Add/Update Information: Mickey Rooney - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name ميكي روني
    Person Name in English Mickey Rooney
    Birth Name جوزيف يول الإبن
    Birth Name in English .Joseph Yule Jr
    Nickname ميك / ميكستر
    Nickname in English The Mick / The Mickster
    Nationality US
    gender male
    Date of Birth 1920-09-23
    Died on 2014-04-06
    Birth Country US
    Birth City New York
    Death Country US
    Death City California
    Death Reason طبيعية
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    Mickey Rooney was an American actor who was born in Brooklyn, New York City, as Joseph Yule Jr. He stood on stage with his parents at the age of 17 months, and presented his first films when he was 6 years old. Then he presented 66 short films in the film series Mickey McGuire, from which he took his stage name. Mickey Rooney graduated from Hollywood High School in 1938, and was nominated for an Academy Award for the movie Babes in Arms 1939. In the early forties, he teamed up with the actress Judy Garland to present several musical films to prove his ability to work in the screen dance films, which qualified him to stand in front of Hollywood youngsters such as Elizabeth Taylor, Audrey Hepburn and Robert Taylor. Mickey started his television career in the mid-fifties, and presented 4 series during his television journey. He died in North Hollywood, Los Angeles, California.


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