Mohamed Qanuaa is a Syrian actor, who is best known for his comedic character in the hit television comedy series “Maraya” (Mirrors), which aired from 1995 to 2006. Among his other memorable roles is the character of Abu Selim in “Bab El hara” (Door of the Alley). He also starred...Read more in “Beit Jaddy” (Grandfather's House) and “Layaly Al Saliheya” (Al Saliheya Nights).
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Mohamed Qanuaa is a Syrian actor, who is best known for his comedic character in the hit television comedy series “Maraya” (Mirrors), which aired from 1995 to 2006. Among his other...Read more memorable roles is the character of Abu Selim in “Bab El hara” (Door of the Alley). He also starred in “Beit Jaddy” (Grandfather's House) and “Layaly Al Saliheya” (Al Saliheya Nights).