Add/Update Information: Jenny Esber - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name جيني أسبر
    Person Name in English Jenny Esber
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Syria
    gender female
    Date of Birth 1979-08-20
    Died on
    Birth Country
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links
    facebook JennyEsberSy
    twitter Jenny Esber


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    Shaimaa Saied

    An actress of Syrian origin, born in Latakia to a Syrian father and a Ukrainian mother. She spent her childhood and adolescence in Ukraine until the age of sixteen, then returned to Syria with her parents. She studied at Tishreen University and specialized in physical education and nutrition. She won the title of Miss Expatriate in Ukraine in 1996, and the title of Miss Golden Sands Festival in Tartus in 2001. She worked as a model for a long time and appeared in many commercials. Then she shifted to acting and made her debut in the short film A Dance with the Sun. Among her credits are the series Family Girls (2012), Abed Karman (2011) and An Oriental Band (2010).


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Al Sabea
    2) Layali Roxy
    3) Al Khataya
    4) Bayt Ahly
    5) Ramad El Ward
    6) Ezzak Ya Sham
    7) Qett Ahmar 4
    8) Black Heart
    9) Gultat 5: Kebrat Al Eila
    10) Sabaya 6
    11) Qarar Wazir
    12) El Dofdaa
    13) Ana Wal Modeera
    14) Beyout Mn Waraq
    15) Gultat 4: Darbat Hazz
    16) Fath Al Andalus
    17) Casi Rose
    18) Law Ba’ad Heen
    19) Binayet Hab El Reh
    20) Deyoof Ala El Hob
    21) Al-Haramlek 2
    22) Al-Minasa
    23) Bbsata 2
    24) Basmet Hada
    25) Fares wa Khams Awanes
    26) Yawman Ma
    27) El-Haramlek
    28) Bbsata
    29) Salasel Zahab
    30) A'n El-Hawa W Al-Djwa
    31) Kontak
    32) Harem Al-Shawish Kawthar
    33) Forsa Akhera
    34) Qesma w Hoob
    35) Passing Obsessions
    36) Al Raboss
    37) Ahl Al-Gharam 3 Sarah
    38) Bokaat Daw 13 Guest Actress
    39) Khatoun 2
    40) Shababeek
    41) Al Tawarid
    42) Al Arrab: Taht Al Hezam
    43) Khatoun 1
    44) Selimo we Harimo
    45) Sarkhat Rouh 3
    46) Sarkhat Rouh 4
    47) A Mistake
    48) Madraset Alhob
    49) Moznebon Abrea
    50) Wrench silence
    51) Jazeerat Al Ahlam
    52) Donia 2
    53) Sab'a
    54) Ealaqat khasa
    55) Fitnat Zamanha Guest Actress
    56) Bouab Al-Reeh
    57) Khawatem
    58) Al Halal Wa Al Haram
    59) Sabaya 5
    60) Abu Janty: Malek Al Taxi 2
    61) Banat El-Aela
    62) Romantica
    63) Sabaya 4
    64) Taeib almishwar
    65) Threads in the Air
    66) Sabaya 3
    67) Abed Karman
    68) Abu Janty: Malek Al Taxi
    69) The Earthquake
    70) Bokaat Daw 7
    71) Takht Sharqi
    72) Al Yaqut Alley
    73) Rayat alhaqi
    74) Sabaya 2: Raje'na Mn Jadid
    75) Arabic Pedantry
    76) Al-Hob Wa Al-Salam
    77) Al Khwafy w el Qwadem fy Nosrt el Islam
    78) Baad Montasaf Al Lail
    79) Hot Winter
    80) Sabaya 1
    81) Shadows of Forgotten Women
    82) On the Sea Waves
    83) Qa'a El-madinah
    84) Social Anecdotes
    85) Ask Your Soul
    86) Bokaat Daw 6
    87) When Morals Rebel
    88) Qamar Bani Hashem
    89) No Asking Why
    90) Danger Seasons
    91) Women from the Desert
    92) Wagh el Adala
    93) Never Ending Crime
    94) Hadetha Ala El Tareeq
    95) The World's Highest Plateau
    96) Mamarrat Dayeqa
    97) Asyad Al Mal
    98) Basswood
    99) El Mahrous
    100) Transformations
    101) Taste of Quince
    102) Kahul Aleuyun Samar
    103) Best Mirrors
    104) Akhar 'ayam alymam
    105) Al Shams Toshreq Min Jadeed
    106) Bumpy Road
    107) Al Ghadr
    108) Almurabitun wal'undulus
    109) Bokaat Daw 5
    110) Bukra Ahla
    111) Hajiz Al-Samt
    112) I'm a Mess
    113) Travel Hour
    114) Arab Women
    115) Flying Bird
    116) Fushat samawia Yasmine
    117) Under Investigation
    118) Ahl Al Madina
    119) Characters on Paper
    120) Shahrazad, the Last Story
    121) Al-Hajjaj
    122) Al Fardawy
    123) Alhurub Elaa Alqima
    124) Unshoodato El-Mattarr
    125) Bokaat Daw 3
    126) Banat Akrekouz
    127) The Poet Bahloul
    128) Khubz wa Milh
    129) Rabee' Qortoba
    130) Zairat Al Masaa
    131) Eursan akhar zman
    132) Qanun Walaken
    133) Mystery of the Crime
    134) Yashary Elham - Yali Alhawaa Ramaak
    135) House Secrets
    136) The Ship - Voyage 13
    137) Al Fusul Al Arbea 2 Mona
    138) The Will
    139) Imru' Al Qais: The Bitter Revenge
    140) Bokaat Daw 2
    141) Hadith almaraya (maraya 2002)
    142) Haneen
    143) Zaman Al Wasli: Hikayat Andalusia
    144) Short Distance Train
    145) There Is Nothing
    146) Madame W
    147) Hakaya almaraya

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) The Circus
    2) Akalnaha
    3) Rating Ramadan Guest Actress
    4) Duo El Mashaheer

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options