Add/Update Information: Huda Hussain - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name هدى حسين
    Person Name in English Huda Hussain
    Birth Name هدى حسين علي راضي
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Iraq
    gender female
    Date of Birth 1965-08-20
    Died on
    Birth Country Kuwait
    Birth City
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links
    instagram hudahussain/
    twitter hudahussain_8
    imdb nm8755576


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    Tarek Sharkawy

    Huda Hussein is an Iraqi actress. She was born in Kuwait in 1965, and studied English literature in Kuwait University, but dropped out following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, and was forced to leave Kuwait and move to Qatar. She then returned to Kuwait at the start of the 2000s and continued studying English literature in the Arab Open University. Since the 1980s, Huda has been picking up roles in numerous television series, including “Alhob La Yakfy Ahyanan” (Love is not Always Enough), “Alshams Tashruq Marratayn” (The Sun Rises Twice), and “Omaima fi Dary El Aytam” (Omaima in the Orphanage).


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) الصحبة الحلوة
    2) The Queen and the Pirate
    3) في زين الزمان
    4) Al Bayt Al Maleun
    5) Zawja Wahida La Takfi
    6) The Black Magic
    7) Melh wa Somra
    8) The Second Floor
    9) Sit Al Hosn
    10) Awdat Khalati
    11) Men Sharea Al Haram Ela...
    12) El Nageya El Waheda
    13) Om Marzouk and Her Kids
    14) Kaf Wa Defouf
    15) Shaghaf
    16) The Governor and the Daughter of the Shawi
    17) Omniat Ba'eda
    18) Suhaila Umm Al-Khalajin
    19) Ghusun Fi Al-Wahl
    20) Newton
    21) Wousat Ommi
    22) Girls and the Magician 2
    23) We'll Tell You a Story 3
    24) We Will Tell You a Story 6
    25) Edida's Stories
    26) Stories of Our House
    27) Atr EL-Rooh
    28) Iqbal Youm Iqbalat
    29) Tuta and the Monkey Cheetah
    30) Hayat thanya
    31) Magharat Simsm
    32) Almuhtala
    33) Joud
    34) Sharqan and Eman in Ramadan
    35) Adam's Family
    36) The Lady Man
    37) Lak Yaum Mounira
    38) Queen of Darkness
    39) Basmet Manal
    40) Forest Rangers' Hut
    41) Marayem and the Bad Luck
    42) Mantiqa Muharrama Hanan
    43) The Girls and the Demon
    44) The Conqueror Saladin
    45) Lan Altob El Talaq Nawal
    46) Night and Palaces
    47) بطل من بخارى
    48) Haleft Omri
    49) Khademat El Kawm
    50) The Time of Lulu and Khazneh
    51) Fares with Effect
    52) Sometimes Love Isn't Enough
    53) Al Dakheela
    54) Al Malika Hoda
    55) Alemni Kaif Ansak Sarah
    56) Ghadeer the Camels Shepherd
    57) التوائم السبعه
    58) The Hostage Mounira
    59) The Sun Shines Twice Salma
    60) Omaima Fi Dar Al Aytam
    61) Miss Roqaya Hanan
    62) The Witch, Hanen, and the Dragon
    63) Al Waratheh
    64) Sara Sarah
    65) Home's Cornerstone
    66) Layali 2
    67) Eyoun El Hob
    68) Ghazlan and the King of Mice
    69) Feda Qalboha Abyad
    70) A Caring Heart
    71) Layali
    72) O Night, Come on Time
    73) Secrets Behind the Walls
    74) The Contract
    75) Battle of the Brave
    76) Musical Chairs
    77) A Family Gold x Gold
    78) كنز الغزلان
    79) Maybe
    80) The Three Princesses
    81) Alduktura
    82) In Fat Al Fawt Maryam
    83) Blessings and Happiness Upon You
    84) Abu Al Rooas Al Thaltha
    85) Al Oswoud
    86) Al Shuqardi
    87) Family House
    88) رجم عقاب
    89) Hayati Latifa
    90) Abu Bilal's Journey
    91) Agayeb and the Scorpions
    92) The Twin
    93) Samt Al Seneen
    94) Morjana and The Gang
    95) Who Kills Dreams
    96) Alice in Wonderland
    97) Simple Dreams
    98) Ali Baba Wa Aleisaba
    99) Dinosaur
    100) Proverbs Proverbs
    101) Hatta Ishaar Akhar
    102) Good Bay
    103) Naasaf Lihadha Al Khalal
    104) The Wolf And Goats
    105) Jamilah
    106) Yasmina wa Sindbad
    107) What's the Outcome?
    108) Afwan Sayidi Al Walid
    109) Kut and Toot
    110) The Octopus and the Mermaid
    111) The Mermaid
    112) Shahryar's Dream
    113) Arab 2000
    114) Girls and the Magician
    115) Aleayila
    116) Beauty and the Beast
    117) Ghaltet Omri
    118) The Canidae and the Shepherd's Daughters
    119) Tanatif
    120) Sara Sarah
    121) Ramadan Contests: Stop in Your Tracks
    122) A Heart of Glass Seham
    123) Qulub Eind Al Marafi
    124) Laila and the Wolf Layla
    125) Madent Al Riyah Yasmine
    126) مسابقات رمضان: الرزنامة
    127) The Gang Wafaa
    128) Shams El Shomoos
    129) Ayilaa Fawq Tannoor Sakhin Salwa
    130) Chicken Cage
    131) To Whom It May Concern
    132) Al Qudban
    133) Sondos
    134) For Your Sake
    135) Sunshine
    136) Min Ajl Hafnat Dananir
    137) Cinderella
    138) Mubarak
    139) Abla Munira Hoda
    140) Ahlam Saghira
    141) Iftah ya Semsem 2
    142) The Sprite
    143) Ela Aby Wa Omy Ma' Al-Tahia 2 Layla
    144) Badr Al Zaman
    145) A B C
    146) Ela Aby Wa Omy Ma Al Tahia 1 Layla
    147) Home
    148) Al Sindbad Al Bahri Girl child
    149) Hababa
    150) Mamlakat Al Ajayib
    151) Nora
    152) Juha, Hajjaj, and the Sultan’s Daughter Girl child
    153) البومة والطاووس
    154) بدالة أبو متيح
    155) Gulf Tales
    156) خطوات على درب أخضر
    157) دار الزمن
    158) Tayir Al Khair
    159) Qisas Ealamia
    160) كنوز الحضارة
    161) مصابيح الهدى
    162) مظلوم ظلم مظلوم
    163) Top Stars

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) With Hamad Show 5
    2) Shaghaf
    3) Tonight 3 Guest Actress
    4) Atr EL-Rooh
    5) With Hamad Show 2 Guest Actress
    6) Al Shurayyan
    7) Almuhtala
    8) Ghabga Ramadaneya Guest Actress
    9) Safi Ya Laban Guest Actress
    10) Lak Yaum
    11) Layali El Kuwait Guest Actress
    12) Queen of Darkness
    13) The Air is Ours Guest Actress
    14) Basmet Manal
    15) Forest Rangers' Hut
    16) Mantiqa Muharrama
    17) Khademat El Kawm
    18) هلا وغلا Guest Actress
    19) Battle of the Brave
    20) Naltaqi Mae Brewin Habib Guest
    21) Fi Diafatihim Guest Actress
    22) sharit fidyu mae alnujum
    23) TV Network Guest Actress
    24) محطة الأغاني

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Al Malika
    2) Blessings and Happiness Upon You Singer
    3) Al Shuqardi
    4) Hayati Singer
    5) Who Kills Dreams Singer
    6) Jamilah Singer
    7) What's the Outcome?
    8) Aleayila
    9) محطة الأغاني Singer

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Alice in Wonderland Director

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) محطة الأغاني

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options