Add/Update Information: Samia Abdel Aziz - Costume Designer

    Basic Information

    Person Name سامية عبدالعزيز
    Person Name in English Samia Abdel Aziz
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Egypt
    gender female
    Date of Birth
    Died on
    Birth Country
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

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    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Resalat Al Imam
    2) Malhamat Mousa
    3) A Midnight Robbery
    4) Al Sultan We Al Shah Costume Design
    5) Selsal Al-Dam 4 Costume Design
    6) Selsal Al-Dam 3 Costume Design
    7) Awraq El Toot Costume Design
    8) Al Walda Basha
    9) Khayber
    10) Selssal Al Dam S1
    11) Kariokka Costume Designer
    12) Al-Shahroura
    13) Mosharrafa Ragol Lehaza Al-Zaman Costume Design
    14) The Fall of the Caliphate
    15) Msh Alf Liela W Liela Costume Design
    16) Malika fee El Manfa
    17) Half for Me & Half for Him Costume Designer
    18) Isma'il Yassin (Abu Dehka Genan)
    19) Afrah Eblis 1 Costume Design
    20) My Heart Is My Guide Costume Design
    21) El Fanar Costume Design
    22) Baed alforaq
    23) Nasser
    24) Hima - 'ayam aldahk wa eldumue Costumes
    25) Al Andaleeb: Hekayat Shaab Costume Design
    26) At the Gate of Egypt Costume Design
    27) Al Ameel 1001 Costume Designer
    28) Al-Marsa wel Bahar
    29) Rayya Wi Sekinnah
    30) Mahmoud Al-Masri Costume Design
    31) Misr Al Gadida Costume Design
    32) Late Night Costume Design
    33) Juha El Masry Costume Design
    34) Zaman eimad aldiyn Costume Designer
    35) Faris Al Arab Costume Design
    36) Fares Bela Gawad Costume Designer
    37) Qasim Amin Costume Design
    38) Al Hilali Biography S3 Costume Design
    39) Hadith Al-Sabah wal Masaa' Costume Design
    40) We Cherish Freedom
    41) Al Hassan Al Basri Costume Design
    42) Khial alzili
    43) Zezenia 2: Al Layl W Al Fanar Costume Design
    44) One Thousand and One Nights: The Money Owner Costume Design
    45) Al Layth Ibn Saad Costume Design
    46) Umm Kulthum Costume Design
    47) Gamal Abdel Nasser Costume Design
    48) Kawkab Al-Sharq Costume Design
    49) El Imam Ibn Hazm
    50) One Thousand and One Nights: That Uncle Costume Design
    51) Abu Hanifa al-Nuʿman Costume Design
    52) Al Shaarie Al Gadid Costume Design
    53) The Better Half Costume Design
    54) Zezenia 1: El Wali w El Khawaga Costume Design
    55) The Age of the Imams Costume Design
    56) One Thousand and One Nights: Fadl Allah and Werdanah Costume Design
    57) Rabaa Returns
    58) Nasser 56 Costume Designer
    59) Al Zainy Barakat Costume Design
    60) El Forsan Costume Design
    61) Imraa Hazzat Arsh Misr
    62) Bahlool Fe Istanbul
    63) Vocalists
    64) Alzaeim Costume Design
    65) The Married Ones in history Costume Design
    66) Taht Thilal Al Siyouf Costume Design
    67) Sharie muhamad eali
    68) Ibn Taymiyyah
    69) Sinbad
    70) Noor Eldien Zenky
    71) Musa Ibn Nusayr
    72) The Night of Fatma's Arrest
    73) W Qal Al-Bahr Costume Design
    74) The Islamic Conquests
    75) Khatiyat malak
    76) Knights of God
    77) El-Sakaa Mat
    78) Adwaa Al-Madina
    79) Al-Shaimaa Costume Designer
    80) Fagr Al Islam Costume Designer
    81) A Tale from the Country
    82) From the Biography of Bani Hilal: Azzizah & Younes Costume Design

    Section Actor

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    Section Cinematographer

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    Section Sound Engineer

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    Section Producer

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    Section Distributor

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    Section Makeup Artist

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    Section Stuntman

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    Section Music Composer

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    Section Photographer

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    Section Public Relations

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    Section Art Director

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    Section Graphic Designer

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    Section Laboratory

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    Section Casting

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    Section Other

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    Section Dubbing

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