Add/Update Information: Esmond Knight - Actor

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    Person Name إزموند نايت
    Person Name in English Esmond Knight
    Birth Name إزموند بينينجتون نايت
    Birth Name in English Esmond Penington Knight
    Nickname in English
    Nationality UK
    gender male
    Date of Birth 1906-05-04
    Died on 1987-02-23
    Birth Country UK
    Birth City Surrey
    Death Country UK
    Death City London, City of
    Death Reason نوبة قلبية
    mobile number
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    Dalia Saad

    A British ctor, born May 4, 1906 in East Shane, Surrey, England. He began his career in 1928, and served in the Royal Navy during World War II. He was an accomplished actor, whose career spanned more than half a century. He appeared on stage in John Gielgud's famous production of Hamlet in 1930, playing the role of Rosentrantz. He also appeared in various films. He died on February 23, 1987 in London of aheart attack. He is best known for the movies Hamlet (1948), The Red Shoes (1948), Peeping Tom (1960), and The Boy Who Turned Yellow (1972).


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