Add/Update Information: Abdel Rahman Mahmoud - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name عبدالرحمن محمود
    Person Name in English Abdel Rahman Mahmoud
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Bahrain
    gender male
    Date of Birth
    Died on
    Birth Country
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    Maryam Nouhy

    A Bahraini actor and assistant director, whose credits include the series The Nebula (2002) and Tragedy Strikes (2020).


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Shabab El Bomb 12 Director
    2) Tawq Alhareer
    3) Aziz Al Rouh
    4) Dafi Al Shueur
    5) Nuh El Ayn
    6) Warg Masmoum
    7) Kasrat Thahar
    8) Ifraj Mashrut Executive Director
    9) Atr EL-Rooh Executive Director
    10) Hayat thanya Executive Director
    11) Kan Fi kol Zaman Executive Director
    12) Distances Executive Director
    13) Sak El-Bamboo Executive Director
    14) Ommena Ruwayhat Al Ganna
    15) Shamsan's Children
    16) Ya Man Konta Habiby
    17) Loulou Morgan 2 Executive Director
    18) Death Song Executive Director
    19) Life Has a Price Executive Director

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options