Add/Update Information: Victoria Amish - Director

    Basic Information

    Person Name فكتوريا عميش
    Person Name in English Victoria Amish
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Jordan
    gender female
    Date of Birth
    Died on 2006-01-25
    Birth Country
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    Christina Aziz

    A Jordanian director, born in 1944 in Amman. She joined Al Azariya Catholic School in Jerusalem and completed her secondary education at the Queen Zein Al Sharaf Secondary School. She joined Ain Shams University, where she obtained a BA in Sociology. She began her career working on Jordanian television, and during her work, she obtained a master's degree in directing from the University of Berlin in Germany and another one from the University of London. She is known for the plays Hello Parliament and Budget and Hello New World Order. She passed away on January 25, 2006.


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Ramad elsneen
    2) Gharaeb Al Donia
    3) Hello Parliament and Budget Director
    4) Hello Government Director
    5) Hello New World Order

    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options