Michael Brown (known as Michael Ealy), is an American actor born in 3rd of August 1973. Ealy started his career in the late-1990s, through appearing in a number of off-Broadway stage productions. In 2002, he attracted attention for his role in "Barbershop. In 2003, he played the...Read more role of (Slap Jack) in the second installment of the "Fast and the Furious" film series . Later in 2004, he appeared in" Never Die Alone". In 2005, he starred in "Their Eyes Were Watching God" and "Jellysmoke". On December 14, 2006, Ealy was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for his role in "Sleeper Cell: American Terror". Afterwards in 2009, he performed in "The People Speak", a documentary feature film. One year later he signed on to play attorney (Derrick Bond) in "The Good Wife" .In the same year he won Best Supporting Actor for "For Colored Girls".
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Michael Brown (known as Michael Ealy), is an American actor born in 3rd of August 1973. Ealy started his career in the late-1990s, through appearing in a number of off-Broadway...Read more stage productions. In 2002, he attracted attention for his role in "Barbershop. In 2003, he played the role of (Slap Jack) in the second installment of the "Fast and the Furious" film series . Later in 2004, he appeared in" Never Die Alone". In 2005, he starred in "Their Eyes Were Watching God" and "Jellysmoke". On December 14, 2006, Ealy was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for his role in "Sleeper Cell: American Terror". Afterwards in 2009, he performed in "The People Speak", a documentary feature film. One year later he signed on to play attorney (Derrick Bond) in "The Good Wife" .In the same year he won Best Supporting Actor for "For Colored Girls".