Add/Update Information: Natalie Wood - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name ناتالي وود
    Person Name in English Natalie Wood
    Birth Name ناتاليا نيكوليفنو زاخارينكو
    Birth Name in English Natalia Nikolaevna Zakharenko
    Nickname ناتاليا / ناتاشا
    Nickname in English Natalia / Natasha
    Nationality US
    gender female
    Date of Birth 1938-07-20
    Died on 1981-11-09
    Birth Country US
    Birth City California
    Death Country US
    Death City California
    Death Reason حادث غرق بالمحيط الهادي
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links
    instagram nataliewood
    imdb nm0000081


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    Natalie Wood was born in San Francisco, California, USA on July 20, 1938 . She married Robert Wagner in 1957, then they separated to marry "Richard Gregson" and she had a child with him. She is the sister of actress Lana Wood, mother of actress Natasha Gregson, and actress Courtney Wagner. Natalie Wood was born to Russian immigrant parents, and starred in her first movie Happy Land in 1943 when she was four years old. Her works: Rebel Without Cause (1955), West Side Story (1961),Gypsy (1962) and many others.


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