Add/Update Information: Qamar Khalaf - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name قمر خلف
    Person Name in English Qamar Khalaf
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Syria
    gender female
    Date of Birth 1979-06-05
    Died on
    Birth Country Syria
    Birth City
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
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    Social Links
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    instagram qamaralkhalaf
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    Name Biography Official ? Options
    farah ashraf

    Kamar khalaf is a Syrian actress, born (Aleppo) on June 5, 1979. She began her artistic career with her role in the third part of the series Bath Al-Qishani, and among the most prominent works she participated in in the Syrian drama were: Nizar Qabbani, , The daughters of the family, Sultana, Sabaya 2, and the series Behind the Bars. She married the artist Muhannad Qutaish to give birth to her first daughter Judy, but after many years, their marriage ended in separation, so she remarries the artist Mehyar Khaddour in 2012 and gave birth to her second daughter ِِAyat.


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Sada
    2) Aqd Elhaq
    3) Khareef Omar
    4) House of Life
    5) Bokra Bige Nissan
    6) Souq El Harir 2
    7) Saqaar
    8) Souq Al-Harir
    9) Maqamat El-Ishq Nour
    10) Al Imam
    11) Waad El Ghareeb
    12) Khayber
    13) Zemen Al-Barghout
    14) Nesaaa Men Hatha Al-Zaman
    15) Al-Muftaah
    16) Banat El-Aela
    17) Ma Betekhlaas Heykayatna
    18) The Good One and Daggers
    19) Alsaeron Nyaman
    20) Baad Al Soqoot
    21) Rodage
    22) Sabaya 2: Raje'na Mn Jadid
    23) Al Khwafy w el Qwadem fy Nosrt el Islam
    24) Taht almaddas Amal
    25) Hayaat Ukhraa
    26) Zaman Al'ar
    27) Wildflower
    28) Tariq Alnahl
    29) Justice Last Words
    30) Justice Has a Last Word
    31) Social Anecdotes
    32) Relative Serenity
    33) The Hardest Decision
    34) Al-Hisrim Al-Shami 2
    35) Bokaat Daw 6
    36) Zahrt El Narges
    37) Seraa' Ala El Remal
    38) Arab London
    39) Mattar Al-Rabie'
    40) Women from the Desert
    41) Hyk tajwzna
    42) Youm Momter Akher
    43) Al-Hisrim Al-Shami 1 Fatma
    44) Al Layla Al Thaneya Baad Al Alf
    45) Bahlol Aeqal Al Majanin
    46) Hadetha Ala El Tareeq
    47) Ragol el Enqlabat
    48) Raseel El Hob W El Harb
    49) Sultana
    50) Fobya Baghdad
    51) Abnaa Al Rashid: Al Amin Wa Al Maamun
    52) Aaeedo Sabahy
    53) Al-Intzar
    54) Ahl Al-Gharam 1
    55) Kahul Aleuyun Sawsan
    56) Khalf alqudban
    57) Sayid Al Eashaaq
    58) Arab Women
    59) Goat Horn
    60) Mawkib Al Ebaa Hend
    61) Nizar Qabbani
    62) Anecdotes and Tales
    63) Abu Zayd Al-Hilali
    64) The Silence
    65) Hekayat Aalam Qarnas
    66) Battle of the Fierce
    67) Thorn Birds
    68) Aed Ela Haifa
    69) Azra'a' aljabal
    70) Alhurub Elaa Alqima
    71) Bokaat Daw 3
    72) Rabea Bila Zohoor
    73) Juha's Anecdotes
    74) The Chair
    75) Dreams That Never Die
    76) Sihr El Sharq
    77) Popular Legends
    78) Al Mansiya
    79) A Race to Marriage Hanan
    80) Seerat Aal El Jalali
    81) Al Gamal
    82) Those Days
    83) Geld Afaa
    84) Al Tuwaibi
    85) Hamam Alqishani 3
    86) Travel
    87) Awdat Ghawar: Al-Asdekaa
    88) Al Bareoon

    Section Writer

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    Section Cinematographer

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    Section Sound Engineer

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    Section Distributor

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    Section Costume Designer

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    Section Makeup Artist

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    Section Stuntman

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    Section Music Composer

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    Section Photographer

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    Section Public Relations

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    Section Art Director

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    Section Graphic Designer

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    Section Laboratory

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    Section Casting

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    Section Other

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    Section Dubbing

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