Add/Update Information: Dollar Film - Distributor

    Basic Information

    Person Name دولار فيلم (إسماعيل الكردي وأولاده)
    Person Name in English Dollar Film
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Egypt
    gender company
    Date of Birth
    Died on
    Birth Country
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number
    Address ٣٦ شارع شريف بالقاهرة

    Social Links


    Name Biography Official ? Options


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) El Hana Elly Ana Feeh Distributor
    2) Sugar Daddy
    3) Mama Hamel
    4) Al-Ghasala
    5) El Deef Distributor
    6) El Tayeb We Elshares We Elaoob
    7) El Feloos
    8) Qesat Hob Distributor
    9) Turab El Mass
    10) Talq Sina'iee
    11) Case C Distributor
    12) Bashtery Ragel Distributor
    13) Bank El Hazz
    14) Antar Ibn Ibn Ibn Ibn Shaddad
    15) Horoob Mofagi Distributor
    16) Ya Tahadi Ya Taadi
    17) Fas Malh We Dakh
    18) El Khalbous Distributor
    19) Khareg Al-Khedma Distributor
    20) Sukkar Mor
    21) Kudurat Gheir Adiya Distributor
    22) Ott we Far Distributor
    23) Captain Masr
    24) Nawara
    25) El Nabatshy Distributor
    26) Decor Distributor
    27) Soni'a Fi Misr
    28) Antar & Beesa
    29) Ala Gothety Distributor
    30) Nazareyet Amity Distributor
    31) February the 30th
    32) Geddo Habiby Distributor
    33) Mr. and Mrs. Oweis Distributor
    34) Mosawer Qateel Distributor
    35) Asmaa Distributor
    36) Dawlat Security Distributor
    37) Bibo We Beshir Distributor
    38) Samy Carbon Oxide Distributor
    39) 678 Distributor
    40) Mickey's Family Distributor
    41) Al Moshtaba Distributor
    42) Ahlam Hqeeqiyah Distributor
    43) El Hassa El Sabaa Distributor
    44) Tariq el Shar
    45) Raghabat Distributor
    46) Dik albarabir Domestic Distribution
    47) Watamat 'aqwaluh
    48) El Shaytana Alati Ahabatni Domestic Distribution
    49) Below Zero Domestic Distribution
    50) aldunya ealaa janah yamama Domestic Distribution
    51) Almoshaghib Sitta
    52) Sikat alnadama Domestic Distribution
    53) Al Harafeesh Domestic Distribution
    54) The Agonizing Patience Domestic Distribution
    55) Taht altahdid Domestic Distribution
    56) Maa'raket El Nisaa'
    57) Malf fe Eladab Domestic Distribution
    58) Aleabqari khms Distributor
    59) Basamat fawq alma'
    60) Ramazan fouk el borkan Domestic Distribution
    61) Taboonet Hamza Distributor
    62) Al-Athra'a Wi Al-Sha'ar Al-Abyad Distributor
    63) Almutasawil Distributor
    64) Abn min fi almujtamae
    65) Hassan the Richly Poor Man Distributor
    66) The Court's Ruling
    67) Moursi Fok Moursi Taht Distributor
    68) Habiby Da'iman Domestic Distribution
    69) Dumue bila khatayana
    70) Ragol Faqad A'klo
    71) Shaaban Taht El Sefr Distributor
    72) Save This Family Distributor
    73) Easifat min aldumue
    74) Don't Cry, My Love
    75) Al Baa'd Yazhab lel Maa'zoun Marratayn Distributor
    76) Al-Boassa
    77) The Criminal Distributor
    78) Beware, Gentlemen
    79) And the Third One Is Satan
    80) Daqet Qalb
    81) Al Hafeed
    82) A Question in Love Distributor
    83) On Cellophane Paper
    84) The Beggars' Strike Distributor
    85) Vandals Distributor
    86) Al-A'beet Distributor
    87) Al-Qahira 30
    88) Shayateen El Leyl
    89) Hu.. walnisa' Distributor
    90) The Cheater Distributor
    91) Al-Aql wal Mal Distributor
    92) Al-moshaghiboun Distributor
    93) Lailet El Zefaf Distributor
    94) Harib min Al-Ayyam
    95) Al-Jasoos Distributor
    96) El Shayateen El Talata
    97) El Tareeq Distributor
    98) The Honored Family Distributor
    99) Amir Al Dahaa' Distributor
    100) Lil Regal Faqat
    101) Runaway from Life Distributor
    102) Al-Aidy Al-Na'ma
    103) Elbab Elmaftouh Distributor
    104) Allaylat al'akhira Distributor
    105) Al-Nazzara Al-Sawdaa
    106) Batal lil Nihaya Distributor
    107) Elzoga 13 Distributor
    108) Elless wel Kelab Distributor
    109) Men Gheir Ma'ad
    110) The Conman
    111) Gouz meraty Distributor
    112) La tutafiy alshams Distributor
    113) Lan Aatareff
    114) No Understanding Distributor
    115) Eshaet Hob Distributor
    116) Bedaya wa Nehaya Distributor
    117) Habaa alwahid Distributor
    118) My Darling's Anklet Distributor
    119) Lahn alsaeada Distributor
    120) Abu Ahmad
    121) 'Arham hoby
    122) Albulis alsiriyu
    123) Bin El-Samaa W Al-Ard
    124) Hub hataa aleibada Distributor
    125) Doaa al Karawan
    126) Sera' Fe El-Nile Distributor
    127) For the Sake of a Woman Distributor
    128) Maweid mae almajhul
    129) The Big Brother Distributor
    130) La Anam Distributor
    131) Dalilah Distributor
    132) Shabab Imraa
    133) Love and Tears Distributor
    134) Pity My Tears
    135) Al-Malak Al-Zalem
    136) Ga'alonii Mogriman
    137) An Appointment with Happiness
    138) Hob fi Al-Zalam
    139) Hamido Distributor
    140) A Date With Life

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) El Feloos Producer
    2) Turab El Mass Producer
    3) Talq Sina'iee Producer
    4) Gahim Fe El Hend Producer
    5) El Khalbous Producer
    6) Papa Producer
    7) Mabruk wabalabal Producer
    8) Al-Athra'a Wi Al-Sha'ar Al-Abyad Producer
    9) Shaaban Taht El Sefr Producer
    10) Al Hafeed Producer
    11) Aelet Zizi Producer
    12) Al-Moa'giza Producer
    13) Gharam Al-Asyad Producer
    14) Don't Remember Me Producer
    15) Lan Aatareff Producer
    16) Abu Ahmad Producer
    17) Bin El-Samaa W Al-Ard Producer
    18) Emra'aa Fe Al-Tareq Producer
    19) Thief on Holiday Producer
    20) La Anam Producer
    21) Platform No. 5 Producer
    22) The Beach of Memories Producer

    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options