Add/Update Information: Khaled Al Keesh - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name خالد القيش
    Person Name in English Khaled Al Keesh
    Birth Name خالد أسعد القيش
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Syria
    gender male
    Date of Birth 1977-10-11
    Died on
    Birth Country Syria
    Birth City
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links
    instagram khaled_alkeesh
    facebook khaled.alkeesh.5
    tiktok @khalid.alkeesh


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    Shaimaa Saied

    A Syrian actor, born in the Golan. He began his career by first entering the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts in Damascus, graduating in 2004, and joining the Artists Syndicate in the same year. Among his early roles were those in the series Palestinian Expatriation, Kings of Sects, and Deer in the Forest of Wolves. He has dozens of series to his credit, which he presented in a short period of time, including The Time of Fear, Not a Mirage, and Omar. He appeared in a number of films and plays such as The Diplomats and The Gate of the Sun. He also participated in radio works and dubbing Turkish series. At the Carthage Festival, he won an award for the play Tiamo, which was shown in Tunisia and garnered acclaim from critics and audiences. He married outside the artistic scene in 2011 and has one son named Fares.


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Seraa Al Telal
    2) Al Board
    3) The Crossing
    4) Al Moharej
    5) Mal El Qabban
    6) Harret El Qubba 3
    7) Resalat Al Imam Abi Beshr
    8) Marba Al Ezz
    9) Mashaeir
    10) Jouqat Aziza
    11) Harret El Qubba 2
    12) Kasr Adm
    13) Al-Minasa S2
    14) Harret El Qubba 1
    15) Arous Beirut 3
    16) Lilmout
    17) Al-Minasa
    18) Basmet Hada
    19) Hares Al-Jabal
    20) Fares wa Khams Awanes
    21) Ma bayn hob wa hob
    22) Hind Khanum
    23) The Lover: Clash of Odalisques
    24) Bokaat Daw 14
    25) Daqeqat Samt
    26) Masafet Aman
    27) Abnaa' Al-Qal'aa
    28) Al-Muhallab ibn Abi Sufra
    29) Jiran 4
    30) Seket El-Waraq
    31) Maynk enta?
    32) Passing Obsessions
    33) Al Imam
    34) Ahl Al-Gharam 3 Galal
    35) Qanadil Al-Oshaq
    36) Mudhakarat eashiqat sabiqa
    37) Ahmar
    38) Al Arrab: Taht Al Hezam Essam
    39) Amir Al Layl
    40) Bokaat Daw 12
    41) Without Sheath
    42) Sarkhat Rouh 3
    43) Sarkhat Rouh 4
    44) Madraset Alhob
    45) Moznebon Abrea
    46) Ya Rayt
    47) Al-Arraab Hamed
    48) B'entezar Al-Yasmeen Hesham
    49) Bokaat Daw 11
    50) Damesco
    51) Donia 2
    52) Shahr Zaman
    53) El Hob kolloh
    54) Al Hakaep (Dabu El Shanaty)
    55) Transit
    56) Bokaat Daw 10
    57) Bouab Al-Reeh
    58) Halawet Elrouh
    59) Khawatem
    60) Sarkhat Rouh 2
    61) Wujuh wara' alwujuh
    62) Taht Samaa' Al-Watan
    63) Sukar Wasat Essam
    64) Sarkhat Rouh 1
    65) Tahoun Al-Shar 2
    66) Amar Al-Sham
    67) Yasmine Ateeq
    68) Al-Arwah Al-Aariya
    69) The Lookalike
    70) Al-Muftaah
    71) Anta Hona
    72) Ayam El Derasa 2
    73) Banat El-Aela Guest Actor
    74) Romantica
    75) Omar
    76) Ma Betekhlaas Heykayatna
    77) Wiladah Min Al-Khasira 2: Saat El Gamr
    78) Ayam El Derasa 1
    79) Taeib almishwar
    80) Sayein Dayein
    81) Ta'em Al- Lamoon
    82) Fee Hadrat Al Gheiab
    83) Unmasking
    84) Abu Khalil Qabbani
    85) Al Qaqaa Ibn Amr Al Tamimi
    86) The Banner People S2: the Chivalry of the Elders
    87) Bokaat Daw 7
    88) Hadarat Alarab 1
    89) Zakirat El Jasad
    90) Rayat alhaqi
    91) Sa'at El Sifr
    92) Sabaya 2: Raje'na Mn Jadid
    93) Ma Malakat Aymanukum
    94) It's Our World
    95) Hissing Voices Kamel
    96) Aldawaama
    97) Tiamo
    98) Summer Cloud
    99) Hot Winter
    100) Tariq Alnahl
    101) Ean alkhawf wal euzla
    102) Maweud
    103) Ask Your Soul
    104) Ahl Al-Gharam 2
    105) Bab Al-Hara 3 Adham
    106) Bahlool Aeqal Al Majanin 2
    107) Jamal alrooh
    108) Zahrt El Narges
    109) Seraa' Ala El Remal
    110) Jasmine Collar
    111) Qamar Bani Hashem
    112) Laysa Saraban
    113) Mattar Al-Rabie'
    114) No Asking Why
    115) Wagh el Adala
    116) Things Like Love
    117) Never Ending Crime Adel
    118) Gonon El Asr
    119) Hadetha Ala El Tareeq
    120) Khalid ibn al-Walid 2
    121) Raseel El Hob W El Harb
    122) The Time of Fear George
    123) Sert Al-Hob
    124) Zil aimra'a
    125) Antarah
    126) Mamarrat Dayeqa
    127) Hidden Grudges
    128) Case 6008 Jamil
    129) El Mahrous
    130) Khalid ibn al-Walid 1
    131) Scientists Facing the Sun
    132) Ala Tol Al-Ayam
    133) Ghezlan fi Ghabat El Zeaab
    134) Al Shams Toshreq Min Jadeed
    135) Al Zahir Baybars Zain Al Din Al Hafezi
    136) Ana wa Arbaa Banat
    137) I'm a Mess
    138) Stories and Secrets
    139) Khalf alqudban
    140) Arab Women
    141) Asi Al-Damea
    142) Ayash
    143) Fushat samawia
    144) Molouk Al Tawaef Abu Bakr Ibn Zaidoon
    145) Abu Zayd Al-Hilali
    146) Ahlam Kabira
    147) El Taghreeba El Flstinya
    148) The White Thread
    149) House of Glory
    150) Memories of the Next Era
    151) The Ruling of Justice

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Kash mae alnujum Guest

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options