Add/Update Information: Gwyneth Paltrow - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name جونيث بالترو
    Person Name in English Gwyneth Paltrow
    Birth Name جوينيث كايت بالترو
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality US
    gender female
    Date of Birth 1972-09-27
    Died on
    Birth Country US
    Birth City California
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
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    محمد ألطيب

    Gwyneth Paltrow is the daughter of the (producer) Bruce Paltrow and the actress (Bleth Danner). (After completing high school in New York, she moved to California and went to college in Santa Barbra). At college, Gwyneth Paltrow started studying Art History but discovered that she was not (particularly interested in that field). Thus she began her acting career in 1991 with a role in the play (“The Excursion”) where she performed beside her mother at the (Williamstown Theater). Her first (cinematic performance) was in the movie (“Shout”) where she acted alongside John Travolta. (Soon afterwards) she entered into a relationship with the actor Brad Pitt. Steven Spielberg (nominated her for the leading role) in the movie (“Hook”) after meeting with her personally. (Subsequently), she would assume a variety of roles which have established her as (a first-rate performer).


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    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) American Horror Stories S3
    2) The Politician S2
    3) Avengers: Endgame بيبر بوتس
    4) The Politician جورجينا هوبارت
    5) Coldplay: A Head Full of Dreams
    6) Spider-Man: Homecoming بيبر بوتس
    7) Captain America: Civil War بيبر بوتس
    8) Mortdecai جوهانا
    9) Web Therapy S4
    10) Iron Man 3 بيبر بوتس
    11) The Avengers بيبر بوتس
    12) Thanks for Sharing فيبي
    13) Contagion بيت إيمهوف
    14) Iron Man 2 بيبير
    15) Country Strong كيلي كانتر
    16) Iron Man بيبر بوتس
    17) Two Lovers
    18) The Good Night
    19) The Heartbreak Kid
    20) Running With Scissors
    21) Infamous كيتى
    22) Proof
    23) Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow بولي بيركينس
    24) View from the Top دونا جينسين
    25) Possession
    26) The Anniversary Party
    27) The Royal Tenenbaums مارجوت تينينباوم
    28) Shallow Hal روزمارى
    29) Bounce آبي
    30) Duets
    31) The Talented Mr. Ripley
    32) Sliding Doors هيلين
    33) Hush هيلين
    34) Great Expectations استيلا
    35) A Perfect Murder إميلي برادفورد
    36) Shakespeare in Love فيولا دي ليسبس
    37) Emma
    38) The Pallbearer جولي
    39) Hard Eight كليمنتين
    40) Higher Learning
    41) Se7en داني ميلز
    42) Moonlight and Valentino لوسي تراجر
    43) Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle
    44) Flesh and Bone
    45) Malice
    46) Shout
    47) Hook
    48) High
    49) Saturday Night Live

    Section Writer

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    Section Sound Engineer

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    Section Costume Designer

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    Section Art Director

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    Section Graphic Designer

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    Section Laboratory

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    Section Casting

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    Section Other

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    Section Dubbing

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