Add/Update Information: Ayten Amer - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name أيتن عامر
    Person Name in English Ayten Amer
    Birth Name سمر أحمد محمد عبدالغفار عامر
    Birth Name in English Samar Ahmed Mohammed Abdul Ghaffar Amer
    Nickname أيتن عامر
    Nickname in English Ayten Amer
    Nationality Egypt
    gender female
    Date of Birth 1986-11-22
    Died on
    Birth Country Egypt
    Birth City Al Iskandariyah
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links
    facebook aytenamer
    twitter AYTENAMER
    instagram aytenamer


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    محمد ألطيب

    Samar Ahmed Abd El Ghaffar was born in Alexandria and moved to Cairo when she was 4-years-old. She's the sister of the Egyptian actress Wafaa Amer. She studied Acting and directing in Cairo and worked as a model which benefited her to overcome her fear of the camera. Her first true step was her role in “Hadret El Motaham Aby” (Mr. Lawyer, my Father) with Nour El Sherif. From there she was cast in many movies and series like: “Ramy El Itesamy,” (Sit-in Ramy), “Share' El Haram,” (El Haram str.) “Banat El Am,” (Female Cousins) “Hassal Kheir,” (It's Alright), “Sa'a we Nos” (An Hour and a Half) and “Harag We Marag" (Hubbub).


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) El Halangy
    2) Al Rewaya
    3) Al Menbar
    4) Bedoon Moqabel
    5) Wish Saad
    6) Tal Al Raahib
    7) Gawdar - Alf Leyla w Leyla
    8) Derwila
    9) Zawja Wahida La Takfi
    10) Enab
    11) Closed For Maintenance
    12) Al-Kabir Awy 7
    13) Awlad Abed
    14) Belmondo
    15) Saet Ejabah
    16) Shahateen Academy
    17) Anbar 6 2
    18) Fi Kol Esboa Hekaya
    19) Lif W Irjaa Tani
    20) Mabrook Galak Walad
    21) Mandoub Mabi3at
    22) Ebn El Nady
    23) Al Ekhteyar 3: Al Qarar
    24) El Noqta El Amya (Flashback)
    25) حتي لا يطير الدكان
    26) 3amohom Sahar Fisha
    27) Maktoub Aalia
    28) We Belong to Osiris
    29) Zai El Qamar 2
    30) Salam Merabaa
    31) Shahr 10
    32) Anbar 6
    33) Fi Yoom We Leila
    34) Covid- 25
    35) W Kol Ma Neftreq
    36) Big Brother
    37) Al-Sherka Al-Almanya Lmokafahet Al-Khawareq: Jamjoum w Bembem
    38) Rijalat Al Bayt
    39) Sakan El Banat
    40) Otl Fanny
    41) Fursa Thanya
    42) Waklinaha walea (sbae sanayae) 2
    43) Ibn Osool
    44) Badal Alhadouta Talata
    45) Studio Al Mashahir
    46) Shaqet Faisal
    47) Daght A'aly
    48) Talqet Haz Salwa
    49) With All Due Respect
    50) Ayoub
    51) Bekia
    52) Kheft Yad
    53) Khalawees Salma
    54) Ali Baba
    55) Waklinaha Walaa (Saba Sanaye) Guest Actress
    56) 'Iizay alsiha
    57) Al-Toofan Dalia
    58) صورة سيلفي
    59) Ya Tahadi Ya Taadi Hend
    60) Seven rolls
    61) Wesh Al Saad
    62) El Boyoot Asrar
    63) Al Ahd: El Kalam El Mobah Fathy
    64) Elkaboos
    65) Al-Leila Al-Kebira
    66) Betawqit Elqahera Salma
    67) Bin El Sarayat
    68) Zana'et Settat
    69) Sukkar Mor
    70) Creates From The Ghost Forty
    71) Ekfesh Motaharesh
    72) Elsabaa Wasaya Hend
    73) Salem Abu Okhto
    74) Tourism Soup
    75) Kika Alal Ali
    76) Al-Zowga Al-Tanya Fatma
    77) Al Walda Basha
    78) Ala Gothety
    79) February the 30th Nour
    80) Al Zoga Al Raba'a
    81) The Vow
    82) Banat El Aam
    83) Hasal Khayr
    84) Saa W Noss
    85) Farah El Umdah
    86) Kariokka
    87) Keed Al-Nesa 2
    88) Harag W'Marag
    89) Al-Daly S3
    90) Hikaya Misria
    91) El-Haram Street
    92) Keed Al-Nesa 1
    93) A Moment of Birth
    94) The Closed Doors
    95) Afrah Eblis 1
    96) Dumue fi nahr alhob
    97) Al-Daly 2
    98) Rami alaietisamii
    99) Al-Daly 1
    100) Man Atlaq Al Rasas Ala Hind Alaam
    101) Mariam's Woes
    102) Hadrat almthm abi Yasmine
    103) Forbidden Sites
    104) 'Ahlamuna alhulwa
    105) Milh Al Ard

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) بروود كاست مع حسن عسيري
    2) Al Layla Dob
    3) Ramez Gab Mn ElAkher
    4) Hazar Fazar Ma' Loly
    5) Hazar Fazar
    6) Sahranin
    7) Sheikh El-Hara 3 Guest Actress
    8) Hani Fe Al'algham Guest Actress
    9) Al Tawsela Guest Actress
    10) Alhikaya mae Amr Adib Guest Actress
    11) Ana Wabanti Guest Actress
    12) Bahib Al Cima Guest Actress
    13) Qahwat 'ashraf Guest Actress
    14) Bayoumi Effendi Guest Actress
    15) Ta Eshrab Shai Guest Actress
    16) 3 Fe 1 Guest Actress
    17) Hani Haz Elgabal Guest Actress
    18) Saturday Night Live Bel Araby
    19) Alila Di Guest Actress
    20) Rating Ramadan Guest Actress
    21) Ahla Messa Guest Actress
    22) Sahbet Al Saada Guest Actress
    23) Luebat Al Ajzikhanat Guest Actress
    24) Maakom Mona El Shazly Guest Actress
    25) Men Gheir Zaal Guest Actress
    26) Ramez Thaelab Al Sahraa Guest Actress
    27) Maknsh Youmk Guest Actress

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Ayam El Derasa 1 Costume Designer

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options