Add/Update Information: Abdullah Al Sadhan - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name عبدالله السدحان
    Person Name in English Abdullah Al Sadhan
    Birth Name عبدالله عبدالرحمن محمد السدحان
    Birth Name in English Abdullah Abdulrahman Muhammad Al Sadhan
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Saudi Arabia
    gender male
    Date of Birth 1958-05-13
    Died on
    Birth Country Saudi Arabia
    Birth City Ar Riyāḑ
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links
    twitter Abdulsadhan
    instagram abdul_a_s
    tiktok @alsadhan5
    imdb nm8228040


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    Maryam Nouhy

    Saudi actor, writer, and producer born in Shaqra in 1958. He studied at the Faculty of Agriculture at King Saud University, and began acting at University theater, and then moved to television, in which he starred in several series like Up and Down, We're the Village Kids, A Bit of Salt, and The Palace. However, his most successful work to date is the comedy series No Big Deal which aired for 18 years on Saudi television and was a fruitful collaboration with actor Nasser Al Qasabi.


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) هروج
    2) Hamm Ydahek
    3) Leil Nahar
    4) Norah
    5) Tash Ma Tash 19
    6) أبو مساعد في مهب البيت
    7) Arbeeny Fi Al Eshreen
    8) Action, My Love
    9) دولاب أمي
    10) Sekket Safar
    11) El Diyk El Azraq
    12) Chilioy Nash
    13) 'Ahlaa ma tash
    14) The Price
    15) Al Shak
    16) Kasrat Thahar
    17) Bedoon Filter 2
    18) Bedoon Filter
    19) Mr. Cash
    20) Menna wa Feena
    21) Hatha Henna
    22) Tal'i Nazil
    23) Taysh Eyal
    24) Tash Ma Tash 18
    25) 37.2 Daraja Muywia
    26) Tash Ma Tash 17
    27) Tash Ma Tash 16
    28) Jari ya hamuda
    29) Klna eial qraya Karim
    30) Tash Ma Tash 15
    31) Tash Ma Tash 14
    32) Tash Ma Tash 13
    33) Tash Ma Tash 12
    34) Abu El Asafeer Guest Actor
    35) Tash Ma Tash 11
    36) Stay with Me S7
    37) Some Salt
    38) Tash Ma Tash 10
    39) Tash Ma Tash 9
    40) Popular Legends
    41) Tash Ma Tash 8
    42) El Qasr
    43) Tash Ma Tash 7
    44) Tash Ma Tash 6
    45) Tash Ma Tash 5
    46) Tash Ma Tash 4
    47) Iielan Baraa
    48) Tash Ma Tash 3
    49) Tash Ma Tash 2
    50) Al Ghirbal
    51) Tash Ma Tash 1
    52) Abu Meshaab
    53) He's Deluding
    54) Halab Elthaar
    55) Kezba b Arbaat Argol
    56) Short Stories
    57) We Come Tomorrow
    58) Sirae El Ajyal
    59) For Saudis Only
    60) Dardabna
    61) The First Transformed
    62) Eyes Waiting for Time
    63) Without Why
    64) Wald Al Deira
    65) Punishment and Insult
    66) Hammoud & Mheimad's Return
    67) Hmoud Wa Mheimad
    68) Owais Al Tasee Ashar
    69) Ahlam Saloum
    70) The Lost Hope
    71) Companions
    72) Afhamuni
    73) Al Mahabeel
    74) Under the Seats
    75) Eawdat eiswid
    76) Don't Let Habrouk Prevent You
    77) A Flower from Every Garden
    78) Three Grouches
    79) The Month of Goodness
    80) Ayam La Tunsa

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) 'Ahlaa ma tash Writer
    2) Bedoon Filter
    3) Mr. Cash
    4) Menna wa Feena
    5) Tash Ma Tash 18 Writer
    6) Tash Ma Tash 17
    7) Tash Ma Tash 16 Story & Screenplay
    8) Klna eial qraya
    9) Tash Ma Tash 15 Story & Screenplay
    10) Tash Ma Tash 14 Writer
    11) Tash Ma Tash 13 Writer
    12) Tash Ma Tash 12 Writer
    13) Tash Ma Tash 11 Writer
    14) Tash Ma Tash 10 Writer
    15) Tash Ma Tash 9 Writer
    16) Tash Ma Tash 8 Writer
    17) Tash Ma Tash 7 Writer
    18) Tash Ma Tash 6 Writer
    19) Tash Ma Tash 5 Writer
    20) Tash Ma Tash 4 Writer
    21) Tash Ma Tash 3 Story & Screenplay
    22) Tash Ma Tash 2 Story & Screenplay
    23) Tash Ma Tash 1 Story & Screenplay
    24) Without Why Writer

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Maa Bou Shuail 3
    2) Ramez Movie Star
    3) Hala Bik
    4) Layali El Kuwait 6
    5) Layali Al Kuwait
    6) Fi Diafatihim Guest

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Without Why

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options