Matthew Macfayden is a BAFTA award-winning British actor, well known for his turns as Mr. Darcy in "Pride & Prejudice" opposite Keira Knightley and Intelligence Officer Tom Quinn in the BBC drama series "Spooks." Macfayden spent part of his childhood in Jakarta, Indonesia, where...Read more his father, an oil executive, was conducting business. He was educated and trained at the Royal Academy for Dramatic Art. In the 1990s, Macfayden won critical acclaim for his work with the stage company Cheek by Jowl. Having established himself as a successful stage actor, he transitioned into television with "Wuthering Heights" (1998) based on the Bronte novel. After a few more television roles, he became a household name in the U.K. for his role in "Spooks" (2004). He also met his wife Keeley Hawes while working on the show. His strong, nuanced performance in "Pride & Prejudice" (2005) earned him a best newcomer nomination from the London Critics Circle Film Awards, as well as a new female fan base in the United States. Since then, he's gotten steady work in well received films like "Death at a Funeral" (2007), "Frost/Nixon" (2008), "Robin Hood" (2010), and "Anna Karenina" (2012), as well as a number of BBC television mini-series.
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Matthew Macfayden is a BAFTA award-winning British actor, well known for his turns as Mr. Darcy in "Pride & Prejudice" opposite Keira Knightley and Intelligence Officer Tom Quinn...Read more in the BBC drama series "Spooks." Macfayden spent part of his childhood in Jakarta, Indonesia, where his father, an oil executive, was conducting business. He was educated and trained at the Royal Academy for Dramatic Art. In the 1990s, Macfayden won critical acclaim for his work with the stage company Cheek by Jowl. Having established himself as a successful stage actor, he transitioned into television with "Wuthering Heights" (1998) based on the Bronte novel. After a few more television roles, he became a household name in the U.K. for his role in "Spooks" (2004). He also met his wife Keeley Hawes while working on the show. His strong, nuanced performance in "Pride & Prejudice" (2005) earned him a best newcomer nomination from the London Critics Circle Film Awards, as well as a new female fan base in the United States. Since then, he's gotten steady work in well received films like "Death at a Funeral" (2007), "Frost/Nixon" (2008), "Robin Hood" (2010), and "Anna Karenina" (2012), as well as a number of BBC television mini-series.