actress
    7) Bayoumi Effendi Guest Actress
    8) Salon Anoushka Guest Actress
    9) Eish Al Leila Guest Actress
    10) Telecinema Guest Actress
    11) Maykrofoon
    12) Maakom Mona El Shazly Guest Actress
    13) The X Factor
    14) Euqdati Guest

    Section Writer

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    Section Director

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    Section Cinematographer

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    Section Sound Engineer

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    Section Producer

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    Section Distributor

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    Section Costume Designer

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    Section Makeup Artist

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    Section Stuntman

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    Section Music Composer

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    Section Photographer

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    Section Public Relations

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    Section Art Director

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    Section Graphic Designer

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    Section Laboratory

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    Section Casting

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    Section Dubbing

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