Amir Salamah ( - 2001) أمير سلامة


Egyptian author and theater critic who worked at the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation since he graduated in 1962 and then in the Ministry of Culture. He studied at the Higher Institute of Art Criticism and obtained a diploma in 1975. He also studied screenwriting at...Read more the The American University in Cairo. He worked as an editorial secretary of the Cinema and Theater magazine, followed by the editor-in-chief of the Theater magazine since its first issue in January 1987. He wrote several novels and plays and translated many books in addition to his critical studies. He passed away on September 1, 2001.

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  • Egyptian author and theater critic who worked at the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation since he graduated in 1962 and then in the Ministry of Culture. He studied at the...Read more Higher Institute of Art Criticism and obtained a diploma in 1975. He also studied screenwriting at the The American University in Cairo. He worked as an editorial secretary of the Cinema and Theater magazine, followed by the editor-in-chief of the Theater magazine since its first issue in January 1987. He wrote several novels and plays and translated many books in addition to his critical studies. He passed away on September 1, 2001.

