Add/Update Information: Salem Derbas - Editor

    Basic Information

    Person Name سالم درباس
    Person Name in English Salem Derbas
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Syria
    gender male
    Date of Birth
    Died on
    Birth Country
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links
    facebook salem derbas


    Name Biography Official ? Options


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Sarab
    2) Nasamat Ayloul Director of Technical Operations & Editing
    3) Ana We Ibn Khalty
    4) Taj
    5) Selat Rahem Editor
    6) Cobra Montage Supervision
    7) Wlad Badee'a
    8) Al Zind: Thi'b Al Assi
    9) Hadret El Omda
    10) Marba Al Ezz
    11) Al Motahma
    12) Banat Al Thanawi
    13) Touba
    14) Kasr Adm
    15) Setoon Daqeeqa
    16) Shaqqa 6
    17) Sundooq Al Dunya Editor
    18) Darb El Raml
    19) Yom W Leila Editor
    20) Aho Da Elly Saar
    21) Daqeqat Samt Editor
    22) El Kahef
    23) Aelat Al-Hajj No'aman 2 Editor
    24) Kaeno Embareh Editor
    25) Taqat Alqadr Editor
    26) Aelat Al-Hajj No'aman 1 Editor
    27) Wilad Tes'a Editor
    28) Yoom Men El-Ayam
    29) El Bar El Tany
    30) Al-Ghaybouba Film editing
    31) Seqout Hor
    32) Oreedo Rajolan 1
    33) Awraq El Toot Editor
    34) Halawet Elrouh Film editing
    35) Khayber Film editing
    36) Mamlaket El-Naml
    37) Napoleon wel Mahrousa Editor
    38) Touq
    39) Taymour S2
    40) Alsaeron Nyaman
    41) Taymour S1
    42) Taht almaddas
    43) Relative Serenity

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Alsaeron Nyaman

    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options