Add/Update Information: Ayman Bahnasy - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name أيمن بهنسي
    Person Name in English Ayman Bahnasy
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Syria
    gender male
    Date of Birth 1948-01-01
    Died on
    Birth Country Egypt
    Birth City
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    farah ashraf

    A Syrian actor, who became famous after he participated in the The Neighborhood's Gate series, in which he played the role of Abu Qasim. His works include Sultan's Children (2020), Yellow Air (2019), and Breaking Bones (2022).


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Al Ahed
    2) Layali Roxy
    3) Ehtemal
    4) Al Sadeeqat
    5) Bab Al Hara 13
    6) Bab Al Hara 12
    7) Brocar 2
    8) Harret El Qubba 2
    9) Haawazeeq
    10) Kasr Adm
    11) Bab El Harra 11: Harret El Salihiya
    12) Bbsata 2
    13) Brocar 1
    14) Welad Sultan
    15) Bab Al-Hara 10: Haret Al-Salihiya
    16) Salasel Zahab
    17) Shaware' El-Sham El-Ateqa Guest Actor
    18) Aetr Al-Sham 4
    19) Hawa Asfar
    20) Forsa Akhera
    21) Azma Aelya Guest Actor
    22) Bab Al-Hara 9
    23) Khatoun 2
    24) Touq Al-Banat (P4)
    25) Al Arrab: Taht Al Hezam
    26) Bab Al-Hara 8
    27) Khatoun 1
    28) Sadr Al-Baz
    29) Madraset Alhob
    30) Moznebon Abrea
    31) Al-Arraab Kamal
    32) Bab Al-Hara 7
    33) Bokaat Daw 11
    34) Bab Al-Hara 6
    35) Bouab Al-Reeh
    36) Khan Dervishes Guest Actor
    37) Sanaoud bad Qalil
    38) Yasmine Ateeq
    39) Alamimi
    40) Al-Muftaah
    41) Bokaat Daw 9
    42) Ma Betekhlaas Heykayatna
    43) Al-Dabour 2
    44) Maraya 2011
    45) Yaomiyat Modeer Aam 2
    46) Al-Dabour
    47) Bab Al-Hara 5
    48) Bokaat Daw 7
    49) Aldawaama
    50) Bab Al-Hara 4
    51) The Tiredness of Nights
    52) Hayaat Ukhraa
    53) Bab Al-Hara 3
    54) Bokaat Daw 6
    55) Shuraka Yatakasmon Al Kharab
    56) Wagh el Adala
    57) Bab Al-Hara 2
    58) Ahl Al-Gharam 1
    59) Ayam Alwaldaneh
    60) Bab Al-Hara 1
    61) Best Mirrors
    62) The White Thread
    63) Bokaat Daw 4
    64) Ishtar
    65) Abu Al-Mafhumeya
    66) Alhurub Elaa Alqima
    67) Memories of the Next Era
    68) Yashary Elham - Yali Alhawaa Ramaak
    69) Abnaa Al Qahr
    70) Bokaat Daw 2
    71) Hadith almaraya (maraya 2002)
    72) Short Distance Train
    73) Dreams That Never Die
    74) Al'ayam almutamarida
    75) Bokaat Daw 1
    76) Hakaya almaraya
    77) Qus Quzah
    78) Asrar El Madina
    79) Seerat Aal El Jalali
    80) Luyn
    81) Maraya 2000
    82) Khan Al-Harir 2
    83) Awdat Ghawar: Al-Asdekaa
    84) Maraya 99
    85) سفر الياسمين
    86) Rain Maker
    87) Kafurun
    88) Shaqayiq Alnueman
    89) Altaqrir
    90) Ghurba
    91) Dayaat Tishreen

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Director

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    Section Cinematographer

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    Section Editor

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    Section Sound Engineer

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    Section Producer

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    Section Distributor

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    Section Costume Designer

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    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

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    Section Music Composer

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    Section Photographer

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    Section Public Relations

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    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

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    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

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