A German film director, writer, and actor, born on May 31, 1945, in Bad Wörishofen, Bavaria, Germany. He is considered an influential figure of the New German Cinema movement. At the age of 19, he directed his first short film, The City Tramp, which marked the beginning of his...Read more rich artistic journey, which lasted 17 years. In his works, he often dealt with the negative aspects of German society in particular and modern Western societies in general. Most of his work was controversial. His play Der Müll, die Stadt und der Tod (1975) caused a major press frenzy inside and outside Germany, and Fassbinder was accused of antisemitism, an accusation which he faced again because of his film Lili Marleen (1981). His other notable work includes The Marriage of Maria Braun (1979) and Berlin Alexanderplatz (1980). His film Veronika Voss won the Golden Berlin Bear at the Berlin International Film Festival. Rainer Werner Fassbinder died on June 10, 1982, at the age of 37.
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A German film director, writer, and actor, born on May 31, 1945, in Bad Wörishofen, Bavaria, Germany. He is considered an influential figure of the New German Cinema movement. At...Read more the age of 19, he directed his first short film, The City Tramp, which marked the beginning of his rich artistic journey, which lasted 17 years. In his works, he often dealt with the negative aspects of German society in particular and modern Western societies in general. Most of his work was controversial. His play Der Müll, die Stadt und der Tod (1975) caused a major press frenzy inside and outside Germany, and Fassbinder was accused of antisemitism, an accusation which he faced again because of his film Lili Marleen (1981). His other notable work includes The Marriage of Maria Braun (1979) and Berlin Alexanderplatz (1980). His film Veronika Voss won the Golden Berlin Bear at the Berlin International Film Festival. Rainer Werner Fassbinder died on June 10, 1982, at the age of 37.